RE: confusing error message

2003-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Good point.   Error message improved, regression test added.

Thanks for the suggestion


| -Original Message-
| From: Dean Herington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 05 February 2003 19:14
| Subject: confusing error message
| buzzard(118)% cat Bug5.hs
| import Control.Monad.State
| data S = S Int
| newtype M a = M (StateT S IO a)
|   deriving (Monad)
| main = return ()
| buzzard(119)% ghc -c Bug5.hs
| Bug5.hs:3:
| Can't make a derived instance of `Monad M'
| (too hard for cunning newtype deriving)
| When deriving instances for type `M'
| buzzard(120)% ghc --version
| The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 5.04.2
| The real problem above is that I forgot to enable extensions.  It
| be helpful if the error message indicated that as the problem.
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

The boot interface files for TypeRep contain errors

2003-02-06 Thread Tobias Gedell
The boot interface files for .../ghc/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs contain 

In TypeRep.lhs PredType is defined as:

type PredType  = SourceType	-- A subtype for predicates

But in the boot files it is exported as a datatype (taken from 

module TypeRep where

data Type
data PredType
type Kind = Type
type SuperKind = Type

When compiling GHC this doesn't matter, the compilation succeeds anyway. 
The error shows up first when generating external Core for GHC. Since 
PredType is exported as a datatype it will be refered to by all modules 
that are using the boot file, but when generating external Core for 
TypeRep the type PredType will be removed since it is just an alias. 
Therefore there will be a lot of references to the nonexisting type 

The solution is to define PredType as a type in the boot files and add 
the type SourceType as a datatype.

Here are the modified boot files:

_interface_ TypeRep 1
_exports_ TypeRep Type SourceType PredType Kind SuperKind ;
1 data Type ;
1 data SourceType ;
1 type PredType = SourceType;
1 type Kind = Type ;
1 type SuperKind = Type ;

__interface TypeRep 1 0 where
__export TypeRep Type SourceType PredType Kind SuperKind ;
1 data Type ;
1 data SourceType ;
1 type PredType = SourceType ;
1 type Kind = Type ;
1 type SuperKind = Type ;

module TypeRep where

data Type
data SourceType
type PredType = SourceType
type Kind = Type
type SuperKind = Type

Should I commit these changes to the HEAD branch?


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

biographical profiling bug

2003-02-06 Thread Ian Lynagh

In a fairly recent CVS (I don't have 5.04* easily available to check it):

igloo@userpc15:bug$ ghc --make Foo -o Foo -prof -auto-all -O
Chasing modules from: Foo
Compiling Inflate  ( Inflate.lhs, ./Inflate.o )
Compiling Main ( Foo.lhs, ./Foo.o )
Linking ...
igloo@userpc15:bug$ ./Foo +RTS -hb
Foo: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 17260
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Source at


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

RE: The boot interface files for TypeRep contain errors

2003-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Urk!  Good point!

Yes, please do commit those changes. Do you have commit permission now?


| -Original Message-
| From: Tobias Gedell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 06 February 2003 13:14
| To: glasgow-haskell-bugs
| Subject: The boot interface files for TypeRep contain errors
| The boot interface files for .../ghc/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
| errors.
| In TypeRep.lhs PredType is defined as:
| -
| type PredType  = SourceType   -- A subtype for predicates
| -
| But in the boot files it is exported as a datatype (taken from
| TypeRep.hi-boot-6):
| -
| module TypeRep where
| data Type
| data PredType
| type Kind = Type
| type SuperKind = Type
| -
| When compiling GHC this doesn't matter, the compilation succeeds
| The error shows up first when generating external Core for GHC. Since
| PredType is exported as a datatype it will be refered to by all
| that are using the boot file, but when generating external Core for
| TypeRep the type PredType will be removed since it is just an alias.
| Therefore there will be a lot of references to the nonexisting type
| TypeRep.PredType.
| The solution is to define PredType as a type in the boot files and add
| the type SourceType as a datatype.
| Here are the modified boot files:
| TypeRep.hi-boot:
| -
| _interface_ TypeRep 1
| _exports_ TypeRep Type SourceType PredType Kind SuperKind ;
| _declarations_
| 1 data Type ;
| 1 data SourceType ;
| 1 type PredType = SourceType;
| 1 type Kind = Type ;
| 1 type SuperKind = Type ;
| -
| TypeRep.hi-boot-5
| -
| __interface TypeRep 1 0 where
| __export TypeRep Type SourceType PredType Kind SuperKind ;
| 1 data Type ;
| 1 data SourceType ;
| 1 type PredType = SourceType ;
| 1 type Kind = Type ;
| 1 type SuperKind = Type ;
| -
| TypeRep.hi-boot-6
| -
| module TypeRep where
| data Type
| data SourceType
| type PredType = SourceType
| type Kind = Type
| type SuperKind = Type
| -
| Should I commit these changes to the HEAD branch?
| Regards,
|   Tobias
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

RE: External Core parser bug

2003-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
I've fixed this one, I believe.


| -Original Message-
| From: Kirsten Chevalier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 07 January 2003 20:27
| Subject: External Core parser bug
| The attached file was generated by running 'ghc -fext-core' on the
| benchmark from the spectral section of the nofib suite, but if I try
| read it back into GHC 5.04.1, I get the following error:
| 2882: Parse error
| :-2::GHCziPrim.Floatzh))
| (GHCziBase.zdwZC @ GHCziFloat.Float
|  (GHCziFloat.zdwFzh (1.0::GHCziP
| --
| Kirsten Chevalier * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Often in error, never in
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: The boot interface files for TypeRep contain errors

2003-02-06 Thread Tobias Gedell
Urk!  Good point!

Yes, please do commit those changes. Do you have commit permission now?

Yes, I have commit permission now, thanks!

