







Dear librarians : We are excited to invite you to auction No. 39.


The auction will be on Tuesday, 7.5 at 18.00 A.M. After Passover and before the 
Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Israel soldiers and Independence Day,


we have made a catalog that also combines special and rare exhibits related to 
these four dates.


We will present in the auction 600 rare and special items, among them : 


1. Original Mandate for The Land of Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq as agreed 
between France and England and brought to the approval of the British 
Parliament. The document was printed in His Majesty's Stationery Office and 
it's one of the foundational documents in the modern political science with a 
museum value for Jewish history. 


2. "Otsar Ha-Hagadot" - Numbered copy - No. 72 of 100 copies. 


3. Special edition of "The Guide for the Perplexed" with a lot of illustrations 
and sketches and commentary by Salomon Maimon. 


4. "Shevet Musar" book, among the early Jerusalem books with four engravings. 


5. Rare and important book of the Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn. 


6. Book with a signature by the Rebbe of the Kaliv Hasidic dynasty. 


7. Rare books about Holocaust and heroism and Jewish communities, that includes 
rare photographs and documents. 


8. Rare publications about the Yishuv history and the wars of Israel. 


9. Artistic editions of rare books in new Hebrew literature. 


10. Important holy books. 


11. Books with dedications and signatures. 


12. Important books in Jewish Studies : Kabbalah, Hassidism, Jewish history, 
Second temple, Talmud and more. 


13. Foreign languages rare books in Jewish studies which are not in The 
National Library of Israel. 


14. Special and expensive books in foreign languages at the cheapest online 


15. Important books in jewish and Israeli art : Catalogs, Jewish museums, 
private collections and more. 


You are invited to browse the catalog and make offers through the BidSpirit 


We will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions.


Be- birkat Hag Sameah


Dr. Baruch Falach.


 > catalog 


Thank you, 
Dr. Baruch Falach
baruc...@013.net.il <mailto:baruc...@013.net.il> 
972-77-4246380. 972-544-860413

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