Re: [Haskell] WxHaskell

2005-12-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Here the question:
Is there some workaround to make WxHaskell running with my sistem  
(GHC 6.4.1) or I should downgrade to GHC 6.4?

I think there are two options:
1) downgrade to GHC 6.4
2) build wxHaskell yourself for GHC 6.4.1

Regards, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shortening if-then-else

2005-11-22 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Is there a shorter way to write the if-then-else part below?
   if (cmdType cmd) /= (CmdSitError Server)
  then return $ Just seat_num
  else return Nothing

return $ if cmdType cmd /= CmdSitError Serv
then Just seat_num else Nothing


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] why don't we have const Ptrs?

2005-11-04 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello all,

David darcs Roundy wrote:

I was thinking this morning as I lay on the floor (where I sleep)  

static typechecking, [...]

I think we should get together and collect some money for David to  
buy a bed. Maybe a Paypal button at the darcs site? Maybe use the  
time we save by not using CVS anymore to get a second job and send  
our income to David? Just some suggestions.

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsec, state and/of my cluelessness

2005-10-18 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hi Niklas,

ctrlBodyParser :: CharParser ([Value], [Property], [Control]) 
 ([Value], [Property], [Control])

ctrlBodyParser =
do { c - ctrlParser -- parse child control
   ; (vs, ps, cs) - getState
   ; setState (vs, ps, (c : cs))
   ; ctrlBodyParser
do { p - propParser -- parse child property
   ; (vs, ps, cs) - getState
   ; setState (vs, (p : ps), cs)
   ; ctrlBodyParser
do { v - valueParser -- parse value
   ; (vs, ps, cs) - getState
   ; setState ((v : vs), ps, cs)
   ; ctrlBodyParser
do { getState } -- we're finished, return children

Uhm, maybe I'm being clueless here but I never use state to pass around 
results. This looks like a place where you want to parse many subparsers:

ctrlBodyParser = many parseOneCtrlBody

parseOneCtrlBody =  do { c - ctrlParser;  return (Control  c)}
| do { p - propParser;  return (Property p)}
| do { v - valueParser; return (Valuev)}

data CtrlBody = Control | Property | Value

Of course, ctrlBodyParser then has type [CtrlBody] so if you want your 
triple of lists you have to postprocess the list.

Anyway, I don't think parsec state is what you want to use here and 
explicit recursion of parsers can often be avoided using the many (pun 
intended) combinators of Parsec.

Cheers, Arjan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] Dazzle sources

2005-10-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello everyone,

After the Dazzle presentation at the Haskell workshop, several people  
have asked us whether the source code is available. There is the  
possibility of commercialising Dazzle at some point in the future and  
for that reason we don't want to give away all our algorithms.  
However, the diagram editor part of Dazzle is something we would like  
to share with the community. Already Malcolm Wallace has been using  
this as a basis for another editor and has made some really nice  
improvements and generalisations. We plan to make an open-source  
project out of the diagram editor because we think that that is the  
part people will be most interested in.

Here are some of the features of the diagram editor that will be  
called Blobs:

- editing diagrams
- arcs with via points, in other words polylines
- saving to and reading from file, XML format (using HaXml)
- unlimited undo  redo (using the PersistentDocument library)
- printing a diagram
- save a diagram to JPG/PNG
- labels at nodes and arcs
- resizing a diagram
- based on wxHaskell and can therefore run on Windows, Linux and Mac  

- the XTC library (eXtended and Typed Controls) will be included
- and much more

Our plan is to set up a project website, a version management system  
and to reintegrate Dazzle with Malcolm's extended Blobs. Once we feel  
people can start using it, we will make an official announcement.

Regards, the Dazzle team (Martijn Schrage  Arjan van IJzendoorn)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] readline troubles

2005-04-19 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,
Using GHCi 6.2.2 and HaXml-1.12 gives you the output below on Windows 
with Cygwin. I've seen this message on several other occasions and I 
finally managed to fix this using info at:
  (thank you, Sigbjorn!)
However, this is no trivial job and everyone who wants to compile a 
project using readline on Windows needs to patch this.

My question is: has this been solved in GHC 6.4 and if not, can this 
easily be solved? Maybe by including some version of readline in the 
Windows GHC installation?

Cheers, Arjan van IJzendoorn
--- GHCi output
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package lang ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Loading package concurrent ... linking ... done.
Loading package QuickCheck ... linking ... done.
Loading package readline ... linking ...
c:/apps/ghc/HSreadline.o: unknown symbol `_rl_redisplay_function'
ghc.exe: unable to load package `readline'
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existential problem

2005-04-01 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Haha! I like the subject of this message :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GUI

2004-12-27 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

However, I want to know if there has been any practical 
standardisation in the GUI area.  Last time I looked at this it seemed 
some decisions had been made (bind to existing api - wxWindows?).  I 
am waiting for some real standardisation and a mature API before I 
jump ship from Java for my day-to-day programming.
wxHaskell is available at
It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS X. It has many GUI controls, 
database access, is well documented and perfectly stable. We use this 
toolkit for a Bayesian network tool, Dazzle. See for a screenshot.

Have fun, Arjan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GUI

2004-12-27 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
It seems a bit of a stretch to call wxhaskell perfectly stable, when it
seems that the API changes with each release... It's definitely a 
interface, but I wouldn't really call it a stable one.  I guess it is
stable in the sense that it doesn't crash.
Yes, you are right. I meant the latter meaning of the word 'stable'.
The interface has changed considerably at version 0.8 but will hardly 
(if at all) be changed at 0.9. Maybe Daan himself can shed some more 
light on the matter.

Cheers, Arjan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Emitting java bytecode?

2004-12-21 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello Tomasz,
I am mainly interested in making GHC more portable. Haskell is a great
application programming language, but there are some concerns about
portability of applications.
What kind of concerns?
We develop an application with GUI, a lot of file I/O and that 
interfaces with a C++ library. It compiles fine on Windows and Linux. 
If the C++ library would be available for the Mac, we could compile it 
on MacOS X, too.

Cheers, Arjan
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell] PersistentDocument: A library for dealing with undo and file management in Haskell

2004-12-09 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,
In our Bayesian network editor Dazzle with a wxHaskell GUI there were 
two places where we needed to maintain a document that can be saved to 
disk. And we wanted to have undo (and redo) in both places. Of course, 
we didn't want to write this functionality twice. After factoring out 
the common parts the library is so general that it might be useful for 
others writing editors, too.