I had troubles commiting at first but then I ran cvs update -A and 
then cvs commit filenames. I hope that was the right way to do it.


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Kontakt Lenste yeni yil firsati 1 Kutu Lens 35 Milyon USTELIK ADRESE TESLIM KACIRMAYIN_____6357474__

2003-02-06 Thread glasgow-haskell-users
En ucuz lensler icin lutfen tiklayin. 
Bir telefonla adrese teslim.

 Akdeniz Goz Merkezi 
Fevzipaþa No:73 Fatih0 212 635 74 74

Listeden cikmak icin [EMAIL PROTECTED]adresine bos mail gonderiniz

Your message to Glasgow-haskell-bugs awaits moderator approval

2003-02-06 Thread glasgow-haskell-bugs-admin
Your mail to 'Glasgow-haskell-bugs' with the subject

Kontakt Lenste yeni yil firsati 1 Kutu Lens 35 Milyon USTELIK

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

Post by non-member to a members-only list

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: buffering woes

2003-02-06 Thread Simon Marlow

 Hal Daume III [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Not for me, GHC 5.04.2 (Solaris).
 here it goes right the first time, but then i have to type two more
 letters (in this case 'b\n') to get it to respond to hello.
 Solaris has a slightly bizarre buffering scheme in raw terminal
 mode, whereby it buffers 4 characters at a time, instead of passing
 on each character immediately.  Try
 stty -icanon min 1
 (or something similar) to fix it?
 Someone must have failed setting the tty mode. :-)
 The 4 is (if I remember right) the VMIN value which is stored in the
 same place as the EOF (^D = 4) character.  It has to be set to 0 when
 placing the tty in raw mode.


Now fixed, thanks all.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc feature request: core notes

2003-02-06 Thread Alastair Reid

Hal Daume III [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm not sure how generally useful this would be, but I would
 find it useful to be able to attach notes to core expressions from
 the Haskell code.  The idea being something along the lines of a
 code annotation like a pragma. [...]

Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [...] There is an annotation facility in Core, but it's easy for the notes
 to be discarded.  So if they are conveying important info, it might
 easily get lost... and if not, what's it doing there in the first
 place.  What do you expect to happen to these annotations? [...]

It seems like _scc_ is (almost) exactly what you need here.  When used
for profiling, you mark subexpressions you want profiled and ghc takes
care to preserve and propagate them in a semantically meaningful way.
Any _scc_ annotations that ghc chooses to drop can be reported as
bugs :-)

I say almost because what the semantics used when profiling may not
be the right ones for your purposes.  (I'm being vague because I don't
know your purposes.)

Naturally, you'd want to be able to use these notes independently of
profiling - which can probably be done with a little preprocessor
hackery.  Assuming that the 1st argument to 'NOTE' is a literal string
in the following:

#define NOTE(x,y) (_scc_ NOTE  x  (y))
#define NOTE(x,y) {- nothing -}

Alastair Reid
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

chains of IORefs

2003-02-06 Thread Richard Uhtenwoldt
using IORefs, one can construct linked lists in Haskell
that resemble one's used in imperative C programming.

eg, the following toy code creates a chain of 1000 linked records.

import IOExts

data Record= RecordNil
   | Record String Int Chain
type Chain = IORef Record

main=makeChain [1..1000]

makeChain::[Int]-IO Chain
makeChain []=newIORef RecordNil
makeChain (a:as)=makeChain as= \chain-
 newIORef (Record data a chain)

such structures will be garbage-collected automatically, right?

in general terms, please comment on how well GHC supports code
that uses such structures.

(I have no reason to suspect it would not be well-supported, but
it never hurts to verify assumptions before plunging into coding.)

now, to turn makeChain into a lazy producer requires adding an IO
to the type of Chain, yielding 

type Chain=IO (IORef Record)

please comment on how well GHC would tend to support such a type.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: awaitEval in Concurrent Haskell

2003-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Colin [ccing GHC users in case there are other enthusiasts out there]

| we briefly discussed the lack in
| Concurrent Haskell of any way to set up a data-driven
| thread -- one that works on a data structure D without
| ever forcing its evaluation, only proceeding with the
| computation over D as and when the needed parts get
| evaluated by some other thread.
| An example application is assertion-checking in a program that depends
| on laziness -- and indeed I am currently supervising a student
| project on this topic.  Concurrent Haskell looked like
| an obvious basis for implementation, but we are stuck
| without data-driven threads.
| You did say that it would not take too much work for someone
| familiar with the Concurrent Haskell implementation, such as yourself,
| to add a suitable primitive for the expression of data-driven threads.
| Is there any possibility that you could indeed do this in the near

It's not entirely obvious what you want here.  Ideally you'd be able to

f xs = assert (length xs  10) (...)

and have the predicate (length xs  10) evaluated only when xs itself
was evaluated.  But that means that the evaluations performed by length
would have to be suspended somehow.  That seems hard, if we are sharing
a single copy of length.  (Not *all* evaluations performed by these
assertion-checking threads must be suspended... they may create thunks
of their own.)

Next idea is to have a function
await :: a - b - b
which is rather like 'seq' except that it waits for its first argument
to be evaluated, whereas 'seq' evaluates it.  Then you could write a new
version of 'length' which used await before every case expression. Is
that what you had in mind?  A bit fragile, isn't it?

How to implement 'await'.  We thought of three ways:

1.  Implement a primitive checkEval :: a - Bool, which tells whether
something is evaluated; if not, it yields to other threads, as well as
returning False.  So now you can have a busy-wait version of await thus:

await x y = case checkEval x of
True - y
  False - await x y

2.  Implement await directly, by putting the thread in a pool of threads
that the scheduler checks at regular intervals. They each just watch a
thunk.  Still a busy-waiting solution.

