Unicode stupidity (Was: Unicode support)

2001-10-24 Thread "Jürgen A. Erhard"

>>>>> "Marcin" == Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marcin> 30 Sep 2001 22:28:52 +0900, Jens Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
>> 16 bits is enough to describe the Basic Multilingual Plane
>> and I think 24 bits all the currently defined extended
>> planes. [...]

Just for reference... "currently" is the important word here.

[Snipped interesting and (hopefully) enlightening stuff about Unicode
and marketing]

Marcin> IMHO it would have been better to not invent UTF-16 at all
Marcin> and use UTF-8 in parallel with UTF-32. But Unicode used to
Marcin> promote UTF-16 as the real Unicode, and now it causes so
Marcin> many threads on Unicode list to clear the confusion about
Marcin> the nature of characters above U+.

IMPPOO is would have been (and would still be) better to simply say
"Here's UTF-8, and ISO 10646 is 31 bits, encoded as real 32 bit units
or as UTF-8".  That's the baseline.

None of that "But 21 bits *is* enough".  Yeah, like 640K was enough.
And countless other examples.

I thought we had learned, but I was wrong...  I'm especially
disheartened to hear that ISO bought into the same crap.

Bye, J

PS: Yep, this has been an entirely off-topic rant.  I simply couldn't
resist the urge, the need, to vent a bit.

 My WebHome: http://jerhard.org
   SPACE: Above And Beyond (http://www.planetx.com/space:aab)
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Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-06 Thread &quot;Jürgen A. Erhard"

>>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel M T Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Manuel> "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
>> > > The single Linux box we have in the Microsoft lab was severely hacked
>> from
>> > > the outside, they have moved to FreeBSD, which is supposed to be safer
>> (I
>> > > hope so).
>> >
>> > Morale: Never trust a Linux box at Microsoft :-)
>> The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not *at* Microsoft. I
>> doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)

Manuel> Now define Microsoft.  There definitely are Linux boxes at
Manuel> Microsoft Research, as we all know :-)

Manuel> There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
Manuel> company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
Manuel> easy to verify.

But easy to believe... I mean, wouldn't you take a good look at your
competition?  (Of course, Linux is no competition to Windows... or
rather the other 'round ;-)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard  eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
 MARS: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
   "We must learn from our mistakes,
   so we can make bigger and better ones." -- Bruce M Krawetz

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