The library takes care of maintaining a document, keeping track of 
whether it is dirty (changed w.r.t. disk version), providing save and 
save as functionality, enabling and disabling menu items, updating the 
title bar, warning if you try to close a document that is dirty, 
dealing with unlimited undo/redo and more.

The reason for combining undo/redo and file management is because there 
is interaction between them. For example, when you save a file, the 
versions of the document in the undo and redo buffers become dirty. 
All in all, it is quite subtle code that you don't want to write time 
after time.

If you are writing some kind of editor and are interested in using the 
library, check out the (heavily documented) source code at:
The zip contains three files:
1) PersistentDocument.hs: the implementation of what is described above. 
This module is not dependent on wxHaskell by the way.
2) PDDefaults.hs: default implementations of the call-back functions in 
3) PDDemo.hs: a demo application allowing you to edit a list of strings. 
It uses the two other files and thus supports undo/redo and cool file 
management for free. In the demo file you can see how to start it.

If you have suggestions for better names, need functions that are not in 
the interface or you have any other comment, send it to 

At some point this functionality will be added to the wxHaskell 
distribution. However, I first want to let other people have a look at 
it and process their comments.

Have fun, Arjan
PS: If you want to see what our Dazzle editor looks like, go to
Haskell mailing list

Re: Using GHC and wxHaskell

2004-09-10 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hi Miren,
As I need to implement a graphical interface, I was thinking of using
Is that a good option? How can I use the wxHaskell libraries with GHC?
I´m working under Windows XP.
Yes, wxHaskell is a good option.
As far as I know there are two options for writing GUIs that run under 
Windows: HToolkit and wxHaskell. I only have experience using 
wxHaskell; see the NetEdit application on

Using wxHaskell is easy. Download the appropriate distribution from
and click on the register batch file.
You can then use wxHaskell in both GHCi and GHC.
Good luck, Arjan
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

6.2.1 vs 6.0.1

2004-06-21 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Thanks for all your replies to my previous message about the overflown
relocation field.

I was trying to find a bug that makes my application crash. I failed at that
but when I switched from using GHC 6.2.1 to version 6.0.1 (on Windows XP)
the bug disappeared! That makes me happy because now I can release my
software to my customers again. Still, it should work with 6.2.1, too.

The bug only shows up now and then, completely impredictable, it seems. It
complete crashes my program and I get a Windows dialogue asking me whether I
want to send an error report to Microsoft :-) If I debug in Visual Studio
the stack trace points into my code and not into the libraries I use
(wxHaskell and SMILE (a C++ library for probabilistic networks)).

So, I have a quite big application (a graphical editor for probabilistic
networks) that uses two complicated libraries that crashes every once in a
while under GHC 6.2.1 and not under 6.0.1. I was wondering how to report
this problem to you. Has there been a significant change in the code
generator since 6.0.1? I know that Martijn Schrage had exactly the same
problem (random crashes) with his (huge) Proxima editor. That application
also uses wxHaskell so it could be an interaction between GHC's code and

Cheers, Arjan

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Monadic Loops

2004-06-17 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Vivian uses this while function:

while test body = do
  (cond,res) - body
  if (test cond) then do rs - while test body
  return (res:rs)
  else return [res]

 However, when I run the program, the interpreter falls over after a few
thousand iterations, running out of space.

Maybe making it tail-recursive helps. Let me think.. untested code

while test body =
res - funnyWhile test body []
return (reverse res)

funnyWhile test body revResult =
(cond, res) - body
if test cond then
while test body (res:revResult)
return revResult

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Space behaviour hyperseq

2004-06-17 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello Haskellers,

I supervise a student who uses Haskell for simulating neural nets. A lot of
computation goes on there and the program cannot handle as many iterations
as we would like. We have improved performance by a factor of more than ten
by putting strictness annotations in all data types. But the problem is that
there are lists within these data structures and they are not strict. By
using a trick I have now found that making the whole program state strict
the program gets a much better looking heap profile. The trick I use is by
writing a function hyperseq and then applying it before the next iterations

hyperseq x y = if x==x then y else error this is very unlikely

This is very expensive and I chose to apply the function only once every 100
iterations. This gives reasonable performance.

Two questions remain:

1) Is there a more efficient definition of hyperseq that does not traverse
the data structure twice? The show function traverses the structure once
but I found it to be much slower.

2) In this application the uses of lazy evaluation are rare and easily
eliminated (zip xs [1..] and so on); is there some hidden GHC option that
evaluates everything strictly? I realise that this would invalidate
optimisations relying on certain laws but I just wonder how difficult this
would be. Somebody must have given this a thought at one point.

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list


2004-06-11 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello GHC people,

I'm having a lot of fun with GHC and wxHaskell, but at one point something
unwanted happened. I created a version of wxHaskell from source with extra
GHC options -prof -auto-all; I wanted to have a profiling version of
wxHaskell so I can get a stack trace when my program crashes. The creation
and installation of that version of wxHaskell went fine. When I tried to
load my project NetEdit into ghci, I got the message at the end of this
e-mail.  Using ghc (instead of GHCi) gives another message:

Failed to load interface for `Graphics.UI.WX':
Could not find interface file for `Graphics.UI.WX'
(use -v to see a list of the files searched for)

Cheers, Arjan


C:\dev\netedit\NetEditghci -package wx -lsmilec -ilib\DData:src src\Main.hs
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.2.1, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Loading package lang ... linking ... done.
Loading package concurrent ... linking ... done.
Loading package QuickCheck ... linking ... done.
Loading package util ... linking ... done.
Loading package data ... linking ... done.
Loading package wxcore ... linking ... WARNING: Overflown relocation field
(# re
locs found: 30765)

C:/cygwin/usr/local/lib/wxcore0.o: unknown symbol `_CC_LIST'
ghc.exe: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.2.1):
can't load package `wxcore'

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-09 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
HI Gracjan,
I would like to attach finalizer (written in Haskell) to some pointer. 
When the pointer won't be needed any more, finalizer should run. So 
here is the code:

import Foreign.ForeignPtr
I couldn't get finalisers to work either with the newForeignPtr from 
this module. I didn't know how to create a proper FunPtr. In 
Foreign.Concurrent there is a newForeignPtr that is easier to use:

newForeignPtr :: Ptr a - IO () - IO (ForeignPtr a)
This one worked beautifully for me. In your code something like:
import Foreign.ForeignPtr hiding (newForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Concurrent
   ... fptr - newForeignPtr ptr (finDoIt ptr)
Hope this helps,
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Compiling data

2004-05-27 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hi Ketil,

 For a benchmark, I'd like to include a bit of data in the form of a
 list of integer matrices (i.e. [[[Int]]]).  While I have about 1 of
 them, sized about twenty square, even 100 of them takes extremely
 long to compile.  Is there a trick to make this faster?

