Ken Sailor,

In your mail to the Haskell group, you write:-

> On another level, what about a language that could handle multiple
> symbol tokens (if-then-else, [-], while-do) as well as all the 
> different fixities?  It is available now in OBJ3, but the parsing 
> algorithm is backtracking -- expensive and difficult to predict for 
> certain constructs.  

A paper in SigPlan Notices, vol 17, no 11 - November '82 describes an
algorithm for adding such constructs. It appears to be directly applicable
to Haskell-like languages, though my only experience was in adding it to a
procedural language. It is efficient (non-backtracking), deterministic and
easily added to LL parsers [- perhaps someone should tell the OBJ3

"Using Simple English Sentences to Call Procedures"
Lindsay J. Groves
SigPlan Notices, 17#11, Nov. 82, pp 31-38.

While looking that up, see also:-
"Naming Subprograms with Clarity"
G. Booch
SigPlan Notices, 17#1, Jan. 82, pp 18-22

[This would open up wondrous possibilities; the present n+k controversy
would pale into insignificance once if-then-else could be rebound :-)]

Steve Tracey
  Steve Tracey.               Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  GenRad Ltd, Fareham,          Tel:   +44 329 822240 x 181
  Hampshire, UK. P016 8RR       Fax:   +44 329 822305

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