3.  Do the right thing: implement 'await' by copying the thunk,
replacing it by a smart indirection which also points to the
non-suspended thread. When the indirection is evaluated, it just puts
the suspended thread in the runnable pool before entering the thunk.
Actually, this is probably no harder than (2).

Now, it's true that it would take Simon or I less time to implement one
of these than it would take your student to do, but we have so *many*
things to implement, and each takes time.  And you will probably change
your mind several times about what the right design should be (that's
what research is like).  So there's a lot to be said for the wading in

What I can promise is that we'd turn around questions rapidly.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: GHC and C++ (was RE: Creating COM objects and passing out pointers to them via a COM interface)

2003-02-06 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| 1. A facility to replace the default uncaught exception behaviour for
| objects and similar shared library code

I'm out of my depth here.  I think that if those interested in COMish
things get a consensus on what would be the Right Thing, and have some
idea about implementation, we'd be willing to help fix GHC to do the
Right Thing, if it wasn't too hard.

| 2. HDirect rolled into the main GHC tree
| 3. A facility within HDirect to create COM objects based on existing
| (Haskell) data structures, returning an interface pointer as a return
| parameter on a call to an existing COM object. (This was the question
| asked if I'd had an answer to - I've attached a copy below for

Sounds great -- but Sigbjorn is HDirect supreme so we'll have to see
what he says.


| -Original Message-
| From: Sarah Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 04 February 2003 10:34
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones; Sigbjorn Finne
| Cc: Daan Leijen; Kevin S. Millikin; Mike Thomas;
| Haskell-Cafe@Haskell. Org
| Subject: Re: GHC and C++ (was RE: Creating COM objects and passing out
| to them via a COM interface)
| I'm replying to two threads at the same time and cross posting my
| because they are very relevant to each other. I'm sorry if anyone here
| up seeing this more than once as a consequence.
| [s]
| --
|  Sarah
|  Did you get this problem sorted out?
| Not directly. I ended up building an 'outer' COM component in C++ that
| mapped an MSXML-like interface onto a simpler, internal COM component
| wraps up the Haskell code. This approach seems to work well - I might
| been able to build the necessary wrapper directly in Haskell using
| but I was becoming aware that I was probably starting to take up an
| unreasonable amount of Sigbjorn's time with increasingly detailed
| and I didn't have time to figure out the necessary intricacies from
| HDirect seems very good, but I don't think it's currently in quite as
| a state as the main GHC release. The problems I had in building a
| that works with the current GHC are an example of this. I'm not
| complaining - it worked well in the end, but I do think it might be a
| thing' to consider rolling HDirect into the main GHC release at some
| The other thing that bit me was exception handling, or rather the
| behaviour when an uncaught exception 'falls out' and reaches the top
| of the runtime system. Currently, the functionality appears to be to
| the current process. Whilst this is probably desirable for a typical
| application executable (be that console or GUI based), it is a problem
if it
| happens inside a COM component. My thinking is quite straightforward
| this. Preferred behaviour should really be for a call to a COM
component to
| fail returning an error code, rather than abort the calling process.
| 'Server-style' applications are usually expected to keep running when
| faults occur, rather than terminate. HDirect/GHC's current behaviour
| this difficult to achieve - I managed to successfully catch
exceptions, but
| the price was needing to use some code based on DeepSeq to force deep
| evaluation for all state updates. This (seemingly) was the only way I
| stop exceptions from happening in the context of the automatically
| COM wrapper - passing it a fully evaluated data structure was
apparently the
| only solution available. However, this does break the advantages of
| as applied to the current state of the object - it would be pretty
neat, for
| example, to be able to define a view of a database as the result of an
| expression involving relational algebra combinators, with the query
| evaluated one record at a time as the data is pulled back by the
| application. The need for DeepSeq forces strict evaluation, so this
| is lost. This is actually more of an issue than it might immediately
seem -
| many queries don't actually need to retrieve all of a record set
| useful things can be done. A particular example is updating a GUI,
where a
| list box reflects the results of a query. Lazy evaluation will allow
| screen to start updating more or less immediately even on a query that
| returns thousands of records - strict evaluation might incur a delay
of a
| few seconds (for a very complex query or a large database) before
| can start happening.
| In an ideal world, what I'd dearly love to see would be an HDirect
| that allows a choice between existing functionality and having calls
| a failure code, or better still allowing a user-supplied handler
function to
| determine the correct course of action.
| So, to sum up my wish list:
| 1. A facility to replace the default uncaught exception behaviour for
| objects and similar shared library code
| 2. HDirect rolled into the main GHC tree

Re: awaitEval in Concurrent Haskell

2003-02-06 Thread Colin Runciman

Next idea is to have a function
	await :: a - b - b
which is rather like 'seq' except that it waits for its first argument
to be evaluated, whereas 'seq' evaluates it.  Then you could write a new
version of 'length' which used await before every case expression. Is
that what you had in mind?  A bit fragile, isn't it?

Something like await would  be enough I think.  It would not be 
necessary to write new
versions of all the functions to be data driven, just a single 
(overloaded) function
to convert a demanding function into a data-driven one. Something like this:

asEvaluated xs = await xs (case xs of
  (x:xs) - asEvaluated x : 
asEvaluated xs
  []  - [])

dataDriven f = f . asEvaluated

assert p xs = thread (... dataDriven p xs ...) xs

How to implement 'await'.  We thought of three ways:

1.  Implement a primitive checkEval :: a - Bool, which tells whether
something is evaluated; if not, it yields to other threads, as well as
returning False.  So now you can have a busy-wait version of await thus:

	await x y = case checkEval x of
			True - y
 False - await x y

2.  Implement await directly, by putting the thread in a pool of threads
that the scheduler checks at regular intervals. They each just watch a
thunk.  Still a busy-waiting solution.