Could you put the data in a file and then read it in?

main = do 
contents - readFile aLotOfNumbers.txt
let hugeMatrix = ( read contents ) :: [[[Int]]]

Cheers, Arjan

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell] HToolkit HSQL on Windows/GHC

2004-03-26 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hi Clive,

Is there a way to build the HToolkit HSQL library for GHC (6.0.1 when I
tried, 6.2.1 now) on windows (particularly MySQL/Windows XP, but I wont
say no to postgresql, ODBC  sqlite)?
I don't know. What I do know is that wxHaskell works great under 
Windows and has database access for a number of databases (including 

If you want to try wxHaskell:

The good thing is that you also get a powerful GUI library for free.

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ????Pattern match(es) are overlapped???

2004-03-22 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
newtype Method = Method String
getMethod = Method GET
putMethod = Method PUT


doMeth getMethod = ...
doMeth putMethod = ...

For Haskell the last two lines look both like pattern-matching on a variable
which always matches. You might as well have written:

doMeth x = ...
doMeth y = ...

There is no macro facility in Haskell so you cannot give patterns a name
like you do in line 2 and 3.
You will have to write:

doMeth (Method GET) = ...
doMeth (Method PUT) = ...

Good luck, Arjan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Haskell performance

2004-03-18 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello S\'ebastien,

I am a Haskell newbie, but have been interested in Haskell (and 
generally speaking ML-derivates) for some time. I am currently 
evaluating different languages for implementing an application which 
will have to manipulate large graphs representing the structure of 
programs and their evolution.
Maybe you should consider using a combination of Haskell and C++. I bet 
there are good graph libraries in C++ available so that would save a 
lot of work. Using Haskell for the front end  is a lot more fun than 
C++ or Java, I think. As you say you are a Haskell newbie I must warn 
you that linking to a C++ library is not trivial and that's not a 
Haskell problem but more a compiler-options-problem.

What I suggest is exactly what I am doing at the moment; I am building 
a tool to edit Bayesian networks and to apply inference algorithms to 
them. The GUI is written in Haskell (wxHaskell) and the inference is a 
C++ library I am reusing. The choice for C++ was not speed but reuse. I 
have never come across a problem for which Haskell was too slow, but 
maybe that depends on my choice of problems. The tool I am writing now 
runs smoothly on an ancient (700Mhz) computer.

Good luck, Arjan

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Haskell performance

2004-03-18 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello S\'ebastien,

I am a Haskell newbie, but have been interested in Haskell (and 
generally speaking ML-derivates) for some time. I am currently 
evaluating different languages for implementing an application which 
will have to manipulate large graphs representing the structure of 
programs and their evolution.
Maybe you should consider using a combination of Haskell and C++. I bet 
there are good graph libraries in C++ available so that would save a 
lot of work. Using Haskell for the front end  is a lot more fun than 
C++ or Java, I think. As you say you are a Haskell newbie I must warn 
you that linking to a C++ library is not trivial and that's not a 
Haskell problem but more a compiler-options-problem.

What I suggest is exactly what I am doing at the moment; I am building 
a tool to edit Bayesian networks and to apply inference algorithms to 
them. The GUI is written in Haskell (wxHaskell) and the inference is a 
C++ library I am reusing. The choice for C++ was not speed but reuse. I 
have never come across a problem for which Haskell was too slow, but 
maybe that depends on my choice of problems. The tool I am writing now 
runs smoothly on an ancient (700Mhz) computer.

Good luck, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dividing integers?

2004-03-18 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
 I don't understand why I get this error. I mean, apparently / is not
defined for integers but I don't know
 how to cast the result of the length function into a Double...

Use div for dividing integers with loss of precision:
  3 `div` 2 (or: div 3 2)  == 1

Casting an Int to a Float/Double can be done using fromIntegral:

  fromIntegral (length [1,2]) / 3  == 0.

 Besides, a simple integer division works:

 Prelude 2 / 3

This is not an integer division. Writing down a literal (like 2 or 3)
denotes a number, not necessarily an Int. The context will influence what
type it will be. Something I find really confusing myself, too (which is why
it is not in Helium :-).

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Haddock on Windows

2004-03-17 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello Alistair,

 Where can I find instructions for use? I see haddock.sgml in
 haddock-0.6/haddock/doc but reading sgml hurts. Is there an html version
 this somewhere?

Haddock is very well documented at

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] GHC Core backend

2004-02-13 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

Is anybody using GHC's backend as a backend for their own compiler?

In the paper An external representation for the GHC Core Language the
introduction states that there are many (undocumented) idiosyncracies in
the way GHC produces Core from source Haskell. And that it will be hard to
produced Core that can be integrated with GHC-produced core, and we don't
aim to support this. Has this changed since the time of writing this paper?

It would be cool if, let's say, Helium ( could
use all of GHC's libraries...

Regards, Arjan van IJzendoorn

Haskell mailing list

Re: Haskell History

2003-03-17 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello Steffen,

 I need a lot of material relating the following topics:

 - from lambda calculus to functional programming
 - other roots of Haskell (e.g. Gofer, ...)
 - genesis of the well known and beloved standard Haskell98

See Conception, evolution, and application of functional programming
languages by Paul Hudak. That's a great starting point for a History of
Haskell page:

Matthew Donadio suggested it to me for the Learning Haskell page, but your
future history page seems like a better place to me.

You're welcome to steal the simple layout of the Learning Haskell page and
maybe someone will make you a logo...

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Learning Haskell, update

2003-03-13 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hi all,

I've removed the frequently asked questions box at the bottom. It was

Fritz Ruehr made a nice Learning Haskell logo. Thank you, Fritz!

NHC is compilable under Windows now, so the remark no windows version has
been removed.

