Re: Lifted Tuples

1993-11-07 Thread Joe Fasel

Paul writes
| It has occurred to me that unlifted tuples achieved via a special
| "newtype" decl are not the same as those achieved with strictness
| annotations.  This is because with "newtype" it seems that people want
| a situation where (_|_,_|_) = _|_.  But with strictness annotations on
| both arguments a few other things also happen:
|   (x,_|_) = _|_
|   (_|_,y) = _|_

Well said--This is what I was trying to say the other day, that with the
strictness annotations on lifted tuples we would have unlifted, but not lazy
products.  Anyway, I don't think this (by itself) will do.


Re: Lifted Tuples

1993-11-07 Thread hudak

Regarding Lifted vs. Unlifted Tuples

I pretty strongly agree with the general oberservation that "tuples
for free" is a Good Idea, whether it be motivated from ADT's (as Simon
first did), from function results (as Joe did), or as function
arguments/currying (as Phil did).  I think HOW we get them is the real
question.  I admit that strictness annotations on a single-constructor
data decl are kind of a hack, and I kind of like the notion of having
a separate decl for this purpose (Phil's "newtype" seems best, but I'm
not picky).  On the other hand, the following obervation may be worth

It has occurred to me that unlifted tuples achieved via a special
"newtype" decl are not the same as those achieved with strictness
annotations.  This is because with "newtype" it seems that people want
a situation where (_|_,_|_) = _|_.  But with strictness annotations on
both arguments a few other things also happen:

  (x,_|_) = _|_
  (_|_,y) = _|_

where x and y are arbitrary values.  This version is obviously less
defined than the other, but has the nice property that it can be an
instance of the class Strict with a SEQUENTIAL method for "seq" 
(i.e., parallelism isn't required) that does what is "expected" 
(i.e., SOMETHING gets evaluated, despite Joe's excellent attempt
to argue that this isn't what we should expect! :-).

Furthermore, I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong!) that the
following isomorphisms still hold:

  (a,(b,c))   =  ((a,b),c)   =   (a,b,c)
  (a,b) -> c  =  a -> b -> c


Re: Lifted Functions

1993-11-07 Thread hudak

Regarding Lifted vs. Unlifted Function Spaces

Gee, maybe lifted functions aren't such a good idea after all!  (:-)

But before reaching that conclusion, there are a few points that need
clarification.  In particular, Simon mentions two problems that I
think need further discussion:

First, Simon points out that this version of putString:

  putString = \cs -> case cs of
 (c:cs) -> \s -> case (putChar c) of
  (_,s') -> putString cs s

cannot be transformed into this version:

  putString = \cs s -> case cs of
(c:cs) -> case (putChar c) of
   (_,s') -> putString cs s

if we have lifted function spaces.  True!  However, one of the
motivations (for me, at least) for having lifted function spaces was
so that we could define strict as well as non-strict functions.  I
suggested earlier that there might be an "annotation" for doing this,
just as LML does for strict constructors.  Using "!" for such an
annotation, the following version of putString IS equivalent to the
first above:

  putString = \!cs s -> case cs of
(c:cs) -> case (putChar c) of
   (_,s') -> putString cs s

The root of this transformation is the following:

  \cs-> case cs of (c:cs) -> \s -> exp<==>
  \!cs s -> case cs of (c:cs) -> exp

In fact, we can observe the following two tidy transformations as
being valid over lifted function spaces:

  f  cs s = case cs of (c:cs) -> exp<==>   f ~(c:cs) s = exp
  f !cs s = case cs of (c:cs) -> exp<==>   f  (c:cs) s = exp

So, we could have lifted function spaces and Simon could still achieve
his transformation safely.

Simon's second problem is the following:

  Consider  f x y = x+y

  Quick!  Is this strict in x?  Would your answer be any
  different if I wrote
f x = \y -> x+y
  orf = \xy -> x+y
  (I hope not.)

  The point is this.  We would usually say that f is strict iff
f _|_ = _|_
  But, if function space is lifted, then f _|_ is
  certainly not _|_!  So is f strict or not?  Blargh.

Jonathan Young and I observed this distinction in our POPL '84 paper
on higher-order strictness analysis (Alan Mycroft and Christine
Ernoult recently re-did our stuff in a more semantically sound way
which will soon appear in JFP).  One must in fact make a choice about
primitives such as (+).  You can have either:

(+) _|_ = _|_
or  (+) _|_ = \y -> _|_

(Just because _|_ /= \x->_|_ does not mean that there can't be
functions which when applied to _|_ yield _|_!  putString is one such
function.)  To get the first behavior out of f above, one could write:

  f !x y = x+y

I agree that this may complicate strictness analysis, although I think
(but don't know for sure) that it is manageable.


P.S. Similar arguments can be used to explain Ian's examples given in
 a subsequent message (and it should be pointed out that "symmetry of
 arguments" is not something lost with lifted function spaces, because
 Haskell never had it to begin with! :-)

more GHC 0.18 ("hackers' release") files available

1993-11-07 Thread Will Partain

In pub/haskell/glasgow/working on

  -rw-rw-r--  7588053 Nov  5 20:27 ghc-0.18-bin-sun4.tar.gz
  -rw-rw-r--   141709 Nov  6 11:17 ghc-0.18-hi-files-ghc-0.16.tar.gz
  -rw-rw-r--   101853 Nov  6 11:16 ghc-0.18-hi-files-hbc.tar.gz
  -rw-rw-r--  3028811 Nov  5 19:40 ghc-0.18-src.tar.gz
  -rw-rw-r-- 3497 Nov  5 19:52 ghc-0.18.ANNOUNCE

That's Sun4 (SunOS 4.1.x) binary stuff [no instructions -- I assume
hackers know what to do :-], and 0.16- and hbc-produced .hi files for
ghc/compiler/*/*.hi, in case you choose to compile with one of those.
(The source distrib has 0.18-produced .hi files in it.)
