Re: Another question about monads and linearity

1997-09-03 Thread reid-alastair

Patrick Logan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In "Rolling Your Own Mutable ADT: A Connection Between Linear Types
> and Monads", p. 1, Chen and Hudak write:
> There are few formal connections between monads and
> single-threaded state... For any state-transformer monad... there
> is a trivial operation... that will instantly destroy any hope for
> single-threadedness: getState s = (s, s)
> In day-to-day Haskell 1.3 programming what is the solution to this
> problem? If a program is using a C interface to create a mutable
> state, say an external database, what is the simplest way of
> encapsulating the state so that this "trivial operation" cannot be
> defined except by the original author?

1) Visually inspect the implementation of your monad.
   You might apply Chen and Hudak's technique or you might just rely on
   your own intuition - simple cases aren't too hard.

2) Take a little time to decide what you should export and what you shouldn't.

   Suppose you write a little state-transformer monad:

 newtype S s a = MkS (s -> (a,s))

 unMkS :: S s a -> (s -> (a,s))
 unMkS (MkS x) = x

 instance Monad S where
   m >>= k = MkS (\ s1 -> case unMkS m s1 of { (a,s2) -> unMkS (k a) s2 })
   return a = MkS (\ s -> (a,s))

 getS :: S s s 
 getS = MkS (\ s -> (s,s))

 setS :: s -> S s ()
 setS s = MkS (\ _ -> ((),s))

   Obviously you want to export S, >>=, return, getS and setS.
   You also want to prevent people from creating random state transformer
   functions - so we'd better hide the MkS.
   I don't think there's any harm in exporting unMkS, but I don't see
   any point in doing so and it's best to keep your data types abstract.

   Here's what your export list should look like:

   module StateTransformer
( S -- export the type "S" but not its constructors
, getS  -- export the state modifiers
, setS
-- no need to export >>= and return - they're automatically exported
) where

Hope this helps!

Alastair Reid  Yale Haskell Project Hacker
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://WWW.CS.Yale.EDU/homes/reid-alastair/

Another question about monads and linearity

1997-09-03 Thread Patrick Logan

In "Rolling Your Own Mutable ADT: A Connection Between Linear Types
and Monads", p. 1, Chen and Hudak write:

There are few formal connections between monads and
single-threaded state... For any state-transformer monad... there
is a trivial operation... that will instantly destroy any hope for
single-threadedness: getState s = (s, s)

In day-to-day Haskell 1.3 programming what is the solution to this
problem? If a program is using a C interface to create a mutable
state, say an external database, what is the simplest way of
encapsulating the state so that this "trivial operation" cannot be
defined except by the original author?

One problem I have with the hanful of papers I have read so far is
separating the reports about what is possible to implement in some
hypothetical language from the reports about what is possible in some
existing implementation of, say, Haskell 1.3.

If I attempt to do something in Haskell, and I fail, I am not sure
whether it is the compiler telling me my goal is impossible or if it
is telling me I haven't stated my goal correctly.

Thanks from a beginner.
Patrick Logan mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice 503-533-3365Fax   503-629-8556
Gemstone Systems, Inc

Re: Monads and Linear Logic

1997-09-03 Thread Philip Wadler

> In general laymen's terms, what are the performance and expressiveness
> issues in comparing monads with linear objects?

You may want to glance at the latest version of `How to Declare an
Imperative' (Computing Surveys, to appear), which explicitly makes
this comparison.  It's available via my home page.  -- P

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Monads and Linear Logic

1997-09-03 Thread Patrick Logan

I am stretching my imperative brain cells to comprehend(!) monads, and
now their relationship to linear ("unique" in Clean) objects. I have
glanced at Philip Wadler's paper, but the semantics are impenetrable
to me at this point, and I am looking at the issue from a more
"practical" point of view ("practical" in the sense of "practice",
"practitioner", not that theory is impractical!).

My impression is that monads and linear objects are used in
essentially the same way. I have explicitly read how linear objects
allow the compiler to "garbage collect" them at compile time because
the compiler knows exactly how they are used. I assume the same can be
done for monads? Is this done in the good Haskell compilers?

In general laymen's terms, what are the performance and expressiveness
issues in comparing monads with linear objects?

Patrick Logan mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice 503-533-3365Fax   503-629-8556
Gemstone Systems, Inc