Is there someone who wants to make a more decent language comparison table?
If not, I'm thinking of removing it. Many things are said about it already
in the comp.lang.functional FAQ.

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

ANNOUNCE: Helium, for Learning Haskell, version 1.1

2003-03-11 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Dear all,

We are proud to announce version 1.1 of Helium. It can
be found at the Helium website:

Version 1.1 has the following improvements:

- An installer for Windows systems for an improved out-of-
  the-box experience.

- A cool Java-based graphical interpreter called Hint
  written by a student at our institute. It has a nice GUI
  with colours, toolbar buttons and menu's. The best feature
  is that it integrates with your favourite editor and you
  can jump to the exact locations of messages by clicking on

- New warnings and hints for common mistakes: sin .3,
  X = 5 (see below for examples of messages)

- Completely new presentation of type errors with more

- Much improved syntax error messages thanks to a new lexer.
  And thanks to Parsec we can tell not only what was
  unexpected, but also what would be legal at that position.

- The command-line interpreter is now called 'texthint' to
  avoid conflicts with hmake's 'hi' (sorry!). TextHint is
  improved in many ways. For one, it now accepts file
  paths after :l. Other improvements can be found if you
  type :?

- User manuals for the different tools (helium, hint,
  texthint) and other helpful information on the Helium

- We've compiled Helium with Oxygen (ghc -O2) and this makes
  the compiler twice as fast. Great work, GHC people!

- One well-placed 'seq' makes Helium another 25% faster.

- Very many minor bug fixes

- The webpage is simpler, wider and easier to navigate thanks
  to a road map

Have fun!

  the Helium team


Examples of Helium messages

These messages where generated by typing expressions on the
texthint prompt. If you compile a file with these errors you
will get exact error locations.

Prelude [(1, 3]
 Unexpected close bracket ']'
  Hint: Expecting a close bracket for '('

Prelude sinn .2
 Warning: Function composition (.) immediately followed by number
  Hint: If a Float was meant, write 0.2
Otherwise, insert a space for readability
 Undefined variable sinn
  Hint: Did you mean sin ?

Prelude map [1..10] even
 Type error in application
 expression   : map [1 .. 10] even
 term : map
   type   : (a - b) - [a]   - [b]
   does not match : [Int]- (Int - Bool) - c
 probable fix : re-order arguments

Prelude let X = 5 in X
 Left hand side pattern defines no variables
 Undefined constructor X
  Hint: Use identifiers starting with a lower case letter
to define a function or a variable
 Undefined constructor X

Prelude 1+chr '0'
 Type error in variable
 expression   : chr
   type   : Int  - Char
   expected type  : Char - Int
 probable fix : use ord instead

Haskell mailing list

Re: need help with list comprehension

2003-02-16 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hi Mike,

   GameState = GameState Int Int Int Int Int
   movePlayers :: GameState - [GameState]
   movePlayers (GameState p1 p2 p3 p4 p5) =
 [ (GameState p1' p2' p3' p4' p5') |
   p1' - outlets (p1),
   p2' - outlets (p2),
   p3' - outlets (p3),
   p4' - outlets (p4),
   p5' - outlets (p5)]

 [...] It had to check the inequality of
 p1' against p2-p5, then p2' against p1' and p3-p4, and so on. Does anyone
 know of a better way to do this?

[ (GameState p1' p2' p3' ...) | p1' - outlets p1, p2' - outlets p2, ... ,
   p5' - outlets p5, allDifferent [p1', p2', p3', p4', p5']  ]

allDifferent :: Eq a = [a] - Bool
allDifferent list = length list == length (nub list)

Not very efficient, though. (nub removes duplicates from a list, so if the
original list is just as long as with the duplicates removed, the elements
must have been unique)


Haskell mailing list

Learning Haskell moved

2003-02-13 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

The Learning Haskell page has moved to a better place, the official Haskell
homepage. You can now find it at

and through a link on the Haskell homepage index.

Jerzy wrote:

 I would add some significant papers, such as John Hughes'
 Why functional programming matters, etc.

I've added that paper to the introduction. Other suggestions are welcome.

 and perhaps - for some, a little bit advanced readers - some
 other papers, introducing type classes, perhaps monads (Wadler)

I have added a link to the comp.lang.functional FAQ. It answers many
questions beginners might have about functional programming in general, but
also about specific languages. And it tells you which papers to read about

 [...] perhaps be a good
 idea to put down a relatively comprehensive, easy comparison
 between Haskell and other languages, notably functional: Clean,
 also: Scheme, absolutely: ML variants, and Erlang.

Good idea. I've started a table which you can find a link to in the Learning
Haskell introduction. If people have suggestions for other columns, can fill
in question marks, know of more important languages, tell us. Or, if you
have writing permissions on the Haskell homepage, update the table.

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: a monadic if or case?

2003-02-13 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
 whatisit :: String - IO String
 whatisit f = do
   ifM doesDirectoryExist f
   then return dir
   else ifM doesFileExist f
then return file
else return nothing
 Is there any way I could do something like this?

Not with the syntactic sugar of 'if'.
But you can write [warning: untested code ahead]

ifM :: IO Bool - IO a - IO a - IO a
ifM test yes no = do 
   b - test
   if b then yes else no

And then

ifM (doesDirectoryExist f)
  (return dir)
  (ifM (doesFileExist f) 
   (return file)
   (return nothing))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Learning Haskell moved

2003-02-13 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

The Learning Haskell page has moved to a better place, the official Haskell
homepage. You can now find it at

and through a link on the Haskell homepage index.

Jerzy wrote:

 I would add some significant papers, such as John Hughes'
 Why functional programming matters, etc.

I've added that paper to the introduction. Other suggestions are welcome.

 and perhaps - for some, a little bit advanced readers - some
 other papers, introducing type classes, perhaps monads (Wadler)

I have added a link to the comp.lang.functional FAQ. It answers many
questions beginners might have about functional programming in general, but
also about specific languages. And it tells you which papers to read about

 [...] perhaps be a good
 idea to put down a relatively comprehensive, easy comparison
 between Haskell and other languages, notably functional: Clean,
 also: Scheme, absolutely: ML variants, and Erlang.

Good idea. I've started a table which you can find a link to in the Learning
Haskell introduction. If people have suggestions for other columns, can fill
in question marks, know of more important languages, tell us. Or, if you
have writing permissions on the Haskell homepage, update the table.

