Re: [Haskell] Guidelines for respectful communication

2018-12-07 Thread Ben Lippmeier

> On 7 Dec 2018, at 6:47 pm, Jonathan Lange  wrote:
> In particular, her suggestion about pairing guidelines for respectful 
> communications with guidelines for what to do when things break down is an 
> excellent one, and has worked well in other communities to help those on the 
> fringes of a community feel welcome and able to contribute.

I’ll also back this up. Over the last couple of years I’ve been involved in 3 
separate communities which have struggled with many of the same issues. The way 
I see it, guidelines for Respectful Communication are statements of the desired 
end goal, but they don’t provide much insight as to the root causes of the 
problems, or how to address them. At the risk of trivialising the issue, one 
could reduce many such statements to “Can everyone please stop shouting and be 
nice to each other.” (CEPSSaBNTEO)

Here are two templates for problems that I’ve seen over and over, and not 
necessarily in this community. The names used are placeholders.

1) Alice has become very interested in a particular technical issue and wants 
to change the direction of Project X to address it. Alice has contributed to 
Project X on and off, but did not start it and is not currently leading it. The 
main developer is Bob who agrees that the issue exists, but is focused on other 
things right now, and isn’t motivated to have a long discussion about something 
he sees as a minor detail. Alice continues to post on a public list about the 
issue, until Bob becomes exasperated and replies with something like “yes, but 
I don’t care about that right now”. Alice thinks the comment is directed at her 
personally, posts a hurt reply, then Charlie, Debbie, and Edward chime in about 
whether or not that was an appropriate communication. There is a thread on 
Reddit with 50 comments from people that Alice and Bob have never heard of. 
Both Alice and Bob are demotivated by the whole experience, and future 
potential contributors to Project X stumble across the Reddit post and decide 
they don’t want to get involved anymore.

2) Charlie and Debbie have been building System Y for the last 10 years as a 
side project, which over time has grown to be a key part of the public 
infrastructure. Both Charlie and Debbie are well known and respected by the 
community, but don’t always have time to fix bugs promptly. System Y also has 
some long standing issues that everyone grumbles about, but also know how to 
work around. Edward works for Company Z, which has recently formed to do 
consulting in this area. Company Z has publicly stated that they will invest 2 
million dollars improving the public infrastructure, and plan to build a 
replacement for System Y. Some think that Edward is trying to take over System 
Y as a marketing exercise, others think System Y should have been replaced long 
ago, others think that Edward should just start funding Charlie and Debbie's 
work on System Y full time, instead of trying to build a new system from 
scratch. Charlie and Debbie are overwhelmed with all the emails and have less 
and less time to actually fix bugs in System Y. Next, Harold, who has been 
watching from the sidelines, posts a long tirade about all the reasons that 
Company Z is a terrible company doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons. 
Charlie barely knows Harold, but posts a small comment agreeing with the 
general sentiment. Edward sees the comment and promises himself that there is 
no way the ungrateful System Y people are ever getting any of his money. Two 
years later both System-Y and Company Z’s SystemY-Prime are in common use, do 
basically the same thing, and everyone grumbles about both.

The root problems here are differences in motivation, miscommunication, and the 
Internet Amplification Effect (IAE). Harsh posts in public forums are a surface 
effect that feeds back and exacerbates the underlying problems. People like 
Harold who stoke the flames don’t tend to read the Respectful Communication 
guidelines, and everyone always feels justified in their own opinions. There is 
published work on dealing with conflicts in online communities [1], but I don’t 
pretend to be an expert. 

Perhaps an interested party could start a wiki page with statements of the form 
“If you feel like X is happening then consider doing Y.” This might also help 
people that are not naturally good at understanding the thoughts and 
motivations of other people, and work better when such advice is written down.