3.  Do the right thing: implement 'await' by copying the thunk,
replacing it by a smart indirection which also points to the
non-suspended thread. When the indirection is evaluated, it just puts
the suspended thread in the runnable pool before entering the thunk.
Actually, this is probably no harder than (2).

I agree that 2 seems the most straightfoward, and not quite so busy as 1.
Unless I am misunderstanding 3 it could lead to problems if scheduling
can occur before evaluation of the thunk reaches a normal form.

Now, it's true that it would take Simon or I less time to implement one
of these than it would take your student to do, but we have so *many*
things to implement, and each takes time.  And you will probably change
your mind several times about what the right design should be (that's
what research is like).  So there's a lot to be said for the wading in

The formula for implementation time is roughly
   initiationRites + inherentDifficulty / skillLevel
and I am pretty sure we could get by with just the await primitive.
So if there is any way you could find an early slot to do a
basic implementation of await, it would be much appreciated.

What I can promise is that we'd turn around questions rapidly.

If we do end up trying to define await for ourselves, which source
files should we expect to modify and are there any likely pitfalls
in the subsequent rebuilding?

Colin R

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: awaitEval in Concurrent Haskell

2003-02-06 Thread C.Reinke
 Colin [ccing GHC users in case there are other enthusiasts out there]
 | we briefly discussed the lack in
 | Concurrent Haskell of any way to set up a data-driven
 | thread -- one that works on a data structure D without
 | ever forcing its evaluation, only proceeding with the
 | computation over D as and when the needed parts get
 | evaluated by some other thread.

I'm not sure whether I understand what you have in mind
later on, but this first part sounds so remarkably like
something I've seen before, that I'll take my chances.

Do you remember Andy Gill's Hood from long ago?

Inside its implementation, it had a very similar problem:
writing information about an observed structure to some
observation trace, but without forcing premature evaluation
of the structure under observation.

The trick used in Observe.lhs is roughly this (here for (,)):

  observe label (a,b) = unsafePerformIO $ do
sendObservation label (,)
return (observe label a,observe label b)

with some position information and strictness mangling added, and
the whole nicely wrapped into a monad (see Observe.lhs for details).

Nothing happens as long as the thing under observation is not
inspected by its context. Then, and precisely then, the
unsafePerformIO kicks in to record a piece of information and to
return the outer part of the thing, wrapping its components into
fresh observers.

Andy used this to store observations in a list, to be processed at
the end of the program run, but you can just as well send the
observations during evaluation, e.g., to a concurrent thread (with
the usual caveats). In particular, the sequencing of information
becoming available was detailed enough to inspire my own GHood;-)

With no implementation slot free, something like this might get your
student's project unstuck (e.g., replace sendObservation by assert)?
After all, my favourite justification for unsafePerformIO is as an
extension hook in the runtime system..

Sorry if your intention was something else and I'm just trying to
fit a solution to the problem. Even then, you might be able to
adapt the trick to your application.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: sockets (ghc-5.04.1)

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Thiemann

I only saw your answer today since it was filed in my
Haskell-mailing-list folder. Indeed, I've moved on to

import Network.Socket

and then duplicated part of my code. One thing that I found annoying
was that the Protocol argument of
is not well specified. The type Protocol is abstract, but is a member
of class Read. However, the Read syntax is nowhere specified. So I

do sock - socket AF_UNIX Stream (read 0)

which works, but I'm sure that more informative strings work, too.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Build error

2003-02-06 Thread Garner, Robin

I'm trying to build 
ghc 5.04.2 from the source distribution (on Linux, RH 7.2), and get the 
following error

..==fptools== make all -wr;in /usr/local/src/ghc-5.04.2/ghc/rts.../utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace --update-package 
rts.conf.inplaceReading package info from stdin... done.Expanding 
embedded variables...done.warning: can't find GHCi lib `HSrts.o'Saving 
old package config file... done.Writing new package config file... 
done/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace -f ../driver/package.conf 
--update-package rts.conf.installedReading package info from 
stdin... done.Expanding embedded variables...done.warning: can't find 
GHCi lib `HSrts.o'Saving old package config file... done.Writing new 
package config file... done.../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -optc-O 
-optc-Wall -optc-W -optc-Wstrict-prototypes -optc-Wmissing-prototypes 
-optc-Wmissing-declarations -optc-Winline -optc-Waggregate-return 
-optc-Wbad-function-cast -optc-Wcast-align -optc-I../includes -optc-I. 
-optc-Iparallel -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS -optc-fomit-frame-pointer -ldl -O2 
-static -package-name rts -O -Rghc-timing -c Adjustor.c -o 
Adjustor.oghc: 598636 bytes, 2 GCs, 32532/32532 avg/max bytes residency (1 
samples), 5M in use, 0.02 INIT (0.01 elapsed), 0.02 MUT (0.04 elapsed), 0.06 
GC (0.16 elapsed) 
:ghcmake[2]: *** [Adjustor.o] 
Error 1make[1]: *** [all] Error 
1make[1]: Leaving directory 
`/usr/local/src/ghc-5.04.2/ghc'make: *** 
[all] Error 1

If I use the analogous 
gcc command, everything works. How can I find out what's going wrong 

Re: Looking for large Haskell programs

2003-02-06 Thread George Russell
Tobias Gedell wrote
 I'm looking for large haskell programs with more than 15000 lines of 
 code. Does any of you know where I can find such programs? The programs 
 found in the nofib suite are not large enough.
The UniForM workbench is currently almost 8 lines (of which 4500 are
actually HaXml, so don't really count), and is almost all Haskell.  It uses
a lot of Glasgow extensions though.
Haskell mailing list

ICFP 2003 Call for Papers -- deadline extended

2003-02-06 Thread shivers
The submission deadline for ICFP (the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
Functional Programming) has been extended by nine days to March 29 (2300 UTC).

