!!!  Early registration deadline:  JUNE 1, 2008 !!!

                         SecReT 2008

                 3rd International Workshop on
               Security and Rewriting Techniques

                     Sunday, June 22, 2008,
                        Pittsburgh, USA

                    Affiliated workshop of
   the 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)
 and the 23rd IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science (LICS)

The aim of this workshop is to bring together rewriting researchers
and  security  experts, in order to  foster  their  interaction and
develop future collaborations in this area,  provide  a  forum  for
presenting  new  ideas and work in progress,  and  enable newcomers
to learn about current activities in this area.

The workshop focuses on the use of rewriting techniques in all aspects
of security. Specific topics include: authentication, encryption,
access control and authorization, protocol verification, specification
of policies, intrusion detection, integrity of information, control of
information leakage, control of distributed and mobile code, etc.

The SecReT 2008 program includes 6 regular papers and two invited talks
by Jonathan Millen (MITRE,USA) and Hubert Comon (Cachan, France).
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