[1] Managing Conflicts in Open Source Communities
Ruben Van Wendel De Joode, 2004.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] CFP: Haskell Symposium Regular Track Final Call

2015-05-17 Thread Ben Lippmeier
Haskell Symposium 2015

Vancouver, Canada, 3-4 September 2015, directly after ICFP

Reminder that the Haskell Symposium Regular Track
abstract deadline is this: Tuesday 19th of May,
with full papers due this: Friday  22nd of May.

Authors that have *already submitted to the early track*, 
have until 5th of June to resubmit an improved version of
those papers.

Deadlines stated are valid anywhere on earth.
(the HotCRP submission site states them in US EDT, but don't fret)

See the website for further details


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Haskell 2015: 2nd Call for Papers

2015-03-04 Thread Ben Lippmeier
 columns. The length is restricted
to 12 pages, except for "Experience Report" papers, which are
restricted to 6 pages. Papers need not fill the page limit -- for
example, a Functional Pearl may be much shorter than 12 pages.
Each paper submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy,
as explained on the web.

Demo proposals are limited to 2-page abstracts, in the same ACM
format as papers.

"Functional Pearls", "Experience Reports", and "Demo Proposals"
should be marked as such with those words in the title at time of

The paper submission deadline and length limitations are firm.
There will be no extensions, and papers violating the length
limitations will be summarily rejected.

A link to the paper submission system will appear on the
Haskell Symposium web site closer to the submission deadline.

Submission Timetable:

  Early TrackRegular Track  System Demos
      ---  ---
13th March  Paper Submission
1st  MayNotification
19th May   Abstract Submission
22nd May   Paper Submission
5th  June   ResubmissionDemo Submission
26th June   Notification   Notification Notification
19th July   Final papers due   Final papers due

Deadlines stated are valid anywhere on earth.

In this iteration of the Haskell Symposium we are trialling a
two-track submission process, so that some papers can gain early
feedback. Papers can be submitted to the early track on 13th March.
On 1st May, strong papers are accepted outright, and the others will
be given their reviews and invited to resubmit. On 5th June early
track papers may be resubmitted, and are sent back to the same
reviewers. The Haskell Symposium regular track operates as in
previous years. Papers accepted via the early and regular tracks are
considered of equal value and will not be distinguished in the

Although all papers may be submitted to the early track, authors of
functional pearls and experience reports are particularly encouraged
to use this mechanism. The success of these papers depends heavily
on the way they are presented, and submitting early will give the
program committee a chance to provide feedback and help draw out
the key ideas.

Program Committee:

   Mathieu Boespflug- Tweag I/O
   Edwin Brady  - University of St Andrews
   Atze Dijkstra- Utrecht University
   Tom DuBuisson- Galois
   Torsten Grust- University of Tuebingen
   Patrik Jansson   - Chalmers University of Technology
   Patricia Johann  - Appalachian State University
   Oleg Kiselyov- Tohoku University
   Edward Kmett - McGraw Hill Financial
   Neelakantan Krishnaswami - University of Birmingham
   Ben Lippmeier (chair)- Vertigo Technology
   Hai (Paul) Liu   - Intel Labs
   Garrett Morris   - University of Edinburgh
   Dominic Orchard  - Imperial College London
   Matt Roberts - Macquarie University
   Tim Sheard   - Portland State University
   Joel Svensson- Indiana University
   Edsko de Vries   - Well Typed

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] CFP: Haskell Symposium 2015

2015-02-02 Thread Ben Lippmeier
 font in two columns. The length is restricted
to 12 pages, except for "Experience Report" papers, which are
restricted to 6 pages. Papers need not fill the page limit -- for
example, a Functional Pearl may be much shorter than 12 pages.
Each paper submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy,
as explained on the web.

Demo proposals are limited to 2-page abstracts, in the same ACM
format as papers.

"Functional Pearls", "Experience Reports", and "Demo Proposals"
should be marked as such with those words in the title at time of

The paper submission deadline and length limitations are firm.
There will be no extensions, and papers violating the length
limitations will be summarily rejected.

