Hi all,     I'm looking for a roommate for the AJL conference in June and it 
was suggested to me that I post a request here.  I've already made my hotel 
reservation for Sunday through Tuesday (Wednesday night I'm staying at my 
sister's).  My room has 2 king-sized beds (the default on-line registration 
setting) and I would love to find a roommate with whom to split the cost.
Me: female, 68 years old, mostly young at heart but physically a little creaky 
(I do a 10-15 min. exercise routine in the morning to get my body going), 
bedtime generally between 10/11 p.m. early riser, non-smoker. Politically 
middle of the road-ish (liberal on most issues, leaning traditional 
conservative on others). Seeking person (age immaterial) with similar 
habits/views to room with.  If interested, reply to me privately.
     Gee, this sounds like a dating profile!!!  
                 Judy Petersen                 Library Director                 
Congregation Har Shalom                 Fort Collins, CO
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