2.02: error checking bug.

1997-05-15 Thread Alex Ferguson

The following erroneous fragment erroneously compiles.

 data Token
  =  TokNewline

Minor minor bug (tlist) in ghc-2.01 leads to panic...

1997-05-15 Thread Wolfgang Drotschmann

Hallo Haskell-Hackers,

I'm still using the old ghc-2.01. In one program I ran into a problem
I couldn't fix. But I played around with it, I found a small little
script which reproduces it very well:

 type state = ([Int] Bool)

Okay, okay it's very pathological.
Really maleficent :-)

But imagine there were much more entries in this type statement, it
spans over several lines, and comments all around it... There are
always situations where you enter such little typos and afterwards you
wonder why the compiler gets mad :-)

Below a longer bug report!

Thanks for listening!
And stop laughing :-)


drotschm@euros--3- /home/III/stud/drotschm/FuPro/Haskell/ghc-2.01/bin/ghc-2.01 -c -v 
-fhaskell-1.3 -i.:/home/III/stud/drotschm/FuPro/Haskell/ghc-2.01/lib/ghc/2.01/imports 
f.lhs -o f.o
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 2.01 patchlevel 0

literate pre-processor:
echo '#line 1 "f.lhs"'  /tmp/ghc16412.lpp  
f.lhs -   /tmp/ghc16412.lpp

sys 0.0

Ineffective C pre-processor:
echo '#line 1 "f.lhs"'  /tmp/ghc16412.cpp  cat /tmp/ghc16412.lpp  

sys 0.0

Haskell compiler:

/home/III/stud/drotschm/FuPro/Haskell/ghc-2.01/lib/ghc/2.01/sparc-sun-solaris2/hsc ,-W 
,/tmp/ghc16412.cpp  -fignore-interface-pragmas -fomit-interface-pragmas -fsimplify \(  
-ffloat-lets-exposing-whnf -ffloat-primops-ok -fcase-of-case -freuse-con 
-fpedantic-bottoms -fsimpl-uf-use-threshold0 -fessential-unfoldings-only 
-fmax-simplifier-iterations4 \)   -himap=/tmp/ghc16412.himap  -v 
-hifile=/tmp/ghc16412.hi -S=/tmp/ghc16412.s +RTS -H600 -K100
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, version 2.01, for Haskell 1.3

panic! (the `impossible' happened):

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sys 0.2
deleting... /tmp/ghc16412.hi /tmp/ghc16412.s

rm -f /tmp/ghc16412*

Bug in Concurrent Haskell

1997-05-15 Thread Meurig Sage

There's a bug in the signalQSemN function in the 
Semaphore module. (In versions ghc-0.29 through 2.03).

The following function blocks when x=y, but works when

f x y = do
 qSem - newQSemN 0
 forkIO (waitQSemN qSem y)
 threadDelay 1000
 signalQSemN qSem x
 return ()

The signalQSemN function needs a 1 line fix,
included below.


*** Semaphore.lhs.bug
 signalQSemN :: QSemN - Int  - IO ()
 signalQSemN (QSemN sem) n
  = takeMVar sem  = \ (avail,blocked) -
free (avail+n) blocked= \ (avail',blocked') -
putMVar sem (avail',blocked') 
return ()
 free avail [] = return (avail,[])
 free avail ((req,block):blocked) =
! if avail  req then
putMVar block () 
free (avail-req) blocked
free avail blocked = \ (avail',blocked') -
return (avail',(req,block):blocked')

*** Semaphore.lhs
 signalQSemN :: QSemN - Int  - IO ()
 signalQSemN (QSemN sem) n
  = takeMVar sem  = \ (avail,blocked) -
free (avail+n) blocked= \ (avail',blocked') -
putMVar sem (avail',blocked') 
return ()
 free avail [] = return (avail,[])
 free avail ((req,block):blocked) =
! if avail = req then
putMVar block () 
free (avail-req) blocked
free avail blocked = \ (avail',blocked') -
return (avail',(req,block):blocked')

Re: Minor minor bug (tlist) in ghc-2.01 leads to panic...