A link to the paper submission system will appear on the
Haskell Symposium web site closer to the submission deadline.

Submission Timetable:

   Early TrackRegular Track  System Demos
   ---  ---
13th March  Paper Submission
1st  MayNotification
19th May   Abstract Submission
22nd May   Paper Submission
 5th June   ResubmissionDemo Submission
26th June   Notification   Notification Notification
19th July   Final papers due   Final papers due

Deadlines stated are valid anywhere on earth.

In this iteration of the Haskell Symposium we are trialling a
two-track submission process, so that some papers can gain early
feedback. Papers can be submitted to the early track on 13th March.
On 1st May, strong papers are accepted outright, and the others will
be given their reviews and invited to resubmit. On 5th June early
track papers may be resubmitted, and are sent back to the same
reviewers. The Haskell Symposium regular track operates as in
previous years. Papers accepted via the early and regular tracks are
considered of equal value and will not be distinguished in the

Although all papers may be submitted to the early track, authors of
functional pearls and experience reports are particularly encouraged
to use this mechanism. The success of these papers depends heavily
on the way they are presented, and submitting early will give the
program committee a chance to provide feedback and help draw out
the key ideas.

Program Committee:

Mathieu Boespflug- Tweag I/O
Edwin Brady  - University of St Andrews
Atze Dijkstra- Utrecht University
Tom DuBuisson- Galois
Torsten Grust- University of Tuebingen
Patrik Jansson   - Chalmers University of Technology
Patricia Johann  - Appalachian State University
Oleg Kiselyov- Tohoku University
Edward Kmett - McGraw Hill Financial
Neelakantan Krishnaswami - University of Birmingham
Ben Lippmeier (chair)- Vertigo Technology
Hai (Paul) Liu   - Intel Labs
Garrett Morris   - University of Edinburgh
Dominic Orchard  - Imperial College London
Matt Roberts - Macquarie University
Tim Sheard   - Portland State University
Joel Svensson- Indiana University
Edsko de Vries   - Well Typed


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Haskell Symposium Experience Report Advice Page

2013-04-30 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Dear Haskell Hackers,

I have started an advice page for people that plan to submit experience reports 
to the upcoming Haskell Symposium, based on my experience as a PC member last 

Haskell Symposium experience report acceptance rates are typically lower than 
for full papers, and it would be good to improve this. Please add any comments, 
links or insights you may have to the above page.

If you are planning to submit an experience report... then also read the page! 


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANN: Disciplined Disciple Compiler (DDC) 0.3.1

2012-12-23 Thread Ben Lippmeier

The Disciplined Disciple Compiler Strike Force is pleased to announce the 
release of DDC 0.3.1. 

DDC is a research compiler used to investigate program transformation in the 
presence of computational effects. This is a development release. There is 
enough implemented to experiment with the core language, but not enough to 
write real programs.

New Features

 * Compilation via C and LLVM for first-order programs.
 * Cross-module inlining.
 * An effect-aware rewrite rule framework.
 * Generation of LLVM aliasing and constancy meta-data.
 * More program transformations:
Beta (substitute), Bubble (move type-casts), Elaborate (add witnesses),
Flatten (eliminate nested bindings), Forward (let-floating),
Namify (add names), Prune (dead-code elimination), Snip (eliminate nested 

 The following people contributed to DDC since the last release:
 Tran Ma- LLVM aliasing and constancy meta-data.
 Amos Robinson  - Rewrite rule system and program transforms.
 Erik de Castro Lopo- Build framework.
 Ben Lippmeier  - Code generators, framework, program transforms.

Full release notes:

Further reading:

For the impatient:
  cabal update; cabal install ddc-tools

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] The end of an era, and the dawn of a new one

2012-12-06 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 06/12/2012, at 3:56 , Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Particularly valuable are offers to take responsibility for a
> particular area (eg the LLVM code generator, or the FFI).  I'm
> hoping that this sea change will prove to be quite empowering,
> with GHC becoming more and more a community project, more
> resilient with fewer single points of failure. 

