From: Anuradha L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   I have recently started using gofer 2.30 which provides monadic IO
   but unfortunately I don't quite know how to use it.
   May I know some tutorial sources for monadic IO?
   L. Anuradha
   Dept. of Computer Science,
   University of Poona,
I've just completed a new tutorial on this subject,

        How to Declare an Imperative.

This will be presented as an invited talk at the
International Logic Programming Symposium in December 1995.
You can access it from my web page.  Other relevant papers
on monads are there as well:

        Imperative Functional Programming
        Monads for Functional Programming
        The Essence of Functional Programming
        Comprehending Monads

Cheers, -- P

Professor Philip Wadler                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computing Science
University of Glasgow                           phone: +44 141 330 4966
Glasgow G12 8QQ                                   fax: +44 141 330 4913
SCOTLAND                                         home: +44 141 357 0782

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