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

ANNOUNCE: Learning Haskell portal, version 0.1

2003-02-12 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

Often we see messages from people who want to learn Haskell (something we
applaud), but don't know where to begin. The Haskell homepage offers a lot
of information, links and papers, but there is no page aimed specifically at
beginning programmers. That's why I started to collect some links and put
them on one single webpage. I thought about what the target audience would
be interested in: getting an implementation, buying a book, reading course
material, looking up functions in references and so on.

The page I have now is a first start and I will work on it more. I've
probably overseen many good tutorials, maybe a book here or there, listed an
incorrect pro or con of an implementation and what not. Please tell me about
it. If you have useful contributions ( nice slides, exercises with(out)
solutions, some handout you give to your students which everyone could
benefit from ) tell me about it, too.

Enough talk:

Cheers, Arjan

PS: As one of the people in the Helium team I would not recommend beginners
to use Helium yet. The absence of classes which leads to simpler types and
messages is just not compatible with the text books and other teaching
materials. Our plan is to add enough support for classes so that you can use
the books without modification. This can be expected this summer. From that
moment on, I will definitely recommend Helium to beginners since the
feedback from the system is really great.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-09 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Michael Sperber writes:

 This seems like a backwards way of approaching teaching the intro

I like to look at it as a a track.

 (Besides, is this really suitable material for beginners, let
 alone high school students?)

Ah, there's the catch. They are not beginners; they are CS students who
already learned about Java. When it comes to other disciplines and high
school students you're right that TeachScheme is ahead of us and we know we
have a long way to go.

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

Michael Sperber wrote:

 I really recommend looking at the TeachScheme! curriculum and the How
 to Design Programs curriculum.  Here are two URLs:

I believe that the environment students work in is very important and can
help them learn languages quicker. And so the TeachScheme programming
environment is something I'm jealous of and my compliments to the people who
made it. Here in Utrecht we will try to do the same for Haskell with Helium:
a cool programming environment and the best compiler messages ever (we still
have some tricks up our sleeve for the near future).

I've looked at the PPT presentation and it looks like a fine commercial for
functional programming. It could easily be adapted to Haskell and the syntax
would be even closer to their mathematical definitions. But I don't want to
argue about syntax, because that will not get us anywhere. Let the people
who love Haskell try and make an environment (and by that I also include
books, presentations and what not) that will make functional programming
nice to learn, maybe even in high school.

We will do our bit here with Helium so that the Haskell textbooks can be
used with Helium. Yes, that does mean adding type classes, but not the whole
machinery. If we support Eq, Ord, Show and Num with a limited number of
instances, chapters 1 to 11 of Hudak's book can be used without
modification. And importantly, the type errors can still be clear! No
Cannot find Num instance of Char for the expression 1+'a' but
The character 'a' is not a number and + expects one (or something along
that line).

Oh yes, we'll need SOEGraphics, too, but who knows...

If we think Haskell is good for high schools and for using in other courses
(like logic and so on), let's try and prove it!

Kind regards,
  Arjan van IJzendoorn

PS: What does [OT] stand for? Off topic? I don't think this is off topic.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

Michael Sperber wrote:

 - With the programming environment, it isn't just a question of being
   easier to use: in my experience, environments like Hugs (or any
   Scheme environment other than DrScheme) work for some, but frustrate
   many beginners because they don't enable them to fix trivial
   mistakes which they're bound to make in the first couple of weeks.

I completely agree. I've downloaded and installed DrScheme and I must say
the environment is really nice: it looks good, helps you to layout your
program, matches parentheses and so on. The quality of the messages,
however, is not as good as I would have expected. I am a beginning Scheme
programmer and here's something I encountered:

 (define (length2 xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) 0]
  [else (+1 (length2 (rest xs)))]))
 (length2 (cons 3 (cons 7 empty)))
procedure application: expected procedure, given: 1; arguments were: 1

The definition is accepted but when use it I get an error I don't
understand. I should note that the environment neatly indicates that (+1
(length2 (rest xs))) is the problem. I've browsed the documentation, found a
definition of length and saw that the only difference was a space character
between + and 1. That couldn't be it, could it? But it was. Apparently
Scheme supports a unary plus, but still the message was wrong and should
have read:

procedure application: expected procedure, given: +1; arguments were: 1

I think it is important that error messages show exactly what was entered by
the user (+1 and not 1) and that's why in Helium we remember each little
detail in the abstract syntax tree. I still don't know what arguments were:
1 means. Does it refer to the number of arguments?

   The TeachScheme! folks had to work a long time on getting DrScheme
   to provide the feedback needed to alleviate this problem.

That's a really good point. We should look at the errors students actually
make and not at the errors we make or just make an educated guess. For that
reason, Helium has a logging facility built in which sends a server the
programs containing errors. This wealth of information can now be used to
give hints for type errors that occur often and to improve other kinds of
errors. [Don't worry, the version distributed via the web does not contain
the logging facility; only the version in our labs has that piece of code
compiled in].

 - In theory, static typing is good because it helps spot bugs in your
   program early.  However, the current state of the art is such that
   the type error messages in Haskell systems are not sufficiently
   helpful (in fact, often misleading) when it comes to finding the
   actual source of the problem.

True. I've also seen people being disappointed in the language Haskell
because of the message of the compiler/interpreter. But then I wondered: how
can dynamic typing improve on this? So I made a type error in my length2

 (define (length2 xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) 0]
  [else (+ 1 (rest xs))]))
 (length2 (cons 2 empty))
+: expects type number as 2nd argument, given: empty; other arguments
were: 1

Perfect. I know immediately what the problem is and I can fix it. [The fact
that a type error only shows up when you actually reach to code is a pity,
because you may submit a lab assignment that still somewhere tries to add a
number to a list.] But how is this different from the Helium message:

(2,20): Type error in infix application
*** Expression : 1 + xs
*** Term   : xs
*** Type   : [a]
*** Does not match : Int

It contains exactly the same information; invisible to the user for now is
that we also now where the expresion ends so that we can do highlighting in
the future. Maybe Michael is referring to what Hugs says about this program:

ERROR C:\docs\Bla.hs:1 - Illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in inferred
*** Expression : mylength2
*** Type   : Num [a] = [a] - [a]

Wrong line number and a very confusing message. We must keep in mind though
that no Haskell compiler so far was designed primarily with helpful messages
in mind.