The 2003 ICFP will be in Uppsala, Sweden on August 25-29, in conjunction with
PPDP (Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming). Please take a
moment to read the call for papers I've appended below, and see if you have
a topic or result you would like to submit to the program committee.

See you in Sweden.
-Olin Shivers
 program chairman

Eighth Annual ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming 
ICFP 2003
Call for Papers 
(Revised 2003/2/5)

Affiliated with PLI 2003 
August 25-29, 2003 
Uppsala, Sweden

* Important dates
Submission deadline 18:00 EST 29 March, 2003 (Thursday)
Notification of acceptance  rejection   19 May, 2003
Final paper due 16 June, 2003
Conference  25-29 August, 2003

* Scope
ICFP 2003 seeks original papers on the full spectrum of the art, science, and
practice of functional programming. The conference invites submissions on all
topics ranging from principles to practice, from foundations to features, and
from abstraction to application. The scope covers all languages that encourage
programming with functions, including both purely applicative and imperative
languages, as well as languages that support objects and concurrency. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  formal semantics, lambda calculus, type theory, monads, continuations,
  control, state, effects.
  Algorithms and data structures, modules and type systems, concurrency
  and distribution, components and composition, relations to
  object-oriented and logic programming, multiparadigm programming.
  abstract machines, compile-time and run-time optimization, just-in-time
  compilers, memory management. Interfaces to foreign functions, services,
  components and low-level machine resources.
Transformation and analysis 
  abstract interpretation, partial evaluation, program transformation,
  theorem proving, specification and verification.
Software development techniques for functional programming 
  design patterns, specification, verification and validation, debugging,
  test generation, tracing and profiling.
Applications and domain-specific languages 
  systems programming, scientific and numerical computing, symbolic
  computing and artificial intelligence, systems programming, databases,
  graphical user interfaces, multimedia programming, application
  scripting, system administration, distributed-systems construction, web
Practice and experience 
  functional programming in education and industry, ramifications on other
  paradigms and computing disciplines.
Functional pearls 
  elegant, instructive examples of functional programming. 

Papers in the latter three categories need not necessarily report original
research results; they may instead, for example, report practical experience
that will be useful to others, re-usable programming idioms, or elegant new
ways of approaching a problem. The key criterion for such a paper is that it
makes a contribution from which other practitioners can benefit. It is not
enough simply to describe a program!

* Submission guidelines
Due date  time: Submissions must be filed at the web site by 18:00 EST on
Thursday 29 March. Some convenient equivalents to 18:00 EST are 
  New York: 6:00 PM = 18h00 
  San Francisco: 3:00 PM = 15h00 
  Chicago: 5:00 PM = 17h00 
  Paris: Midnight 
  Hong Kong: 7:00 AM (30 March) 
  UTC: 2300 
For other time-zones/locations, see 

Submission URL: 

Authors should submit a 100-200 word abstract and a full paper by 23:00
Universal Coordinated Time on Thursday, March 29, 2003. Submissions should be
no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and appendices) in standard ACM
conference format: two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with
pages 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter of 2pc
(0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines are available at, along with formatting
templates or style files for LaTeX, Word Perfect, and Word. You don't need to
include categories, keywords, etc., though you are welcome to do so. Also,
note that the ACM copyright notice is not required of submissions, only of
accepted papers.

Authors wishing to 

default class methods in sub-classes

2003-02-06 Thread Dylan Alex Simon
Apparently I can't do this (in ghc or hugs -- haven't tried others):

class Space a where
  distance :: a - a - Int
  subtract :: a - a - a

class (Space a) = NormSpace a where
  norm :: a - Int
  distance a b = norm (subtract a b)

That is, I can't make (or redefine) a default for the superclass method
'distance' in a subclass.  I agree that the Haskell'98 definition doesn't
claim that this should be allowed, but it seems like something that would be
useful.  Are there reasons not to allow this (or that I shouldn't want to do
this at all)?

Apologies if this is well-covered.  I couldn't find any mention of it.

:-Dylan Simon
Haskell mailing list

ICFP 2003 CFP -- minor but critical correction

2003-02-06 Thread Olin Shivers
The submission date, March 29, is a Saturday, *not* a Thursday.
Sorry 'bout that.

Eighth Annual ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
ICFP 2003
Call for Papers 
(Revised 2003/2/5)

Affiliated with PLI 2003 
August 25-29, 2003 
Uppsala, Sweden

* Important dates
Submission deadline 18:00 EST 29 March, 2003 (Saturday)
Notification of acceptance  rejection   19 May, 2003
Final paper due 16 June, 2003
Conference  25-29 August, 2003

* Scope
ICFP 2003 seeks original papers on the full spectrum of the art, science, and
practice of functional programming. The conference invites submissions on all
topics ranging from principles to practice, from foundations to features, and
from abstraction to application. The scope covers all languages that encourage
programming with functions, including both purely applicative and imperative
languages, as well as languages that support objects and concurrency. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  formal semantics, lambda calculus, type theory, monads, continuations,
  control, state, effects.
  Algorithms and data structures, modules and type systems, concurrency
  and distribution, components and composition, relations to
  object-oriented and logic programming, multiparadigm programming.
  abstract machines, compile-time and run-time optimization, just-in-time
  compilers, memory management. Interfaces to foreign functions, services,
  components and low-level machine resources.
Transformation and analysis 
  abstract interpretation, partial evaluation, program transformation,
  theorem proving, specification and verification.
Software development techniques for functional programming 
  design patterns, specification, verification and validation, debugging,
  test generation, tracing and profiling.
Applications and domain-specific languages 
  systems programming, scientific and numerical computing, symbolic
  computing and artificial intelligence, systems programming, databases,
  graphical user interfaces, multimedia programming, application
  scripting, system administration, distributed-systems construction, web
Practice and experience 
  functional programming in education and industry, ramifications on other
  paradigms and computing disciplines.
Functional pearls 
  elegant, instructive examples of functional programming. 

