At Simon Marlow's suggestion, I have implemented Internet import chasing.

You wrap your compiler/interpreter call with "searchpath", pass the correct parameters and it will find all your module imports, if they are not local, it will look them up in Internet module directories you specify, retrieve the relevant modules, put them on your path and then run your compiler/interpeter with the appropriate commandline options. e.g.

 searchpath ghc MyModule.hs OtherModule -isomeDir --internet 
-iotherdir --internet -iotherDir2 -cache cache

will result in the download of all the modules it can find each directory and 

 ghc MyModule.hs OtherModule -isomeDir --icache/internet1 -iotherdir 
-icache/internet2 -iotherDir2

Mapfiles have the form:

  HAppS #comment
  *.*.HaXml.* #another comment

Simon, I am now handling import chasing, Haskell extensions, literate haskell, latex haskell, and HTTPS URLs (via curl).

It works with the ghc command line, except that it doesn't handle multiple directories passed on the same -i. (Can someone tell me what the official path separator is for ghc -i?).

It doesn't yet work with other compilers/interpreters, but should be easy to adapt.

It does not handle package files right now.

Request: This will work better as people expose their modules via http(s). If your modules are visible this way, please email me a baseURL.



S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
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