The LLVM project has recently come to the same point. The codebase has become 
too large for Chris Lattner to keep track of it all, so they've moved to a 
formal "Code Ownership" model. People own particular directories of the code 
base, and the code owners are expected to review patches for those directories.

The GHC project doesn't have a formal patch review process, I think because the 
people with commit access on d.h.o generally know who owns what. Up until last 
week I think it was "SPJ owns the type checker and simplifier, and SM owns 
everything else." :-)

At this stage, I think it would help if we followed the LLVM approach of having 
a formal CODE_OWNERS file in the root path of the repo explicitly listing the 
code owners. That way GHC HQ knows what's covered and what still needs a 
maintainer. The LLVM version is here [1].

Code owners would:
1) Be the go-to person when other developers have questions about that code.
2) Fix bugs in it that no-one else has claimed.
3) Generally keep the code tidy, documented and well-maintained.

Simon: do you want a CODE_OWNERS file? If so then I can start it. I think it's 
better to have it directly in the repo than on the wiki, that way no-one that 
works on the code can miss it.

I suppose I'm the default owner of the register allocators and non-LLVM native 
code generators.



Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Disciple Core Interpreter 0.2.1

2012-02-22 Thread Ben Lippmeier

The Disciplined Disciple Compiler (DDC) is being stripped down, cleaned and 
rebuilt with 100% less known bugs and unfortunate holes. The first pieces are 
now ready for human consumption, namely a new core language and interpreter for 

There is a tutorial including Hackage links here:

Read more about the project on the wiki:


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Haskell Implementors Workshop talk proposals due this Friday!

2011-07-19 Thread Ben Lippmeier
Call for Talks
ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Implementors' Workshop
Tokyo, Japan, September 23rd, 2011
  The workshop will be held in conjunction with ICFP 2011

Important dates

Proposal Deadline:  22nd July  2011
Notification:8th August2011
Workshop:   23rd September 2011

The Haskell Implementors' Workshop is to be held alongside ICFP 2011
this year in Tokyo, Japan. There will be no proceedings; it is an
informal gathering of people involved in the design and development
of Haskell implementations, tools, libraries, and supporting

This relatively new workshop reflects the growth of the user
community: there is a clear need for a well-supported tool chain for
the development, distribution, deployment, and configuration of
Haskell software.  The aim is for this workshop to give the people
involved with building the infrastructure behind this ecosystem an
opportunity to bat around ideas, share experiences, and ask for
feedback from fellow experts.

We intend the workshop to have an informal and interactive feel, with
a flexible timetable and plenty of room for ad-hoc discussion, demos,
and impromptu short talks.

Scope and target audience

It is important to distinguish the Haskell Implementors' Workshop from
the Haskell Symposium which is also co-located with ICFP 2011. The
Haskell Symposium is for the publication of Haskell-related research. 
In contrast, the Haskell Implementors' Workshop will have no
proceedings -- although we will aim to make talk videos, slides and 
presented data available with the consent of the speakers.

In the Haskell Implementors' Workshop we hope to study the underlying
technology. We want to bring together anyone interested in the nitty
gritty details necessary to turn a text file into a deployed product.
Having said that, members of the wider Haskell community are more than
welcome to attend the workshop -- we need your feedback to keep the
Haskell ecosystem thriving.