Papers in the latter three categories need not necessarily report original
research results; they may instead, for example, report practical experience
that will be useful to others, re-usable programming idioms, or elegant new
ways of approaching a problem. The key criterion for such a paper is that it
makes a contribution from which other practitioners can benefit. It is not
enough simply to describe a program!

* Submission guidelines
Due date  time: Submissions must be filed at the web site by 18:00 EST on
Saturday 29 March. Some convenient equivalents to 18:00 EST are 
  New York: 6:00 PM = 18h00 
  San Francisco: 3:00 PM = 15h00 
  Chicago: 5:00 PM = 17h00 
  Paris: Midnight 
  Hong Kong: 7:00 AM (30 March) 
  UTC: 2300 
For other time-zones/locations, see 

Submission URL: 

Authors should submit a 100-200 word abstract and a full paper by 23:00
Universal Coordinated Time on Saturday, 29 March, 2003. Submissions should be
no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and appendices) in standard ACM
conference format: two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with
pages 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter of 2pc
(0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines are available at, along with formatting
templates or style files for LaTeX, Word Perfect, and Word. You don't need to
include categories, keywords, etc., though you are welcome to do so. Also,
note that the ACM copyright notice is not required of submissions, only of
accepted papers.

Authors wishing to supply additional material to the reviewers beyond the
12-page limit can do so in clearly marked appendices, on the understanding
that reviewers are not required to read the appendices. Submissions that do
not meet these guidelines will not be considered. The submission deadline and
length above are firm.

Submissions will be carried out electronically via the Web, at the URL given
above. Papers must be submitted in 

Re: default class methods in sub-classes

2003-02-06 Thread Ross Paterson
On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 09:16:58PM -0800, Dylan Alex Simon wrote:
 Apparently I can't do this (in ghc or hugs -- haven't tried others):
 class Space a where
   distance :: a - a - Int
   subtract :: a - a - a
 class (Space a) = NormSpace a where
   norm :: a - Int
   distance a b = norm (subtract a b)
 That is, I can't make (or redefine) a default for the superclass method
 'distance' in a subclass.  I agree that the Haskell'98 definition doesn't
 claim that this should be allowed, but it seems like something that would be
 useful.  Are there reasons not to allow this (or that I shouldn't want to do
 this at all)?

No, it's not legal, but it would indeed be useful, even in the Prelude,
e.g. defining (==) in Ord, or fmap in Monad.  It seems a reasonable idea
of subclass, but might be hard to do across module boundaries.
Haskell mailing list

CFP: APLAS03 - 1st Asian Symp. on Prog. Lang. and Systems

2003-02-06 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
  [My apologies if this eventually leads to a double
  posting, but Atsushi Ohori's original post didn't get
  through as he does not subscribe to this list.]

   Call for Papers

The First Asian Symposium on
 Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS03)
Beijing, China.  October 27-29, 2003
(Submission deadline: May 27, 2003)

Sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundations of Software (AAFS)
and Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics).

APLAS aims at stimulating programming language research by providing
a forum for the presentation of recent results and the exchange of
ideas and experience in topics concerned with programming
languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia, but intends to be an
international forum that serves the worldwide programming languages

The APLAS series is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation
of Software (AAFS), which has recently been founded by Asian
researchers in cooperation with many researchers from Europe and the
USA. APLAS has been discussed and prepared through informal workshops
held in Singapore (2000), Daejeon (2001), and Shanghai (2002). 
APLAS03 will be the first formal symposium in the series.

The symposium is devoted to foundational issues in programming
languages and systems, covering the following areas:
 * semantics and theoretical foundations
 * type systems and language design
 * compilers and implementation
 * program analysis and security
 * program transformation and calculation
 * concurrency

Wei Li
National Laboratory of Software Development Environment
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Beijing, 100083, China

Atsushi Ohori (
School of Information Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa, 923-1292 JAPAN
Tel: +81 761 51 1275, Fax: +81 761 51 1149

* Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales, Australia)
* Wei Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
* Tyng-Ruey Chuang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
* Yuxi Fu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
* Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto University, Japan)
* Kohei Honda (Queen Mary College, UK)
* Zhenjiang Hu (University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Peter Lee (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
* Shilong Ma (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
* Martin Odersky (Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Atsushi Ohori (JAIST, Japan), Chair
* Don Sannella (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Zhong Shao (Yale University, USA)
* Kwangkeun Yi (KAIST, Korea)
* Taiichi Yuasa (Kyoto University, Japan)

Submission deadline:  May 27, 2003
Notification of acceptance:   July 17, 2003
Final paper due:  August 17, 2003
Symposium:October 27-29, 2003

The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series. Final papers will be no more than *15* 
pages long in the format specified by Springer-Verlag at the URL:

Prospective authors are invited to submit a 100-200 word abstract and
a full paper in English presenting original research. Submitted papers
must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.

Submissions will be carried out electronically via the Web via a link
found at the symposium web page
Papers must be submitted in either PDF format, or as PostScript
documents that are interpretable by Ghostscript.
Those who have difficulty in web-based submission should contact
the program chair before the deadline.

It is recommended that submissions adhere to the format and length of
the proceedings described above. Submissions that are clearly too 
long may be rejected immediately.
Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-06 Thread Michael Sperber [Mr.\ Preprocessor]
 Hal == Hal Daume, Hal writes:

Hal Hi all,

Hal Before getting in to this, let me preface my question(s) with a note that
Hal I have checked through the Haskell in Education web page and have found
Hal various links off there of interest (and I've googled, etc.  In
Hal short: I've done my homework).

