On Saturday, May 9, 2020, 01:35:53 a.m. EDT, Heidi Rabinowitz via Hasafran 
<hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:
 Has anyone created any bibliographies of Jewish e-books? 
Do you have any favorite Jewish e-books?
THanks, Heidi Rabinowitz

A great question, Heidi. It's certainly an appropo one as so many of us are 
sheltering in place and looking for something new &/or interesting to read to 
pass the time.
It used to be if one were stuck inside for a prolonged period (e.g. getting 
over a case of pneumonia), you could just ask a friend to pick up something for 
you at the local bookstore or library. With bookstores and libraries closed, 
online books are a logical alternative.
The problem with asking for a list of "Jewish ebooks" is inevitably plagued by 
the same problem we have when we tackle the question of compiling a 
bibliography of "Jewish books" : 
What do we mean by "Jewish"?
With e-books, we have an additional quandry :
What do we mean by "e-books"?
The most obvious answer is "books that one can read digitally". OK, but does 
that include websites which let you read the scanned pages of a printed book? 
Does it include material which started out as digital but has been collected 
into a printed edition (often after making the original digital edition 
Way back, when I was a junior librarian fresh out of library school, I ended up 
cobbling together a primitive library website for my employer The Albert & 
Temmy Latner Jewish Public Library of Toronto. Though the site was taken down 
years ago, its remnants were preserved at The Internet Archive (aka The Wayback 
Machine). In one section of the website, I attempted to provide links to 
"Jewish Books on the Internet". I also thought it would be cool to use 
hyperlinks to mimic the old-fashioned card catalogue (in retrospect, it's 
somewhat embarrassing that I was using new technology to emulate what was 
clearly apparent to be an outdated mode of searching for library material ; 
mind you the Latner Library was still using card catalogues at the time and 
although we transitioned to online cataloging with SIRS Mandarin, we were using 
the software to generate catalog cards to put in the catalogue drawers for our 
patrons to use). Those who are curious may head over to 

Online Jewish Books

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Online Jewish Books

Links to electronic texts arranged by author and subject.



Those who are not-so-curious may just browse the list below and see if anything 
interests you / your patrons.

The Book of Tanya Translated into 
Tanya - The Book of Tanya Translated into English

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Tanya - The Book of Tanya Translated into English




Concerning the Jews by Mark Twain

Confirmant's guide to the Mosaic religion
Confirmant's guide to the Mosaic religion.: By E. Eppstein.

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Confirmant's guide to the Mosaic religion.: By E. Eppstein.




Duty and Healing: Foundations of a Jewish Bioethic by Benjamin FreedmanDuty and 
Healing by Benjamin Freedman

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Duty and Healing by Benjamin Freedman




You need to download each section, one at a time. The site gave you the option 
of downloading the ASCII (my reccommendation) or WordPerfect 5.1. Does anyone 
still use WordPerfect?

| A guide for rational inquiries into the Biblical writings.: Being an 
examination of the doctrinal difference between Judaism and primitive 
Christianity, based upon a critical exposition of the book of Matthew.

A guide for rational inquiries into the Biblical writings.: Being an 
examination of the doctrinal difference between Judaism and primitive 
Christianity, based upon a critical exposition of the book of Matthew. ... Tr. 
... from the German.

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A guide for rational inquiries into the Biblical writings.: Being an ex...




The Holocaust Chronicle : A History in Words and 
The Holocaust Chronicle

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The Holocaust Chronicle




Ideas and Opinions by Albert 

In the Paths of Our Fathers by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger
HebrewBooks.org Sefer Detail: In the Paths of Our Fathers -- Menachem Mendel 

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HebrewBooks.org Sefer Detail: In the Paths of Our Fathers -- Menachem ...

Over 40,000 Seforim/Hebrew books for Free in PDF Format. Rambam, Shas, 
Meforshim in text format.



The Ladder Up : Secret Steps to Jewish Happiness by Robert Kremnizer
The Ladder Up - Secret Steps to Jewish Happiness

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The Ladder Up - Secret Steps to Jewish Happiness

A sequential approach to self improvement from the author's perspective and 
topics important to personal growth ...



Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers

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Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers

Ethics of the Fathers is a tractate of the Mishna that details the Torah's 
views on ethics and interpersonal rel...



The Principles of Education and Guidance, translated by Eliezer 
The Principles of Education and Guidance

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The Principles of Education and Guidance

Originally written as an educational guide for two venerable mashpi'im 
(spiritual mentors) in the original yeshi...



Shulchan Aruchhttps://torah.org/series/shulchan-aruch/

Thoughts and Reflections by Rabbi Dr. Zvi 
I'm not sure if this is available everywhere, as it is hosted on the Library & 
Archives of Canada website. It's certainly available to Canadians.
The Torah
You may read it in Hebrew (with or without vowels), listen to audio of each 
verse as it is sung in synagogue, or read the English.
Uncle Eli's Special-for-Kids Most Fun Ever Under-the-Table Passover 
Uncle Eli's Haggadah: Index

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Uncle Eli's Haggadah: Index




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Wayback Machine




The Works of Flavius Josephus
The Works of Flavius Josephus

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The Works of Flavius Josephus




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