   Again, Helium may be an improvement, but I suspect that the
   underlying problem is deeply rooted.

The underlying problem may be the inference algorithm used in most
compilers. We use a radically different approach which allows us to
determine much more information and point at different origins of the error
when compared to Hindley Milner based inferencing. If there are three uses
of a variable as a Bool and one as an Int we can say that probably the Int
usage is wrong.

   - The syntax for ordinary variables and type variables are the same.

That's just how you teach it. You can 'raise' hords of students believing
that type variables are always called a, b and c and normal variables use
longer, more informative names. As Larry Wall put it: you can write
assembly in any language.

   - The same holds generally for the type syntax which is analogous to
 the value syntax.

I use different 

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello again,

Kevin suggested:

 Then you should have set the language to Beginning Student or
 Beginning Student with List Abbreviations.

You're right. That makes the messages much better. I switched to 'Advanced'
level because I thought that something was possibly not accepted because it
was too difficult. My fault.

Wolfgang asked:

  [...logging facility in Helium...]
 Do you tell your students about the existence of this facility?

We certainly do. They don't seem to mind; I even feel that they think it's
nice to help research.

 I just have had a look at Helium and think that at least a deriving
 is absolutely needed.

There is 'show' function for each data type you write down. Eq and Ord are
not generated but we will do that; we will need it anyway for our simple
class system.

 Furthermore, I think, the need to state
 equality functions explicitely as paramters of certain functions makes
 learning harder and not easier.

I don't know. Could be. We'll probably provide two different Preludes, one
with and one without overloading. This would compare to the language levels
in DrScheme. A lot is possible in this area.

 But it's an interesting project. Keep going on it.

Don't worry. We just started...

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: Looking for large Haskell programs

2003-02-05 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hi Tobias,

 GHC has too many mutually recursive modules to be useful, otherwise it
 would be great! But I will look more into the other compilers, are they
 written in Haskell?, thanks for the suggestion!

The Helium compiler is 28000 lines of Haskell code; however, many of those
lines are generated from attribute grammars ( ) and do not really look like human
written code.


Greetings, Arjan

PS: Approximately how many lines of code is GHC these days?

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-04 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
John Peterson wrote:

 The downside of Haskell is that none of the regular implementations
 (ghc, hugs) are really right for this level of student.  Type
 inference is an especially nasty problem.  There also a number of
 gotcha's lurking in the language that cause problems.

For exactly these reasons we have implemented Helium; not for replacing
Haskell (we're very happy with Haskell), but for *learning* Haskell. There
is no overloading, so types and type errors are easier to understand. The
Helium compiler produces warnings for situations that are probably
incorrect. I've found myself look at a program with a comparable problem as
the one below for fifteen minutes until I saw what was happening (please
look at the program with a non-proportional font like Courier for optimal

filterr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
filterr p [] = []
fi1terr p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filterr p xs else filterr p xs

Hugs, which we used for teaching, doesn't say a word. GHC does if you
helpful warnings if you pass the -Wall flag. Helium says:

(2,9): Variable p is not used
(3,1): Missing type signature: fi1terr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
(3,1): Suspicious adjacent functions fi1terr and filterr

I'm curious what the other gotcha's are that John refers to because it
might give
us inspiration for more warnings/language design decisions.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-04 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
John Peterson wrote:

 The downside of Haskell is that none of the regular implementations
 (ghc, hugs) are really right for this level of student.  Type
 inference is an especially nasty problem.  There also a number of
 gotcha's lurking in the language that cause problems.

For exactly these reasons we have implemented Helium; not for replacing
Haskell (we're very happy with Haskell), but for *learning* Haskell. There
is no overloading, so types and type errors are easier to understand. The
Helium compiler produces warnings for situations that are probably
incorrect. I've found myself look at a program with a comparable problem as
the one below for fifteen minutes until I saw what was happening (please
look at the program with a non-proportional font like Courier for optimal

filterr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
filterr p [] = []
fi1terr p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filterr p xs else filterr p xs

Hugs, which we used for teaching, doesn't say a word. GHC does give
helpful warnings if you pass the -Wall flag. Helium says:

(2,9): Variable p is not used
(3,1): Missing type signature: fi1terr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
(3,1): Suspicious adjacent functions fi1terr and filterr

I'm curious what the other gotcha's are that John refers to because it
might give
us inspiration for more warnings/language design decisions.


Haskell mailing list

ANNOUNCE: Helium, for learning Haskell

2003-01-27 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Helium (for learning Haskell) 1.0

We are pleased to announce the first public release of the
Helium system, consisting of a language, compiler and
interpreter designed especially for education in functional
programming. It is being developed at the Software
Technology group of the Institute of Information and
Computing Sciences of Utrecht University in the Netherlands.


The language is a (large) subset of Haskell 98. Most notable
difference is the absence of type classes. Without type
classes, types are simpler and more specific type errors can
be given.

The compiler gives high-quality error messages with exact
locations and sometimes hints (e.g. in the case of
misspelled names). Warnings are given for unused parameters,
shadowing and more. The most sophisticated part is the type
checker which uses a novel constraint-based inferencer to
improve type error messages. The compiler generates portable
byte codes for the Lazy Virtual Machine (cf. JVM for Java)
resulting in a system that is a magnitude faster than Hugs.
The Helium interpreter Hi is a Hugs-like application which
is built on top of the compiler. Together these features
make Helium a fine tool for teaching environments.

We have experienced that friendlier compiler messages make
learning functional programming more fun for our students.

More information and downloads can be found at the Helium


- User manuals for the different tools
- (Closed world) type classes 
- A more visually pleasing and powerful interpreter 
- More libraries (e.g. GUI)
- Binary distributions for more platforms

With kind regards,
  the Helium team

Haskell mailing list

The impossible happened

2002-06-27 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn


GHC gives me this message when compiling with the -O flag (it doesn't happen
without it):

ghc: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.02):
Rules/Deprecations parse failed
./staticanalysis/Constraints.hi:63: error in character literal

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

The platform is Windows 2000. Constraints.hi is attached.

Greetings, Arjan

Description: Binary data

Re: Beginner's question: Memo functions in Haskell

2002-06-05 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hallo Matthias,

 However, the runtime performance is less pleasing as certain
 subexpressions are computed over and over again

There is a Memo module included with Hugs. I justed

(profiling with ghc
 showed that the function k' (see code below) is called 1425291 times
 in a toy example).