1997-05-15 Thread Simon L Peyton Jones

| I couldn't fix. But I played around with it, I found a small little
| script which reproduces it very well:
|  type state = ([Int] Bool)
| panic! (the `impossible' happened):
|   tlist

This bit me some while ago, so don't be embarassed about writing an
incorrect program!

Anyway, I fixed it, so it's ok in 2.02 onwards, I believe.


Re: Pattern guards

1997-05-15 Thread Simon L Peyton Jones

|  f c | (i,j) - Just (toRect c) = ...
| I'm afraid this example suffers from the same problem as my "simplify"
| example did: It does not perform a test and can thus be replaced by
|   f c = ...
| where (i,j) = toRect c

True.  I can think of two non-contrived ways in which this would
not work so well.  First, "c" might be got from another pattern match:

f d | Just c - h d,
  (i,j)  - toRect c
= ...

Then you couldn't use a where clause.  Second, the view might often 
be the maybe-like kind:

data SnocView a = Snoc [a] a
| SNil

snocView :: [a] - SnocView a

f xs | Snoc ys y - snocView xs
 = ...

You could instead give snocView the type 

snocView :: [a] - Maybe ([a], a)

but I find that less appealing somehow.  But as we keep saying, you certainly
can code up everything in terms of everything else.


Re: 2.02: error checking bug.

1997-05-15 Thread Alex Ferguson

Here's a much simpler instance of my previous bug report:

 data A = T | T

is missed by ghc-2.02 error-checking, but caught in 2.03.  Problem
solved in advance, then, really.


status of the powerpc port of ghc ?

1997-05-15 Thread Mari Pluemacher


I have ported GUM from PVM to MPI and would like to make some runtime tests 
on IBM SP2. Therefore, I started working on a rs6000 port of ghc.

I just realized that someone else is working on a powerpc port of ghc: 
in the 2.03 version there is a new mangle_asm routine for powerpc and the 
powerpc part in COptJumps was changed as well. Are you currently working on 
the rest of the changes? When do you plan to have it all done?  

I made the changes in COptJumps and COptWraps and ended up with a version
which could not be linked. I guess I need to split the object files. Did you 
already write the splitting routine? 


Mari Pl|macher

Re: pattern guards + monads

1997-05-15 Thread Malcolm Wallace

I am having a little trouble following the two discussions on pattern
guards and monads, due to some (probably minor) confusing pieces of
syntax.  Would anyone like to clarify these for me?  It would help me
to understand the underlying issues.  Thanks.

On pattern guards, Simon PJ writes:
  f (x:xs) | x0 = e1
   | x0 = e2
   | otherwise = e3

   g a | (x:xs) - h a, x0 = e1
   | (x:xs) - h a, x0 = e1
   | otherwise = e3

Am i right in thinking that f [] is bottom, whilst g [] is e3?

Later, another definition of g (intended to be equivalent?) is given in
which g [] appears to be bottom:
  g a | (x:xs) - h a
 | x0 = e1
 | x0 = e2
 | otherwise = e3

To match the semantics of the earlier definition of g, shouldn't this
read as follows?
   g a | (x:xs) - h a
  | x0 = e1
  | x0 = e2
   | otherwise = e3

Now, for monads, Phil Wadler writes a law:
   m = \x - k x ++ h x  =  m = k ++ n = k

in which 'h' appears on the lhs but not the rhs, and 'n' on the rhs but
not the lhs.  Are h and n the same?  Or perhaps the equation should read
as follows?
m = \x - k x ++ h x  =  m = k ++ m = h



Re: pattern guards + monads

1997-05-15 Thread Philip Wadler

 Now, for monads, Phil Wadler writes a law:
m = \x - k x ++ h x  =  m = k ++ n = k
 in which 'h' appears on the lhs but not the rhs, and 'n' on the rhs but
 not the lhs.  ... perhaps the equation should read as follows?
 m = \x - k x ++ h x  =  m = k ++ m = h

Yes, of course it should.  Thanks for the correction.  -- P