We missed those who were unable to attend the  AJL conference in Las Vegas. It 
was amazing to see the high quality speakers who volunteered their time to 
share with us their knowledge and talents.   
The key words are volunteers and donors.   Thank you to all who volunteered to 
make this conference a success and especially to Suzi Dubin the only AJL member 
in Vegas. Thank you also to Dan Wyman for donating the mugs and name-tugs and 
to Eric Kline, EBSCO and Ker-Ben publishing for their annual donations to offer 
awards to those  who promote Jewish  literacy. 
I love hors D'oeuves. They are small but satisfying. While this conference was 
smaller (half a day shorter and a few less sessions) it was satisfying and it 
serves as the appetizer for 50th conference in Silver Springs MD (near 
Washington DC) in June 2015.  
Thank you to the attendees for offering friendships that will last a lifetime. 
It serves as  the dessert. 

Amalia Warshenbrot, VP Association of Jewish Libraries
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