You caught me checking for Latex formatting errors... yes, it's too late.
I'm sorry -- your suggestion seems sensible enough but I don't know
whether it's uncontroversial, and I couldn't find the previous discussion.
I could delay, and have some discussion, but we're past that point.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: michael abbott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 1999 10:47 AM
> To: Simon Peyton-Jones
> Subject: Query re gcd() in Haskell 98
> It seems a bit late to raise this, but I notice that the 
> standard prelude
> for Haskell 98 in the final draft still defines
>       gcd 0 0 = error ...
> I remember some inconclusive discussion on this some time 
> ago, but there is
> no reason not to let gcd 0 0 == 0, as would happen anyway 
> without special
> testing.
>       Regarding the integers >=0 as a partial order with a<=b 
> when a|b (a divides
> b) then gcd a b is the lattice meet of a and b, and 0 is the 
> top element.
> Defining gcd 0 x = 0 is consistent with this, for any x.
> Michael Abbott

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