 In a non-functional implementation I would now set up an auxillary
 data structure (e.g. a hash table) for caching/memorizing some
 intermediate results.  How would this be done (elegantly, efficiently,
 by a Haskell-beginner) in Haskell?

 So far, I have seen code using lists to speed up fib(n).  In my case
 the arguments of k' are Int - String - String, and I don't expect a
 simple list of tuples (Int, String, String, RESULT) to be efficient.

 Thank you very much for you help,


 [1] Huma Lodhi, Craig Saunders, John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini,
 Chris Watkins: Text Classification using String Kernels, Journal of
 Machine Learning Research, 2(Feb):419-444, 2002.  Available online at

 [2] My code (actually the first 'real' piece of code I wrote in
 Haskell) is the following:

 module SKernel where

 k' :: Double - Int - String - String - Double
 k' lambda 0 s t = 1
 k' lambda i s t = if min (length s) (length t)  i
then 0
else (lambda * (k' lambda i s' t)) +
 sum [ lambda^((length t) - j + 2) * (k' lambda (i-1) s' t') |
   j - [1..length t],
   t!!(j-1) == last s,
   t' - [take (j-1) t] ]
 where s' = take ((length s) - 1) s

 k :: Double - Int - String - String - Double
 k lambda i s t = if min (length s) (length t)  i
   then 0
   else k lambda i s' t +
  sum [ lambda^2 * (k' lambda (i-1) s' t') |
  j - [1..length t],
  t!!(j-1) == last s,
  t' - [take (j-1) t] ]
where s' = take ((length s) - 1) s

 nk :: Double - Int - String - String - Double
 nk lambda n s t = (k lambda n s t) / sqrt ((k lambda n s s) * (k lambda n
t t))

 -- a toy example would be the call
 nk 0.5 5 This is a string. Here we have another string.

 Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: query about precedence: $, the lazy function application operator

2002-05-30 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hi Mark,

 Suppose I have functions

  f :: Int - Int
  f x - x * x

I suppose you mean: f x = x * x

  g :: Int - Int
  g x - x + 1

 The lazy application operator $ allows me to do:

  f $ g x

 instead of

  f (g x)

 But I don't understand why it works this way!  Let me explain.

 f is a function, and application has highest precedence, so unless
 it sees a bracket, it should take the next thing it sees as an

Yes, but $ cannot be an argument. In the Haskell grammar for expressions
( ) an application (fexp)
consists of one or aexp's and an aexp cannot be an operator (at least not,
without parentheses around it).

A simpler way to see this is to write application as an explicit operator.
Let's call it @. Above expression then reads

f $ g @ x

And @ binds stronger than $, alas   f $ (g @ x)


Haskell mailing list

Re: Read File

2002-05-01 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn


 text file has [1,2,3,5]
 and when I read this data from file  I handeled it as string. What can I
do to get it as integer list.

Apply read:

[Warning untested code ahead]

main :: IO ()
main =
contents - readFile myFileWithNumbers
let intList = read contents :: [Int]
print intList


Haskell mailing list

Re: help need

2002-04-15 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hi Benny,

 instance (Float a) = Num (Poly a) where
x + y = addPoly x y
 I got the Cannot use type synonym in instance head error message when I
was trying to
 compile the above code. Can you tell me why and how to solve it?

Unfortunately, you can not instantiate a class with a type synonym. The
solution is to make a data type:

data Poly = Poly [Float]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Num Poly where
   (Poly xs) + (Poly ys) = Poly (zipWith (+) xs ys)

Note: to be instance of Num a type first has to be instance of Eq and Show

Greetings, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: Object I/O released

2002-04-09 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn


 [...Object I/O download problems...]
 Try again. The trouble is resolved

The quick reference still gives problems.
And as for the binary package, I'm still waiting.

47 bytes/sec..

I really want to see this library!


Haskell mailing list

Re: For the Heskell

2002-03-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn


Hugs (a Haskell interpreter) can be downloaded at


Haskell mailing list

Re: which to download for SuSE7.0

2002-03-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hi Jeroen,

 Can I use hugs98 on mij Linux SuSE7.0 computer?

I think you can. Download hugs98-Dec2001.tar.gz under Generix Unix at
and compile it yourself. How to do this, can be found in the file Install
inside the archive.

Greetings, Arjan van IJzendoorn

Haskell mailing list

Re: Functional programming in Python

2001-05-22 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

  For humans, it is quite natural to use
  visual cues (like layout) to indicate semantics.

I agree, but let us not try to do that with just two (already overloaded)

 (let ((a 0)
   (b 1))
(+ a b))

let { a = 0; b = 1; } in a + b

is valid Haskell and the way I use the language. Enough and more descriptive
visual cues, I say.
Using layout is an option, not a rule (although the thing is called layout

 But all this is not very constructive, because Haskell is not going to
 change into a fully parenthesized prefix syntax at my wish.

Thank god :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list


2000-11-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hi there,

I just installed ghc-4.08.1 on a Win2k computer. Then I tried to compile a 
program that uses exceptions. Compilation succeeds, but running the program 
causes a "Application Error" dialog to appear. It says "The application 
failed to initialize properly (0xc005). Click on OK to terminate the 
application.". Here is the Haskell program:

module Main(main) where

import Exception

main = catchAllIO (putStrLn (head ([] :: [String])))
   (\e - putStrLn "hi" )


Compiled it with

ghc-4.08.1 -i/apps/ghc/lib/imports/lang -syslib lang Main.hs

Can you help me?


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: string to Integer

2000-04-05 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Friedrich,

Turning a string into an integer is easy with the Prelude function 'read':

n :: Integer
n = read "-34232"

Your own function can be made to work for negative numbers by a simple

stringToInteger :: String - Integer
stringToInteger ('-':rest) = -string_to_integer rest
stringToInteger string = string_to_integer string

 string_to_integer :: String - Integer
 string_to_integer =  string_to_int_list .| int_list_to_integer


Re: The Clean type system

2000-01-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Ian,

 I'm interested in this; does "parts of the type checker that were
 undefined" mean that they just hadn't been written, or that the type
 system itself is unclear?

The former. Those parts had not been written (yet). Hopefully now that they
are writing their type checker in a higher-level language (Clean) it is
easier to implement it correctly.

