Thanks to all our "early responders"!  Our brave early renewers turned out to 
be guinea pigs on our new website and have helped up identify a few problems.

1.       Make sure you log in before you renew! If you don't, it will give an 
error message that there is duplicated information. (and if it doesn't, then it 
create a second record for you)

2.       Members who live in countries that don't have states (like Israel!) 
are getting error message that they have to fill in a state. Clearly AJL wants 
to welcome even stateless members ;-) We're working on solving this.

3.       We thought we were set up for American Express, but apparently we 
weren't. We're in the process of setting that up and hope that it will in place 
in the next week or so.

4.       If your home zip code and the zip code associated with your credit 
card (e.g. an congregation/office card) then the site has been giving error 
messages. Again, we're working on trouble shooting this.

5.       If you subscribe through a vendor (ESBSCO, SWETS, etc.) ignore the 
renewal notices - we'll contact your vendors.

6.       We appreciate your patience navigating the new renewal process and if 
you aren't actually being patient - that's ok too - we understand!

All the best,

Sheryl Stahl, AJL VP Membership
Frances-Henry Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Insitute of Religion
3077 University Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90007

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