Re: types with value parameter (another example of application)

1999-03-04 Thread Juergen Pfitzenmaier


I spend a lot of time developing a generic C++ library to handle
symbolic manipulation of (nearly) arbitarily polynomials. There are a
lot of cases when (the so called) type system of C++ is no of help and
I needed to implement my own kind of dynamic types with checking at
runtime. For example let K be a field and let A and B be two
Polynomials. At runtime we set up variables x and y , then construct
two different polynomial Rings K[x] and K[y] and then state that A is
an element of K[x] and B is an element of K[y].  Now A and B may share
the same structure in the data structures that represents them and
both are univariate polynomials but the expression A = A+B is
senseless and invalid. This is a case that no static type checker can
detect, so don't expect to much from it (and don't expect anything
usefull from the stupid implementation of templates in C++). This and
several others made me exploring some functional languages to
reimplement a enhanced version of my library. Up to now it appears to
me that I still have to code some of the type-checking by hand,
because anything else seems to require a complicated theorem prover at
compile time.  

ciao Juergen

Herbert Graeber wrote:

> I have taken a look on these papers at
> But I discovered, that there is one important difference to the C++ example
> I posted. The type system is extended to allow inference of deimensions. The
> C++ version does not need extensions specific to dimensions. The language
> features already present (templates) allow this without extending the
> language.
> I think there is no way to add compile time dimension checking (and many
> other similar things) in Haskell. May be Haskell 2 should contain an
> extended type system, that allows that. I am not firm with depended types.
> Perhaps that's the way do such things.
> Cheers,
> Herbert

cfp SAS'99 - Venice

1999-03-04 Thread Agostino Cortesi


 Last Call For Papers

 International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'99)

   Venezia, Italy,
22--24 September 1999

 Submission Deadline: 15 march, 1999

   for info, please look at:


As usual, I deeply apologize for multiple copies
agostino cortesi, phd
dipartimento di informatica   tel: +39 041 290.8450
universita' ca' foscari, venezia  fax: +39 041 290.8419
via torino 155url:
30170 mestre-venezia (italy)  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GHC in Japanese Fifth Generation Project!

1999-03-04 Thread Frank A. Christoph

>I was amused to disover recently (thanks to Zhou-san, at POPL) that
>the name GHC (well, really FGHC or `flat' GHC) has already been used,
>by the Japanese Fifth Generation Project.
>FGHC stands for Flat Guided Horn Clause, and it's a language that was
>used by the project for knowledge representation:

That would explain something mildly suprising that I saw yesterday on Gerard Huet's 
home page. It includes a list of "major software projects" that he has participated 
in, and near the end is an entry entitled "GHC Interpreter"...!


Re: Market Penetration of FP and Haskell

1999-03-04 Thread Philip Wadler

"S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, if they are making sure that all platforms have a scheme interpreter,
> why not make the spec language agnostic.  i.e. allow the user to use any
> language that can be compiled/translated into scheme (by code written in
> scheme?).

Your assumption is incorrect.  There is no Scheme interpreter in XSL.

I should have been clearer in my earlier comment: XSL is a special
purpose language with a highly specialised structure (as Alexander
notes, it is a little like production rules).  It is not as general as
either Haskell or Scheme.  DSSSL, unlike XSL, was embedded in Scheme
and provided both the specialised structure and general-purpose Scheme
computation.  I'd be very happy if XSL was as nice as Scheme!

> So the user would be able to say:

There is an extension mechanism in XSL to allow part of the transformation
to be done in another language, roughly similar to the above.

-- P

OOSDS99 Call for papers

1999-03-04 Thread Natalia Ioustinova

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You can also visit the OOSDS'99 web site at


Workshop on Object-Oriented Specification Techniques
for Distributed Systems and Behaviours

Paris, France, September 27, 1999

The workshop is focused on specification languages for distributed 
systems which are extensions of object-oriented languages or have an 
object-oriented kind of base structure. The aim is to bring together
researchers interested in incorporating object-oriented concepts 
and  formal methods for specification of distributed systems and


Object-oriented approaches to specification of distributed systems 
and behaviours.

Semantic models for concurrency and object-orientation (e.g. based on the 
lambda-calculus, process algebra, pi-calculus, linear logic).

Characteristic examples of object-oriented specification from real 
application domains (e.g. distributed algorithms, workflow specification, 
communication protocols).

Logic reasoning on distributed systems and behaviours.

The deadline for submission is September 2, 1999. 
Submission is in electronic form only.
Submission may be of two forms:
Extended abstracts: up to 3 pages.
Papers and reports: up to 6 pages.
In both cases a separate page with the following information: 
title, author(s), corresponding author,
contact information and a 12-15 lines summary 
should be included.
The papers and/or abstracts should be sent by e-mail to 
Selection for presentation will be carried out by the organizers.
Emphasis is put on the potential of the submission to stimulate 
discussions in the above-mentioned scope.
Notification of acceptance is expected for September 14, 1999.


The accepted submissions will be published electronically,
i.e. they will remain available from the workshop web page.
Furthermore, selected papers will be invited for post
workshop publication. 

This workshop is organized as a satellite workshop of PPDP'99, 
The 1999 International Conference on  Principles and Practice 
of Declarative Programming, Paris, France, September 29-October 1, 1999.

Clemens H. Cap  (Rostock University, Germany) 
Natalia Ioustinova  (Rostock University, Germany) 
Javier Oliver  (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) 
Nobuko Yoshida  (University of Sussex, UK)


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