Hal That said, I've been in rather close correspondence with my math/computer
Hal science teacher from high school.  When I first took CS there, they taught
Hal Pascal (a year early they had been teaching Scheme).  They switched over
Hal to VB (alas) recently and have been teaching that for a few years now.

Hal The teacher really wants to get away from VB, but is having a somewhat
Hal difficult time deciding what to go to.  The two most promising options are
Hal Haskell and Java.

I really recommend looking at the TeachScheme! curriculum and the How
to Design Programs curriculum.  Here are two URLs:

This works exceptionally well at the High School level (I know that
earlier attempts to do this with Scheme failed---this one is very
different), and has been extensively applied with great success---also
and especially in conjunction with the AP curriculum and/or a course
on Java based on the same methodology.  There's a wealth of software
and material, and the TeachScheme! program offers (mostly free)
workshops on this.

Haskell just has some terrible properties when it comes to teaching
beginners.  Among them are the complex and easy-to-get-wrong syntax,
the available programming environments which are OK for developers but
awful for beginners.  There's also a dearth of good textbooks at the
level you need.  Haskell is very easy to learn (and an excellent
choice for a 2nd or 3rd language) when you know Scheme.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla
Haskell mailing list

Re: default class methods in sub-classes

2003-02-06 Thread Zdenek Dvorak

Apparently I can't do this (in ghc or hugs -- haven't tried others):

class Space a where
  distance :: a - a - Int
  subtract :: a - a - a

class (Space a) = NormSpace a where
  norm :: a - Int
  distance a b = norm (subtract a b)

That is, I can't make (or redefine) a default for the superclass method
'distance' in a subclass.  I agree that the Haskell'98 definition doesn't
claim that this should be allowed, but it seems like something that would 
useful.  Are there reasons not to allow this (or that I shouldn't want to 
this at all)?

Apologies if this is well-covered.  I couldn't find any mention of it.

the problem is, that to make something instance of NormSpace, you must first
have it as instance of Space, i.e. with distance already defined. Then for 
to work, the default definition in NormSpace would have to override what 
defined, which looks strange.

Your problem can be solved in ghc by this (but unfortunately only with
-fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances (or some 

class HavingSubtract a where  -- not sure why generic space should have 
 subtract :: a - a - a -- but why not

class (HavingSubtract a) = Space a where
 distance :: a - a - Int

class (HavingSubtract a) = NormSpace a where
 norm :: a - Int

instance (NormSpace a) = Space a where
 distance a b = norm (subtract a b)

(and there is several more examples in that I would find something like this
very useful, but AFAIK there is no clean and elegant way how to do it --
you may do something simmilar using newtypes, but that is totally clumsy).


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Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-06 Thread Paul Hudak
I can't resist jumping in on this one:

 Haskell just has some terrible properties when it comes to teaching
 beginners.  Among them are the complex and easy-to-get-wrong syntax,
 the available programming environments which are OK for developers but
 awful for beginners.  There's also a dearth of good textbooks at the
 level you need.  Haskell is very easy to learn (and an excellent
 choice for a 2nd or 3rd language) when you know Scheme.

I have spent many years teaching both Scheme and Haskell to beginners,
and I would have to say that Haskell syntax has never been a serious
problem, certainly no more than Scheme's parentheses.  It is true that
there is a lack of good programming environments, although Hugs is
pretty easy to use, and things like Helium should be even better.  (I
won't say much about textbooks since I wrote one that I think is pretty
good for beginners :-)  Finally, aside from extraneous type error
messages (which Helium should do much better at), I claim that Haskell's
type system is BETTER for beginners compared to having no type system at
all.  As for the last point above, I could just as easily say that
Scheme is very easy to learn (and an excellent choice for a 2nd or 3rd
language) when you know Haskell.

Now, having said all this, I will add that I have the greatest respect
for the TeachScheme project, and I wish that we had something as well
developed for Haskell!

Haskell mailing list

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-06 Thread Stefan Karrmann
Simon Peyton-Jones (Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:06:40AM -):
 | the haskell 98 time library is horribly broken, if you are using ghc,
 | you can deconstruct the time constructor which has an Integer
 | the number of seconds since epoch... otherwise you can use
 | I dont supose this could be considered a typo in the haskell 98
 | it is an embarasing thing for a language to not be able to do...
 Meanwhile, I suspect there's an opportunity for someone (or a small
 group) to suggest a new Time library that really does the business, and
 provide an implementation.  If it's sufficiently persuasive, all the
 implementations will adopt it and it can become a de-facto standard.

A sound base for a Time implementation should use TAI (temps atomique
international), c.f.

 The implementation is important because Time is a weird enough thing
 that only an expert can implement the spec!  

Stefan Karrmann
Haskell mailing list

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-06 Thread Keith Wansbrough
Stefan Karrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A sound base for a Time implementation should use TAI (temps atomique
 international), c.f.

I disagree; I think UTC is quite sufficient, and will match the users'
expectations much better.  (executive summary: UTC is the time on your
watch (+/- timezone of course), TAI is behind by a few seconds, and
this difference changes each time there's a new leap second).

However, the reference above is not to TAI, but to a library called
libtai.  I don't know anything about this; Stefan, maybe you could
tell us some more?

--KW 8-)

Haskell mailing list

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-06 Thread Matt Hellige
[Keith Wansbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Stefan Karrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  A sound base for a Time implementation should use TAI (temps atomique
  international), c.f.
 I disagree; I think UTC is quite sufficient, and will match the users'
 expectations much better.  (executive summary: UTC is the time on your
 watch (+/- timezone of course), TAI is behind by a few seconds, and
 this difference changes each time there's a new leap second).
 However, the reference above is not to TAI, but to a library called
 libtai.  I don't know anything about this; Stefan, maybe you could
 tell us some more?