The scope covers any of the following topics. There may be some topics
that people feel we've missed, so by all means submit a proposal even
if it doesn't fit exactly into one of these buckets:

  * Compilation techniques
  * Language features and extensions
  * Type system implementation
  * Concurrency and parallelism: language design and implementation
  * Performance, optimisation and benchmarking
  * Virtual machines and run-time systems
  * Libraries and Tools for development or deployment


At this stage we would like to invite proposals from potential speakers
for a relatively short talk. We are aiming for 20 min talks with 10 mins
for questions and changeovers. We want to hear from people writing
compilers, tools, or libraries, people with cool ideas for directions in
which we should take the platform, proposals for new features to be
implemented, and half-baked crazy ideas. Please submit a talk title and
abstract of no more than 200 words to

We will also have a lightning talks session which will be organised on
the day. These talks will be 2-10 minutes, depending on available time.
Suggested topics for lightning talks are to present a single idea, a
work-in-progress project, a problem to intrigue and perplex Haskell
implementors, or simply to ask for feedback and collaborators.


  * Rebekah Leslie   (Portland State University)
  * Ben Lippmeier - co-chair (University of New South Wales)
  * Andres Loeh  (Well-Typed LLP)
  * Oleg Lobachev(University of Marburg)
  * Neil Mitchell - co-chair (Standard Chartered)
  * Dimitrios Vytiniotis (Microsoft Research)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Haskell Implementors Workshop 2011, Second CFT

2011-07-04 Thread Ben Lippmeier
Call for Talks
ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Implementors' Workshop
Tokyo, Japan, September 23rd, 2011
  The workshop will be held in conjunction with ICFP 2011

Important dates

Proposal Deadline:  22nd July  2011
Notification:8th August2011
Workshop:   23rd September 2011

The Haskell Implementors' Workshop is to be held alongside ICFP 2011
this year in Tokyo, Japan. There will be no proceedings; it is an
informal gathering of people involved in the design and development
of Haskell implementations, tools, libraries, and supporting

This relatively new workshop reflects the growth of the user
community: there is a clear need for a well-supported tool chain for
the development, distribution, deployment, and configuration of
Haskell software.  The aim is for this workshop to give the people
involved with building the infrastructure behind this ecosystem an
opportunity to bat around ideas, share experiences, and ask for
feedback from fellow experts.

We intend the workshop to have an informal and interactive feel, with
a flexible timetable and plenty of room for ad-hoc discussion, demos,
and impromptu short talks.

Scope and target audience

It is important to distinguish the Haskell Implementors' Workshop from
the Haskell Symposium which is also co-located with ICFP 2011. The
Haskell Symposium is for the publication of Haskell-related research. 
In contrast, the Haskell Implementors' Workshop will have no
proceedings -- although we will aim to make talk videos, slides and 
presented data available with the consent of the speakers.

In the Haskell Implementors' Workshop we hope to study the underlying
technology. We want to bring together anyone interested in the nitty
gritty details necessary to turn a text file into a deployed product.
Having said that, members of the wider Haskell community are more than
welcome to attend the workshop -- we need your feedback to keep the
Haskell ecosystem thriving.

The scope covers any of the following topics. There may be some topics
that people feel we've missed, so by all means submit a proposal even
if it doesn't fit exactly into one of these buckets:

  * Compilation techniques
  * Language features and extensions
  * Type system implementation
  * Concurrency and parallelism: language design and implementation
  * Performance, optimisation and benchmarking
  * Virtual machines and run-time systems
  * Libraries and Tools for development or deployment


At this stage we would like to invite proposals from potential speakers
for a relatively short talk. We are aiming for 20 min talks with 10 mins
for questions and changeovers. We want to hear from people writing
compilers, tools, or libraries, people with cool ideas for directions in
which we should take the platform, proposals for new features to be
implemented, and half-baked crazy ideas. Please submit a talk title and
abstract of no more than 200 words to

We will also have a lightning talks session which will be organised on
the day. These talks will be 2-10 minutes, depending on available time.
Suggested topics for lightning talks are to present a single idea, a
work-in-progress project, a problem to intrigue and perplex Haskell
implementors, or simply to ask for feedback and collaborators.


