Thanks to all who responded regarding my request on how to catalog 
the book Waltz with Bashir.  Here is a summary of responses thus far.

First, most people catalog this as adult, although one respondent 
said it coudl go in young adult, depending on our population.  I am 
still considering young adult, since that is where most of our 
library users look for "graphic novels." (But I would still welcome 
further advice, if any of you can point out specific parts of the 
books that you feel are definitely inapproriate for teens.)

Which brings me to the second question -- fiction or 
non-fiction?  The suggestions on this were split, but most who 
recommended fiction relied on the description on the book itself -- 
"graphic novel."  My son is a professional cartoonist, and my 
understanding from him is that "graphic novel" is a universal term 
within that industry, generally applied to comic art presented in 
full-length book format -- the use of the word "novel" does not 
necessarily mean that the book is fiction.  In this case, the book 
tells us that it is a representation of the author's memories as well 
as memories of his colleagues, reconstructed through 
interviews.  Although memories do not necesarilly mean 100% truth, I 
believe that this book is non-fiction and intend to classify it as such.

However, I would still welcome further comments and advice from all 
of you, as this is a very interesting discussion with no clear-cut 
right answer.

Thank you for your help.

Elizabeth Edelglass
Library Director
Department of Jewish Education of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 387-2424 x330


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