I know it's not really on topic, but for those of us who are ignorant
of the details of time standards, does anyone have a pointer to a
decent conceptual (i.e., non-software specific) overview of the
subject? Leap seconds, etc., are all pretty much new to me, but I am


Haskell mailing list

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Thiemann
I've been running into similar problems, and I've also been pointed to
the TimeExt library that George Russell was talking about. However, in
the end, I had to implement something by myself. Much unfortunately
though, my program relies on an undocumented feature of GHC's
implementation of TimeDiff in the Time library.

John's code illustrates TimeDiff's deficiencies perfectly:

JM the haskell 98 time library is horribly broken, if you are using ghc,
JM you can deconstruct the time constructor which has an Integer containing
JM the number of seconds since epoch... otherwise you can use

JM epoch :: ClockTime
JM epoch = toClockTime $ CalendarTime { ctYear = 1970, ctMonth = January,
JM ctDay = 0, ctHour = 0, ctMin = 0, ctSec = 0, ctTZ = 0, ctPicosec = 0,
JM ctWDay = undefined, ctYDay = undefined, ctTZName = undefined, ctIsDST =
JM undefined}

JM and TimeDiff,

JM unfortunatly you have to condense the TimeDiff to seconds, which is
JM unfeasable...

Ha! After playing with this, I discovered that only the seconds were
set and all other fields remained untouched. At least in ghc's
implementation. Interestingly, TimeDiff derives Eq and Ord, but I'd
better not ask for their implementation...

There is also a more fundamental problem with the TimeDiff data
type. While seconds, minutes, hours, and days are clearly specified
amounts of time, the duration of a month or a year may vary depending
on the reference point where the time difference is applied.

My conclusion is that time differences really should be measured in
seconds and picoseconds. 

type TimeDiff = (Integer, Integer)

JM we really should fix the Haskell time library. I propose adding:

JM toRawTime :: ClockTime - (Integer,Integer) 
JM fromRawTime :: (Integer,Integer) - ClockTime

JM where the integers are the number of seconds and picoseconds since
JM epoch, these would be enough to make the time library useful. 
JM I dont supose this could be considered a typo in the haskell 98 report?
JM it is an embarasing thing for a language to not be able to do...

Hmm, this is underspecified!
As another poster said, (pointing out, but it
is better to look at, which has a discussion
on UTC vs TAI vs UNIX time) the official source of time is TAI, so it
is best to base a time library
*on the number of TAI seconds since a reference date*
(which is btw what the libtai is all about).
For compatibility with UNIX time, Arthur David Olson's popular time
library uses an epoch of 1970-01-01 00:00:10 TAI
So this mostly means that you need to set your system clock correctly:-)

Hence, a suitable specification for 
JM toRawTime :: ClockTime - (Integer,Integer) 
could be number of seconds since reference point, given as a pair
(full seconds, picoseconds). This function *may* involve a time zone
calculation for those that do not run their system clock on TAI (or UTC).
JM fromRawTime :: (Integer,Integer) - ClockTime
  toRawTime . fromRawTime == id
  fromRawTime . toRawTime ~~ id
  (the internal representation of ClockTime may have less precision,
  so the difference would be less than system dependent constant,
  which could also be supplied by the library)

Given these two raw ingredients, everything else can be computed
from that. In addition, it would be nice to have parsing functions for
various time and date formats (which is what I ended up writing
myself for the ISO8601 format).

Haskell mailing list

Re: arrays and lamda terms

2003-02-06 Thread Claus Reinke
 I can see how you select an element randomly using the function parameters
 (it's cheating actually because lamda calculus will still reduce this it in
 steps, so it works for Haskell implementation because it does things

As I said, it all depends on how you're counting. But given that the serious
implementations of lambda support one-step reduction of n-ary abstractions
without any problems (think de Bruijn indices, supercombinator reduction,
beta-in-the-large), it may seem overly conservative to restrict counting to 
unary abstractions.

 One thing I object is, probably I did not understand that part, is that you
 still can't seem to access an element with a variable index (index is a
 variable instead of a literal constant). 

I'm not sure I understand your concern here. The selectors are functions,
but they are also all elements of the same type, so one can compute the 
actual selector to use in any given case dynamically, say depending on
runtime user input:

main = do
let a = list2arr5 [1..5::Int]
l - getLine
let s = case read l of { 1 - s5_1; ..; 5 - s5_5 } -- read for selectors
  i = list2arr5 12345 -- show for 
putStrLn $ you chose: a[++[i s]++]= ++show (a s)  -- variable index..

Collecting all selectors/indices in a list was just a quick way of emulating
the typical for-loop over all array indices..

Perhaps you'd be happier if there were more operations defined on selectors?
Haskellers sometimes think of functions as abstract values that can be applied,
but not computed with, but in lambda that's all one does (it's just that Haskell
doesn't support that style all too well) - as further examples, here are successor 
and predecessor (cyclic here; adding out-of-bounds errors instead would be 

succ5 = arr5 s5_2 s5_3 s5_4 s5_5 s5_1
pred5 = arr5 s5_5 s5_1 s5_2 s5_3 s5_4

or equality:

eq5_1 = arr5 True False False False False
eq5_5 = arr5 False False False False True
(==) = arr5 eq5_1 eq5_2 eq5_3 eq5_4 eq5_5


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Auto generated instance codes through 'deriving'

2003-02-06 Thread Jong Keun Na
Title: Auto generated instance codes through 'deriving'

Hello folks,

Is there any method with which I can see instances codes generated automatically by using deriving keyword in GHC?

Im curious in how GHC generates Read classs instance code for user-defined data type.

Any help will be great appreciated.
