I want to clarify the AJL membership policy for presenters at the conference. 
Although we welcome your becoming a member of our organization, there is no 
obligation to join AJL if you would not normally do so (i.e., you are not a 
Judaica librarian, regular conference attendee, etc.). Neither is there a 
requirement to register and pay for the full conference. All non-member 
presenters may attend other sessions on the day they are presenting at no cost. 
If you would like to attend meals, or sessions on days when you are not 
presenting, there is a cost involved unless you have been informed otherwise. 
For registration and meal options, see AJL Conference 2018 Tickets & 
 If you would like to sign up for any meals or additional conference 
attendance, please do so by going to the conference registration 
page<https://jewishlibraries.starchapter.com/meet-reg1.php?id=19> of the AJL 
website. Feel free to contact Marcie Eskin 
(mjes...@comcast.net<mailto:mjes...@comcast.net>), Conference Registrar, with 
any questions, and be sure to check in at the Registration Table when you 
arrive at the conference to pick up your name badge and other materials.
Harvey Sukenic
Program Committee Chair AJL Boston 2018


Harvey Sukenic
Library Director

617.559.8757 telephone
617.559.8751 fax
617.559.8750 library main desk

Hebrew College
160 Herrick Road
Newton Centre, MA 02459

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