  * Rebekah Leslie   (Portland State University)
  * Ben Lippmeier - co-chair (University of New South Wales)
  * Andres Loeh  (Well-Typed LLP)
  * Oleg Lobachev(University of Marburg)
  * Neil Mitchell - co-chair (Standard Chartered)
  * Dimitrios Vytiniotis (Microsoft Research)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] CFT -- Haskell Implementors' Workshop 2011

2011-04-19 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Call for Talks
ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Implementors' Workshop
Tokyo, Japan, September 23rd, 2011
  The workshop will be held in conjunction with ICFP 2011

Important dates

Proposal Deadline:  22nd July  2011
Notification:8th August2011
Workshop:   23rd September 2011

The Haskell Implementors' Workshop is to be held alongside ICFP 2011
this year in Tokyo, Japan. There will be no proceedings; it is an
informal gathering of people involved in the design and development
of Haskell implementations, tools, libraries, and supporting

This relatively new workshop reflects the growth of the user
community: there is a clear need for a well-supported tool chain for
the development, distribution, deployment, and configuration of
Haskell software.  The aim is for this workshop to give the people
involved with building the infrastructure behind this ecosystem an
opportunity to bat around ideas, share experiences, and ask for
feedback from fellow experts.

We intend the workshop to have an informal and interactive feel, with
a flexible timetable and plenty of room for ad-hoc discussion, demos,
and impromptu short talks.

Scope and target audience

It is important to distinguish the Haskell Implementors' Workshop from
the Haskell Symposium which is also co-located with ICFP 2011. The
Haskell Symposium is for the publication of Haskell-related research. 
In contrast, the Haskell Implementors' Workshop will have no
proceedings -- although we will aim to make talk videos, slides and 
presented data available with the consent of the speakers.

In the Haskell Implementors' Workshop we hope to study the underlying
technology. We want to bring together anyone interested in the nitty
gritty details necessary to turn a text file into a deployed product.
Having said that, members of the wider Haskell community are more than
welcome to attend the workshop -- we need your feedback to keep the
Haskell ecosystem thriving.

The scope covers any of the following topics. There may be some topics
that people feel we've missed, so by all means submit a proposal even
if it doesn't fit exactly into one of these buckets:

  * Compilation techniques
  * Language features and extensions
  * Type system implementation
  * Concurrency and parallelism: language design and implementation
  * Performance, optimisation and benchmarking
  * Virtual machines and run-time systems
  * Libraries and Tools for development or deployment


At this stage we would like to invite proposals from potential speakers
for a relatively short talk. We are aiming for 20 min talks with 10 mins
for questions and changeovers. We want to hear from people writing
compilers, tools, or libraries, people with cool ideas for directions in
which we should take the platform, proposals for new features to be
implemented, and half-baked crazy ideas. Please submit a talk title and
abstract of no more than 200 words to

We will also have a lightning talks session which will be organised on
the day. These talks will be 2-10 minutes, depending on available time.
Suggested topics for lightning talks are to present a single idea, a
work-in-progress project, a problem to intrigue and perplex Haskell
implementors, or simply to ask for feedback and collaborators.


  * Rebekah Leslie   (Portland State University)
  * Ben Lippmeier - co-chair (University of New South Wales)
  * Andres Loeh  (Well-Typed LLP)
  * Oleg Lobachev(University of Marburg)
  * Neil Mitchell - co-chair (Standard Chartered)
  * Dimitrios Vytiniotis (Microsoft Research)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] New blog on Disciple/DDC development

2010-10-15 Thread Ben Lippmeier
The blog is at:

more about the project here:


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANN: gloss- Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.

2010-03-09 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice data type 
and a few display functions. Gloss uses OpenGL and GLUT under the hood, but you 
won't have to worry about any of that. Get something cool on the screen in 
under 10 minutes.