 Is the Clean type system known to be consistent?

I don't know about that. Maybe one of the members of the Clean team is
reading this?


Re: Haskell Clean

2000-01-14 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Nguyen,

 So what are the important differences between Clean  Haskell?

Input and output in Haskell is done through the use of monads. In Clean
uniqueness typing is used.
There are some small syntax differences:

   Haskell vs. Clean
   (x:xs)   vs   [x:xs]
   (a - b) - [a] - [b]   vs   (a - b) [a] - [b]
   f . g   vs   f o g
   -5   vs   ~5 (unary minus)

And the class mechanisms in the two languages are different. However, these
differences do not show up in simple cases.

So you're right: the languages Haskell and Clean are quite similar.


Re: Clean and Haskell

2000-01-13 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Jan,

  [..write your own Clean compiler...]
 How difficult would this be?

Writing it from scratch would be lots and lots of work. Translating to
Haskell would also be far from easy. You can not simply throw away
uniqueness information. It is essential for doing side-effects.

 type checking the uniqueness annotations would be possible

Type checking in the presence of uniqueness annotations and classes is
ridiculously hard. When I tried to implement monads with unique types I
bumped into parts of the type checker that were undefined; resulting in a
compiler crash. I think by now they have solved this, but reinventing this
yourself can take a long, long time.

 What would be the best approach to tackle this problem?

I would suggest not to do it. Use Haskell if you want to fool around with
the source code of the compiler.


Re: Clean and Haskell

2000-01-06 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Steve,

 I just want to say that Haskell is a fat old slow
 dinosaur compared with Clean. [...]

By Haskell you probably mean the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC). And
compilation by GHC is certainly slower than by the Clean compiler. On the
other hand, the generated code is comparable, sometimes faster, sometimes
slower. See:

Benchmarking implementations of lazy functional languages II -- Two years
lemen.html#HartelPH1994a )

In this article you can read that GHC has improved considerably since the
first article and Clean "not significantly". If this is a trend then by now
(four years later) GHC's code could be always faster than Clean's. Maybe
it's time for a new benchmark.

The reason that GHC's compilation times are longer is that it is written in
Haskell (as opposed to C for the Clean compiler). However, during
development many people use the Haskell interpreter Hugs. This interpreter
is fast, interactive and light-weight. So by using both GHC and Hugs you can
get speed in both areas.

An advantage of a compiler written in Haskell is that it is easier to
maintain and that more people can experiment with it. The source code of the
Clean compiler is a secret.

Another thing you mention is that Haskell is old. This remark shows that you
have not been paying attention to the Haskell community. Things move rather
fast. So fast that it has been decided to freeze Haskell at a certain point
(Haskell 98). But research continues on what you might call Haskell 2 or
Haskell 2000. Some features that have been implemented lately include
implicit arguments, extensible records and class constraints.

I've used both languages a lot and I like them both. Where Clean stands out
in comparison to Haskell is that it has a library for making
platform-independent GUIs. In the Haskell world there is not yet a standard
GUI framework. I would love to see a library with the simplicity of TkGofer
for Hugs and/or GHC.

In Haskell I like the IO monad very much. It gives you input and output,
exceptions and mutable variables. In combination with implicit arguments it
allows you to elegantly write down inherently imperative code.

As a teacher I think the type systems of both languages are very complex,
possibly too complex. Therefore, error messages are often hard to
understand. If we want to make (more) students enthusiastic about functional
programming this is a problem that should be tackled in the near future.

 teacher, former member of the Clean team, Haskell enthusiast and Mondrian

Re: dataflow from non-haskell program

2000-01-02 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Matthias,

 Now the data flow shows up as a critical performance bottleneck:

Instead of writing the data to a file and then reading it back, you could
consider using something like HaskellDirect. With this tool you can
interface to other languages. See

for more information. Although, this site was down when I checked a minute
ago. Y2K?

Happy newyear,

Re: Hugs bug with `x = 1'?

1999-12-18 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Hello Fergus,

   x = 1

The monomorphism restriction means that functions without parameters should
in principle not be overloaded. The fact that Hugs doesn't complain is
probably because some "default" mechanism is at work. And it happens to
choose Integer as a default.

If you want the more general type for x you have to write it down yourself.
And then the program works perfectly. 

x :: Num a = a
x = 1

Why GHC does accept this program is a mystery to me. Unfortunately I cannot
try it myself (yet).

Kind regards,

Arjan van IJzendoorn (
Teacher and part-time Mondrian hacker


1999-12-15 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

 [.. VisualHaskell ..]

John Atwood wrote:

I'm aware of John Reekie's version [1] and I see another [2], but I
suspect you refer to yet another "Visual Haskell"; can you elaborate? Is
it "Visual" in the language sense, or the IDE sense?

It is "Visual" in the IDE sense. It is a plugin for Visual Studio and it
provides an integrated editor, syntax colouring and some project maganement.

Kind regards,

Arjan van IJzendoorn ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Some useful libraries

1998-06-09 Thread Arjan van Ijzendoorn

In recent weeks we have been organising and polishing our locally
produced Haskell software. Most of this software was written for
educational purposes, but may be quite useful for a wider audience.


you can find links and information about the following modules and


* Pretty-Printing combinators

A set of combinators for writing pretty printers, which are fast
and user friendly and enable you to formulate in an intuitive way a set
of alternative layouts to choose from. We did quite some polishing on
this recently, so if you have a previous version please throw it away.

* Parsing combinators

A set of combinators for writing deterministic error-correcting
parsers, which are fast and user friendly. With it you get a
parametrisable scanner, too. Note that these combinators are
completely different from the monadic style combinators of
Hutton and Meijer.

* ActiveHaskell, Haskell/COM integration

* Partial evaluator

You may have a look at this to see how to use the pretty
printing and parser combinators.

* Micro attribute system

You may have a look at this to see how to use the pretty
printing and parser combinators.


* LRC, attribute grammar system

* Lilypond, music typesetter

If you like something of the above or have comments please let
us know.

 I am sure you will like at least some of it!

  Doaitse Swierstra




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say that you have not been warned.


S. Doaitse Swierstra, Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University

(Prof. Dr)P.O.Box 80.089, 3508 TB UTRECHT,   the Netherlands

  Mail:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


  PGP Public Key:

  tel:   +31 (30) 253 3962, fax: +31 (30) 2513791
