My distant cousin Ian Levine has published a huge family tree  of the family of 
the noted Rabbi,  the “Levush", among  many others. It was a massive 
undertaking using Ancestry, historical records, visits to meet cousins all over 
the world. The collection of books include: THE KUKLYA ENCYCLOPEDIA
and a novel about the family..
It was an extradordinary undertaking and these books belong in libraries.  you 
might find yourself in there:) ..hefound me and I had been tracing my family 
for years

Rabbi RAyzel Raphael

See his blurb below
> From: Ian Levine <>
> The Kuklya Chronicles is four inches thick, weighs fifteen pounds and 
> contains TWO THOUSANS AND SIXTEEN pages in full colour.
> My Grandma Golda always used to joke that the Cooklin Family were the Jewish 
> Royal Family of Liverpool. She had no clue, during her lifetime, how accurate 
> she truly was. Tracing back the history of the Kuklya family, through the 
> years when they occupied their home town of Rezhitsa in Latvia, we learned 
> that they previously came from the village (Shtetl) of Kukliai in Lithuania. 
> Prior to that there was Prague in Czechoslovakia, and then before that it was 
> Vitry in France, in the Normandie area, and then most importantly Venice in 
> Italy, after leaving their ancestral Holy Land. Our family history mirrors 
> that of the Jewish Ashkenazi race that Hitler was so determined to 
> exterminate. Purely as a matter of history, the Jews mostly left the Holy 
> Land when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 
> A.D. and then, around the year 132 A.D. or thereabouts, our race was banished 
> out of Israel altogether, to become a race of wandering nomads, but unlike 
> many other Jews in the world, our family never went to Spain in the way that 
> so many others did, thereby becoming Sephardi Jews. No, ours were all 
> Askenazi, settling in Italy, France then Czechoslovakia and then going east 
> to the Pale Of Settlement, becoming Lithuanians, before half of them moved up 
> to Latvia where the family dominated the ancient town of Rezhitsa which is 
> where we picked up their story twenty five years ago, without ever knowing 
> the rest of the earlier and most fascinating story.
> A number o years ago, when we embarked upon the massive task of compiling a 
> 608 page book, called The Kukla Chronicles, we thought we knew it all - but 
> we clearly didn’t. But in the last five years, we have traced our amazing and 
> unique tree all the way back to Rashi, the famous Rabbi, and then further 
> back to King David, which, with the help of the Bible, takes us all the way 
> back to Adam and Eve. Five thousand years of the Kuklya family, incorporating 
> Joffe and Kalonymos before the actual Kuklya name. Which came from the 
> village of Kukliai when Zalman Joffe, son of Avraham Joffe, called himself 
> Zalman Joffe Of Kukliai, and gave all of his thirteen children the Kukliai 
> surname, which over the years morphed into Kuklya.
> Of course cameras were not really invented until the early 1800s, and 
> photography did not become widespread until 1850, as a public means of 
> capturing the images of relatives. So any photo before 1850 is a likeness of 
> what we imagine that person to have looked like, and we have also used many 
> many authentic drawings and paintings. This was a necessity to give an 
> identity to our enormous family tree.
> This new astonishing massively thick encyclopedia book is the ultimate 
> testament of the history of any Jewish family, anywhere in the world. Our 
> cousin Aaron Godfrey, of the famous Genealogy company, “My Heritage”, has 
> pioneered new technology to convincingly turn old black and white photos into 
> colour, bringing to life our ancestors, and making this Kuklya Encyclopedia 
> come to vibrant fruition. Faced with such an astonishing breakthrough, we 
> simply had to create this book, no matter how costly it turned out to become. 
> We are all a part of a unique private members club that you can only belong 
> to if you are related to the Kuklyas by blood or marriage.
> In this new full colour masterpiece, we examine our biblical ancestors, our 
> rabbinic Rashi line, our move from the Holy Land to Venice, to Vitry in 
> Normandie, France, and then to Prague, and finally laying down roots in the 
> tiny tiny village of Kukliai in Lithuania, but then spreading out all over 
> Lithuania, and then finally settling in Latvia for four hundred years.
> No Jewish family ever, anywhere in the world, could manage to create such a 
> book, until now. Our family encompasses Bob Dylan, the Chief Rabbi of 
> England, two famous Hollywood film directors, and Nobel Prize winners. Be 
> proud - be very proud.

"The Kuklya Encyclopedia" is 2018 pages long, all in glorious colour, and 
chronicles our family from Biblical times to the present day.

"The Kuklya Family Tree" is 1186 pages, it has more colour pages continuing 
onwards from the first book, plus the entire family tree which is in very small 

"Kuklya" is an 1154 page novel, fiction based upon fact, which in story form 
covers 500 years of a dynasty, generation by generation.
>>>> Swift code: LOYDGB21147
>>>> Account # 76968968
>>>> iban # GB17LOYD30992176968968
>>> Within England, if this is any help, it is
>>> SORT CODE 30-99-21
>>> ACCOUNT NUMBER 76968968
>>> The pair of books, 2016 page huge thick full colour encyclopedia, and the 
>>> 500 page family tree book with the ENTIRE tree, cost £300 for the pair, 
>>> which is $420, plus shipping - but we will work that out when the books 
>>> arrive.
>>> I have spent over seventy thousand pounds on them, forty five thousand to 
>>> print it and over twenty five thousand on the graphic designers.
>>> I want you to see for yourself, below.
>>> I think it was such an important thing to create for all of posterity.
>>> The problem is that they would not print less than a thousand, and we think 
>>> only 200 people will buy it.
>>> But I HAD to do it.
>>> The tree book is a further ten thousand to print so as you can see I will 
>>> never get the money back, not even close.
>>>  you do Paypal or would you rather have the bank account ??
>>> If you wanna do Paypal as a gift to friends and family, it's 
>>> <>
>>> I would be so grateful. I had to make HUGE sacrifices to raise so much 
>>> money.
>>> I knew I would never break even but I wanted to create a legacy for future 
>>> generations.

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