The source code for the current version of `Typing Haskell in Haskell'
is now available from:  It is, of
course, written in Haskell 98, and has been tested and developed using
Hugs 98.

For those who don't know, `Typing Haskell in Haskell' is an attempt to
produce a formal specification for the Haskell type system in the form
of an executable Haskell program.  A paper describing this system was
presented at the Haskell workshop in Paris last Friday, and is also
available from the web page above.

I hope that `Typing Haskell in Haskell' will be a useful resource for
anyone interested in understanding the Haskell type system, or in
experimenting with new extensions, and I welcome any feedback.  I should
also mention that this is an ongoing project, and further revisions of
the specification/program are already planned or in progress.

All the best,

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