[Haskell] Type Lambdas in Gofer

2007-07-31 Thread Jim Apple
The code in "Bananas in Space: Extending Fold and Unfold to Exponential Types"


uses Gofer, and has examples such as

data Rec f = In (f (Rec f))
type P f a = f (Rec f, a)

mapP :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> P f a -> P f b
mapP g = fmap (\(x,a) -> (x, g a))

instance Functor f => Functor (P f) where
fmap = mapP

Why did Gofer have this power while Haskell does not?

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: Even higher-order abstract syntax: typeclasses vs GADT

2007-01-22 Thread Jim Apple

On 1/22/07, Benjamin Franksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From my very limited understanding of these issues I would say it is not
possible, neither with type-classes nor with G[AR]DTs because it would mean
the return type of the function 'typecheck' would have to vary depending on
the input data, hence you'd need a genuinely dependent type system for such
a feat.

GADTs are darn near dependent types. Tim Sheard, James Hook, and
Nathan Linger caim that extensible kinds complete the equation in

"GADTs + Extensible Kinds = Dependent Programming"

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: ANN: Haskell98 termination analyzer (AProVE)

2006-09-11 Thread Jim Apple

On 9/11/06, Neil Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you give any examples of terminating Haskell programs that a human
can analyse (perhaps with a bit of thought), but that your system
can't? (I couldn't find any in your paper)

Euclid's algorithm is mentioned on the web page, if I remember correctly.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: kernel 2.6.11 and readline.so

2005-11-18 Thread Jim Apple

Irina Kaliman wrote:

# rpm -ivh ghc-6.4-1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libreadline.so.4 is needed by ghc-6.4-1.i386

Go to rpmfind.net
Type libreadline.so.4
Find the text "Fedora Core 4"
Install the compat-readline RPM

Fedora has compat projects for other old libraries as well.


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Type of y f = f . f

2005-03-01 Thread Jim Apple
Jon Fairbairn wrote:
If you allow quantification over higher
kinds, you can do something like this:
  d f = f . f
  d:: âa::*, b::*â*.(b a â a) â b (b a)â a
What's the problem with
d :: (forall c . b c -> c) -> b (b a) -> a
d f = f . f
to which ghci gives the type
d :: forall a b. (forall c. b c -> c) -> b (b a) -> a

It's too restrictive: it requires that the argument to d be
polymorphic, so if f:: [Int]->[Int], d f won't typecheck.
Oh, that's bad.
also requires that the type of f have an application on the
lhs, so f :: Int->Int won't allow d f to typecheck either.
This part I don't understand - isn't b anything in *->*? Can't b be the 
identity functor?

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Type of y f = f . f

2005-02-28 Thread Jim Apple
Jon Fairbairn wrote:
If you allow quantification over higher
kinds, you can do something like this:
   d f = f . f
   d:: âa::*, b::*â*.(b a â a) â b (b a)â a
What's the problem with
d :: (forall c . b c -> c) -> b (b a) -> a
d f = f . f
to which ghci gives the type
d :: forall a b. (forall c. b c -> c) -> b (b a) -> a
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Type of y f = f . f

2005-02-28 Thread Jim Apple
Is there a type we can give to
y f = f . f
y id
y head
y fst
are all typeable?
Jim Apple
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Why is getArgs in the IO monad?

2005-01-18 Thread Jim Apple
I still think I'm missing your point, but let me take a stab at it.
Conal Elliott wrote:
I'm suggesting you might better understand the
why of Haskell if you think denotationally (here about the meaning of
the [String] type), rather than operationally.
The meaning of a type seems to be about what happens operationally. ":: 
[String]" is an operational guarantee, so if we let "getArgs :: 
[String]" that is a promise that there is some list of Strings at runtime.

> I'm
guessing that none of those 2^32+1 values is what you'd mean by "length
Well, I suppose I mean something like an existential type: there is some 
Int that is length getArgs.

Even if this is denotationally different from a value like zero :: Int, 
I think it is also different from getLine :: IO String. It seems to mean 
something between these. I suppose my intuition is that it is closer to 
:: Int

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Why is getArgs in the IO monad?

2005-01-17 Thread Jim Apple
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
I like to think that pure functions don't change between executions.
I'd like to think they wouldn't change within executions. Is there a 
pure haskell way to check the value of a function between exections?

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Why is getArgs in the IO monad?

2005-01-17 Thread Jim Apple
Abraham Egnor wrote:
It's not a constant; see, for example, System.Environment.withArgs
That seems unnecessarily hack-ish. When would one use it when taking a 
[String] parameter would be inferior?

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Why is getArgs in the IO monad?

2005-01-17 Thread Jim Apple
Conal Elliott wrote:
If getArgs had type [String], then its denotation must be a (lazy) list
of (lazy) sequences of characters (extended by bottom).  For instance,
the expression (words "hello world") denotes the list ["hello","world"].
What list would "getArgs" denote?
I don't think I understand your (rhetorical) question.
It seems that, looking out at the world from main, the args passed to 
main and the compilation happen at the same time (before, long long 
ago). What motivation would we have for treating them differently?

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Why is getArgs in the IO monad?

2005-01-17 Thread Jim Apple
See subject. It seems that it would be constant through execution, and 
so could be just [String].

Haskell mailing list