Dear Hasafranim,

Many apologies for the ‘broken' link I sent highlighting all the manuscripts we 
have reproduced in the past 37 years.

This should work 

and there are more videos showing how we bind and gild at <>

Shana Tovah le Kulam,

Linda Falter
Facsimile Editions Limited
40 Hamilton Terrace
London NW8 9UJ

Tel:  +44 20 7286 0071
Fax: +44 20 7266 3927

> On 30 Aug 2017, at 17:00, wrote:
> Send Hasafran mailing list submissions to
> <>
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Hasafran digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. New Uzbek Romanization Table Approved (Johnson, Bruce)
>   2. Jewish Internet Guide has been updated (Diane Romm)
>   3. Haaretz (Shmuel Ben-Gad)
> From: "Johnson, Bruce" < <>>
> Subject: [ha-Safran] New Uzbek Romanization Table Approved
> Date: 30 August 2017 at 13:24:43 BST
> To: "'ACRL Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section'" 
> < <>>, Africana 
> Librarian Council < 
> <>>, "Association of Jewish Libraries 
> (AJL)" < <>>, Autocat 
> < <>>, "Bill Leonard 
> ( <>)" 
> < <>>, "Committee 
> on East Asia Libraries (CEAL)" < <>>, 
> "Committee on Research Materials on Southeast Asia (CORMOSEA)" 
> < <>>, "Committee 
> on South Asian Libraries and Documentation (CONSALD)" 
> < <>>, "Dominique 
> Bourassa ( <>)" 
> < <>>, "Hellenic 
> Studies" < 
> <>>, "Iman Dagher 
> ( <>)" 
> < <>>, "Middle East 
> Librarians Association (MELA) ( 
> <>)" < 
> <>>, Program for Cooperative Cataloging list 
> < <>>, "Sandra Levy" 
> < <>>, Slavlibs 
> < <>>, 
> "Tina Shrader ( <>)" 
> < <>>
> Cc: "Nazari, Zoya" < <>>, "Maberry, Allen" 
> < <>>, "Chyet, Michael" < 
> <>>, "'Robert J. Rendall'" < 
> <>>
> New Uzbek Romanization Table Approved
> 08/29/2017
> The ALA-LC Romanization tables are developed jointly by the Library of 
> Congress (LC) and the American Library Association (ALA). Romanization 
> schemes enable the cataloging of foreign language materials. Romanized 
> cataloging in turn supports circulation, acquisitions, serials check-in, 
> shelflisting, shelving, and reference, particularly in library catalogs that 
> are unable to display non-roman alphabet information.
> The ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: Asian and African Materials (CC:AAM)  
> recently received and reviewed a proposal for a new Uzbek romanization table. 
> The new table has subsequently been approved.
> The new Uzbek romanization table  
> <> 
> <> is now available for 
> downloading from the ALA-LC Romanization Tables webpage 
> <> . With the approval of the Uzbek 
> table, the Uzbek section of the Non-Slavic Languages (in Cyrillic Script) has 
> been removed from the latter table. An updated version of the Non-Slavic 
> Languages (in Cyrillic Script) romanization table  
> <> 
> <> has also been 
> posted to the ALA-LC Romanization Tables webpage.
> Please direct any questions about romanization tables to Bruce Johnson, LC 
> Policy and Standards Division ( <>).
> From: Diane Romm < <>>
> Subject: [ha-Safran] Jewish Internet Guide has been updated
> Date: 30 August 2017 at 14:40:50 BST
> To: " <>" 
> < <>>
> As we stand at the beginning of a new school year, I just wanted to let 
> everyone know that I've updated all of the links in The Jewish Guide to the 
> Internet at
> <>
> as well as the links to the free online Judaica sources for high school 
> students at 
> <>
> and those for secular resources for high school students at 
> <>
> that I originally created while working as a library consultant for the 
> AviChai Foundation.
> I hope you and your students find them useful resources and wish you all the 
> best for a good school year.
> Diane Romm
> From: Shmuel Ben-Gad < <>>
> Subject: [ha-Safran] Haaretz
> Date: 30 August 2017 at 14:49:30 BST
> To: Hasafran < 
> <>>
> Reply-To: <>
> Shalom Safranim,
> A colleague has asked me if the English version is a translation of the 
> Hebrew or if the content is different.  If any of you happen to know the 
> answer to this, please let me know.  We do not subscribe.  (As I recall from 
> a previous discussion it is rather expensive, no?)
> B'chavod rav. 
> Shmuel Ben-Gad,
> Gelman Library,
> George Washington University.
> "'Taste has never been corrupted by simplicity."
>        --Joseph Joubert
> __
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