A simple animated example is:

  import Graphics.Gloss
  main = animateInWindow "My Window" (200, 200) (10, 10) white 
   $ \time -> Rotate (time * 100) $ Color red $ Line [(0, 0), (100, 100)]

"animateInWindow" first takes the name, size, position and background color of 
the window. The final argument is a function from the time (in seconds) from 
when the program started, to a picture. Once the window is open you can pan 
around, zoom and rotate the animation using the mouse.

Pictures of more detailed examples are at:

Try it out now with:
  cabal update
  cabal install gloss
  cabal install gloss-examples

then right-click drag to rotate the box..


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANN: The Disciplined Disciple Compiler - alpha 1

2008-03-19 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Hi All,
I'm pleased to announce the initial alpha release
of the Disciplined Disciple Compiler (DDC).

Disciple is an explicitly lazy dialect of Haskell which includes:
- first class destructive update of arbitrary data.
- computational effects without the need for state monads.
- type directed field projections.

All this and more through the magic of effect typing.

More information (and download!) available from:

DDC: more than lambdas.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Mixing monadic and non-monadic functions

2005-09-07 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Frederik Eaton wrote:

I want the type system to be able to do "automatic lifting" of monads,
i.e., since [] is a monad, I should be able to write the following:


and have it interpreted as "do {a<-[1,2]; b<-[3,4]; return (a+b)}".

print ("a: " ++ readLn ++ "\nb: " ++ readLn)

two lines are read and then printed. Does anybody for a moment
question what order the lines should be read in?

To do "automatic lifting" you need to do a (higher-order) effect 
analysis, then make sure the compiler doesn't rearrange applications 
which have conflicting effects.

One way of preventing the compiler from rearranging effects is to thread 
though a dummy variable - like a "World token", ala the IO monad - which 
makes the order of operations explicit as an extra data dependency, then 
compile the resulting code.

Another way is to use the effect information to lift the applications 
into a hierarchy of monads which represent how effectful the application 
is, then compile the monadic code directly. There's a paper by Andrew 
Tolmach called "Optimizing ML using a hierarchy of monadic types", which 
does exactly this.

Tolmach's approach worked ok, but there were some problems with higher 
order functions.. ie with map :: (a -E> b) -> [a] -E> [b] where E is 
some effect, you have to assume a worst case effect for the first 
argument - so any expression using map can't be moved around by the 
compiler - eg for the full laziniess transform.

Another way would be just to annotate every application with the effects 
it has, then have the compiler check these before it tries to rearrange 
anything - and have an extra rule that you can't suspend an application 
which has visible effects.

I am working on a compiler for my PhD project which takes this third 
option. I've got the effect analysis working, but I had to resort to a 
graph based type inference method - which is something that wouldn't be 
easilly added to something like GHC.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Who brought the monad to us?

2005-08-29 Thread Ben Lippmeier

I thing that Eugenio Moggi was the first to combine monads from category 
theory with the lambda calculus.

Check out:
Computational Lambda Calculus and Monads, Eugenio Moggi, 1988

It's citeseer page is at:


Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:


is it right to say that Philip Wadler was the one who invented monadic I/O or 
were there others who did so together with Wadler? I need this for my 
thesis. :-)

Best wishes,
Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Strictness question

2005-06-07 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Gary Morris wrote:

ioexptmod :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Int -> IO Integer
ioexptmod base expt n keySize = return $! exptmod base expt n keySize

My hope was that the use
of $! would force it to compute the exponentiation while I was timing

-- and the average times are around 30K clock cycles, suggesting that
it's doing the work, but I was wondering if it was possible that I was
missing something.

An expression like (f $! x) is only ever going to force x to whnf (weak 
head normal form).

To gloss over details: it'll reduce x far enough so it knows that it's 
an Integer, but it won't nessesarally compute that integers value.

If you want to ensure that something is actually computed in a lazy 
language, you need to do something with the result that *absolutely* 
needs a completely constructed object.. Printing to screen is a prime 
candidate, the system can't print something unless it's evaluated it.

