I got this on the Types Forum, but thought people here might find it of
interest, too.

[----- The Types Forum, http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types -----]

Dear colleagues: We would like to advertise the following
symposium, and are pleased to invite you to participate. We
apologize if you receive multiple copies of this

Jeremy and Oege


A symposium in honour of
Professor Richard Bird's 60th birthday

Examination Schools, Oxford
24th and 25th March 2003

Professor Richard Bird is well known for his contributions
to functional programming: for his two textbooks, his
"Functional Pearls" column in the Journal of Functional
Programming, his work on synthesizing programs from
specifications, his influence in the design of the language
Haskell and its predecessors, and so on. This symposium is
to celebrate Richard Bird's work on the occasion of his
sixtieth birthday.

The symposium will coincide with the publication by Palgrave
of an eponymous book. This book is intended as much as a
textbook for an advanced course in functional programming as
it is a festschrift; its twelve chapters cover applications
(pretty printing, musical composition, hardware description,
graphical design) and techniques (the design of efficient
data structures, interpreters for little languages, program
testing and optimization) in functional programming. The
contributors to the book will give short lectures at the
symposium, and every participant at the symposium will
receive a copy of the book.

The symposium will take place from 10.30am on Monday 24th
March 2003 to 4pm on Tuesday 25th, in Oxford's historical
Examination Schools. The registration fee includes
participation, buffet lunch and tea and coffee on both days,
a formal dinner on the Monday night in Worcester College,
and a copy of the book. There is a lower price for early
registration; the capacity of the lecture room is limited
and offered on a first-come first-served basis, so early
registration is recommended.

The speakers are as follows:

      Chris Okasaki (West Point) 
      John Hughes (Chalmers) 
      Jeremy Gibbons (Oxford) 
      Paul Hudak (Yale) 
      Oege de Moor (Oxford) 
      Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft) 
      Conal Elliott 
      Mary Sheeran (Chalmers) 
      Mike Spivey (Oxford) 
      Ross Paterson (City) 
      Philip Wadler (Avaya) 
      Ralf Hinze (Bonn) 

For further details, including registration information, see
the website at


In particular, there is an early registration deadline (with
reduced fee) of 7th February 2003, and a late registration
deadline of 7th March.

Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor (organizers)

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,    TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,              FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

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