Esteemed Colleagues:

I spoke about a 2002 Documentary, Nicholas Winton: The Power of Good 
at a recent NYMA Workshop. It is the story of one British citizen who 
devised a plan and was able to saved 669 Czech children in 1938 and 1939.

"This inspiring documentary tells how an ordinary man took 
extraordinary action. This DVD of the film includes 70 minutes of 
extra interview footage and additional short films detailing further 
information on the rescue operation, the private life of Sir Winton, 
his opinions, and the lives of some of the children he saved. It also 
includes a teachers' guide with additional archival material and 
thought-provoking questions for class discussion."

At one point, this DVD was being distributed to educators at no 
charge.  This is not the case anymore.

It is available through the National Center for Jewish Film for $49:

Hag Kasher V'Sameach,
Kathe Pinchuck, Chair
Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee
Association of Jewish Libraries


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