Prelude Problems

1995-03-10 Thread peterson-john

Ignoring the issue of whether the current Prelude would be improved
using a more general class heirarchy, let me point out the real
failing of Haskell here.  The problem is not so much that the prelude
doesn't work the way you want it to, but rather that there is no way
to build your own prelude using the conventional names for things such
as + or -.  Quite a bit of the basic Haskell vocabulary is in
PreludeCore, including the entire class structure of the Prelude and
all associated class methods.  Once in PreludeCore, these names cannot
be redefined or hidden.

There is no compelling reason for this - I think at the very least the
1.3 folks should eliminate PreludeCore in some way so that the system
no longer reserves all of the numeric operators for it's own.  At
least this way we will not be forced into this `one Prelude fits all'

John Peterson
Yale Haskell Project

Re: haskell

1995-03-10 Thread Lennart Augustsson

> Dear Kevin Hammond
>If you think this flame not too intemperate, please put it out on
> the haskell mailing list.
Don't blame Kevin!

You're not the first one who complains about the Prelude being
structured in the wrong way.  Unfortunately the Haskell class
system isn't powerful enough to express what you want.
E.g., a ring is an abelian group with an additional
semi-group structure.  But an abelian group also has a semi-group
structure in it, so now we have two of them.  And there is no
good way of expression this in Haskell.

But basically I think you are right.  The Prelude was designed with
numerical computations in mind (which doesn't mean that the
designers were ignorant of other areas).

-- Lennart


1995-03-10 Thread Gavin Wraith

Dear Kevin Hammond

   If you think this flame not too intemperate, please put it out on
the haskell mailing list.

   Now that Mark Jones has produced Hugs, which tries harder than Gofer 
to keep to Haskell standards, I have begun to revise some of my Gofer 
scripts to run with the Haskell standard prelude. It is this exercise that
has provoked me to flame against the standard Haskell prelude, which strikes
me (please excuse my language) as being nothing short of mathematically
illiterate - or at best mathematically narrow-minded. 

This is not the first time that I have raised this point, but maybe I 
should explain in greater detail.

I know that Haskell has been developped for programmers rather than 
mathematicians, but it seems to me a terrible waste of opportunity when the
programming language, which of all programming languages comes closest to
answering a mathematician's prayers, should stumble at the last, quite
minor, hurdle. The prelude as it stands is fine for numerical analysis;
but numerical analysts have got FORTRAN (which they seem unwilling to be
tempted from). It is to pure mathematics, algebra in particular, that
Haskell shows unique promise, and where the standard prelude proves a
disappointment. Remember that a part of the original motivation for
Haskell was to provide a public domain teaching tool. Too many people
are under the impression that the only educational benefit of programming 
(for mathematics) is for number-crunching. Haskell is potentially good for 
symbol-crunching too, where traditional languages are hopeless.

Suppose, for example, that I want to write a Haskell script to handle 
Gaussian integers, complex numbers with integer real and imaginary part,
say to factorize them into irreducibles. This is not an arcane application.
What do I find? PreludeComplex insists that Complex a has to be qualified
by (RealFloat a) -- Aargh! Why, for heaven's sake?

Suppose that I want to use (+) to add vectors, or elements of an abelian
group. Since (+) is a class-variable for Num I have to define (*), abs
and signum as well, so again -- Aargh!. Additive and multiplicative notation
must be split cleanly to exploit overloading properly. This is done with 
care for rationals (for / and %) and for floats, so why not get the 
fundamentals right first?

The impression I get from the standard prelude is that it was formulated 
by programmers totally imbued with the traditional number-crunching culture
of the past, and totally ignorant of the wider applications that a
language like Haskell can offer. I am not knocking number-crunching -
it is a crucial aspect - but the prelude could be formulated so that pure
mathematical users were happy too. It seems daft to make a standard that
excludes them. So for the moment they will have to stick with Gofer.

What would I have? If we have to keep to single parameter classes then
something like:

class Additive a where
  (+), (-) :: a -> a -> a
  neg  :: a -> a
  zero :: a

class Multiplicative a where
   (*) :: a -> a -> a
   one :: a

{- there is an argument for putting (^) :: a -> Int -> a
   in here, but properly this should only be used for associative
   instances of (*). With multiparameter types one should have

class LeftAction a b where
   (*) :: a -> b -> b

instance Additive a => LeftAction Int a where
   0 * _  = zero
   1 * x  = x
   n * x  | n < 0 = (-n) * (neg x)
  | even n= (n `div` 2) * (x + x)
  | otherwise = x + (n `div` 2) * (x + x)


class (Additive a, Multiplicative a) => Ring a

data Ring a => Complex a = a :+ a

instance Ring a => Additive (Complex a) where
  (x :+ y) + (x' :+ y') = (x+x') :+ (y+y')
  (x :+ y) - (x' := y') = (x-x') :+ (y-y')
  neg (x :+ y)  = (neg x) :+ (neg y)
  zero  = zero :+ zero

instance Ring a => Multiplicative (Complex a) where
   (x :+ y) * (x' :+ y') = (x*x'-y*y') :+ (x*y'+y*x')
   unit  = unit :+ zero

A basis of this simplicity is what you need, say for algebraic number
fields or for modular arithmetic. Anybody with any feel for maths should
appreciate that (+),(-) and zero must stand by themselves. Certainly
signum and abs should not be bundled with Num  ---  perhaps with Real, 
because they require an ordering.

If Haskell is going to make it big in the world, the prelude has to be 
cleaned up now, before inertia and the qwerty-phenomenon freeze it
solid, or else an awful lot of potential users in the mathematical
world are going to laugh it out of their court.

On a different subject, but still flaming about the standard prelude,
is it unfair to ask why zip, zipWith and unzip only stop at zip7, zipWith7
and unzip7 rather than, say, zip137? I can only shake my head in wonder
and suggest some squiggols instead.

-- Gavin Wraith