We've extended the RSVP to Friday, May 13, for our May 20 meeting.  Hope
you can come!

Shabbat Shalom,



 The New England Chapter of the Association of Jewish Libraries (NEAJL)
will meet:

*Friday May 20, 2016 @ Temple Israel, Boston. 477 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA

 *9:30 -10:00.*  Coffee, tea, schmooze.

 *10:00 – 11:00*.   Author/Storyteller, Ina Friedman will speak about the
process of researching and writing her three Young Adult books relating to
the Holocaust.  (Her research took her to five continents!) Here is more
info about her and her books:



*11:00 – 12:00.*  *Hacking and Transforming Our Libraries*.

We will watch a video of John Palfrey talking about his book, *Biblio Tech:
Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google*
https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/john-palfrey/bibliotech ,  and
discuss how the ideas in this book  apply to our libraries;  and how we, as
librarians, can and must chart the course for our institutions as we
navigate the shifting sands of rapidly changing formats and behaviors.

*12:00 – 1:00.*   Tour of our library, archives and museum. Our museum
exhibit celebrates the rabbinate of our Senior Rabbi, Ronne Friedman, who
is retiring this June.

Option to stay and enjoy your (pareve or dairy) bag lunch, and continue the
conversations!  Beverages will be provided.

There is no charge for this event, but there will be a charge to park in
the MASCO garage next to us.  There is limited street parking across the
border in Brookline.  We are near many train/bus stops! Contact me if you
need a ride or parking assistance.

*RSVP extended to Friday May 13*.

Hope you can come!

Ann Abrams, Presdient, NEAJL
Librarian, Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
617-566-3960 x116

Visit our library webpage at http://www.tisrael.org/library

Check out our online catalog!

*Being able to give a book you really love to a friend is special, and
that's something an ebook just can't compete with*. Yooree Losordo, owner
of On the Dot Books, Dorchester, MA.
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