Those 30K clocks suggest it's doing _some_ work. I wouldn't start making 
bets on what that work actually consists of though..

BTW: Haskell would have to be my absolutely last choice for 
experimenting with timing attacks against RSA.. Let's just say that I 
admire your courage! :)


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Implicit parallel functional programming

2005-01-19 Thread Ben Lippmeier
I thought the "lazy functional languages are great for implicit 
parallelism" thing died out some time ago - at least as far as running 
the programs on conventional hardware is concerned.

Designing an algorithm that breaks apart a "sequential" lazy program 
into parallel chunks of the appropriate size is **HARD** (with double 
asterixes). The time and space behavior of a lazy program is complex 
enough for the _programmer_ to reason about, let alone an automated 
analysis - which has no knowledge of what the program is actually trying 
to do.

I think a more likely approach lies in the direction of the so called 
"parallel strategies". If you haven't already, I would strongly suggest 
reading: Algorithm + Strategy = Parallelism, 1998, PW Trinder, et al.
You can get this paper from Simon Peyton Jones's homepage.

Also, at the end of Hans Wolfgang-Loidl's thesis he develops a 
granularity analysis for a Haskell subset - one of the first steps in 
any kind of implicit parallelism. It's a pretty good effort, but at the 
end of it all it still relies on a pre-existing table of information 
about recursive functions. I think that these kind of analyses tend 
suffer from uncomputability problems more than most.

If you've still got your heart set on implicit parallelism, then there's 
a (very slow) simulator you might want to poke around with. I wrote it 
based around Clem Baker-Finch's "Abstract machine for parallel lazy 
evaluation", which supports fully speculative implicit parallelism.

There's a link to it on my homepage at

Keean Schupke wrote:
I have to say I disagree... I feel Haskell is highly suited to implicit 
parallel execution... The key to "implicit" parallelisation is that it 
is implicit - not explicit, so the programmer should feel like they are 
programming a sequential language. If we can assume little memory access 
penalties for threads running on other CPUs (shared cache model), it 
seems to be a matter of putting locks on the right structures, and 
allowing any worker-thread to take the next function ready to run from 
the scheduler.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Strange "let"

2004-07-20 Thread Ben Lippmeier
What you've done is redefine the (+) function.. try 10 + 30 and see what 
you get.
Your local definition shadows the "real" (+) function defined in the 

let a + b = 3
is equivalent to
let (+) a b = 3

Jinwoo Lee wrote:
I'm a Haskell newbie.
I was trying several things with GHCi and found out that the expression "let
a + b = 3" does not generate any errors.
Prelude> let a + b = 3
Prelude> a
:1: Variable not in scope: `a'
Prelude> b
:1: Variable not in scope: `b'
What does "let a + b = 3" mean in this case?
I also tries with GHC compiler using the code below, but it generates no
main :: IO ()
main =
 do let a + b = 3
putStrLn "Hello"
Could somebody answer this?
Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Licensing problem, caused by static linking on windows

2004-07-04 Thread Ben Lippmeier
The problem is that on Windows, GHC statically links the program with
the libgmp library, which has an LGPL license. The LGPL license says
that we can distribute the executable under our own terms, [...]
You could write a C wrapper around a run-time loaded library. Cygwin 
supports dlopen() and friends so it might even be portable. You would 
statically link the wrapper code so GHC has the symbols it needs, but 
the actual functionality would remain in the original .dll / .so. 
Though, if you've used lots of functions from libgmp it might be a 
hassle to write the wrappers.

[untested example code]
foreign import ccall someFunction_Wrapper :: Int -> Int
int (*someFunction_WrapperSym)(int);
int someFunction_Wrapper (int x)
   return someFunction_WrapperSym (x);
void initWrapper ()
   void* handle = dlopen("where/is/", RTLD_NOW);
   someFunction_WrapperSym = dlsym (handle, "someFunction");

Haskell mailing list