Re: [Haskell] Better Exception Handling

2004-11-24 Thread Mark Carroll
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, John Goerzen wrote:
> I've been using Haskell for 1-2 months now, and feel fairly comfortable
> catchJust :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> (c -> a) -> c -> (b -> a) -> a

Yes, this was one of the first things that bothered me, too, when I
started actually writing much Haskell code: I wanted a non-monadic version
of try/catch. Because a pure function should always return the same value
given the same arguments, the behaviour of such a try/catch must be made
quite deterministic: for example, perhaps it should only return exceptions
generated in its own execution thread (to make it entirely synchronous),
and perhaps all the exceptions that could be generated in its evaluation
should be generated (so we don't learn anything about evaluation order -
after the first exception, we may need to carry on evaluating other parts
of the expression to find what other exceptions there are). I seem to have
learned to live with the lack of such non-monadic exceptions: often I use
monads for this sort of error propagation thing, but not the standard
try/catch in the IO monad because I avoid the IO monad wherever possible
because functions in the IO monad are so unconstrained by the type system
with regard to what effects they could have.

-- Mark
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] IO, exceptions and error handling

2004-06-14 Thread Mark Carroll
On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Keith Wansbrough wrote:
> to lose referential transparency.  What is the value of
> catchExcept (show (makeExcept "E1" + makeExcept "E2")) (\x -> x)
> ?  Haskell wouldn't be "purely functional" any more.

We've already had these issues raised on haskell-cafe when I've been
wanting non-monadic synchronous exceptions. (-: The answer is that you
evaluate all branches sufficiently to discover all the exceptions raised,
and maybe have an ordering on exceptions such that you can return
"answers" deterministically (as a list of ones that occurred or
something). I'll be happy to follow discussion of this on haskell-cafe but
will be reluctant to say much that I've already said (e.g. in December
2002's "Error Handling") for fear of boring everyone silly.

-- Mark
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Haskell and Artificial Intelligence

2004-04-21 Thread Mark Carroll
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, GAYLE, Orrett Orville wrote:

> I am having great difficulty finding resources with AI sysytems
> implemented in Haskell. If anyones knows of a book or site which covers
>  AI techniques implemented using haskell, could you please help me.

Ask me in a year or two, if you're still interested. This summer my
company will start trying to implement stuff inspired by Josephson's
"Abductive Inference" (Cambridge University Press) in Haskell.

-- Mark
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Haskell job (OH, USA)

2004-02-26 Thread Mark . Carroll
Aetion Technologies LLC seeks another high-quality programmer.
Development is mostly in Haskell, with some Java, mostly under Linux.
An ideal candidate is excellent at acquiring, applying, and writing
about new knowledge. Additional background in disciplines like
mathematics, science, engineering, etc. is also attractive.

Aetion's main customers are in defense and finance, so we prefer to
hire people who can likely get a security clearance, and who do not
object to developing military applications. Telecommuting isn't really
an option, but Columbus, Ohio is a nice enough city, and the work
tends to be varied and interesting - more challenging than mundane.
Although we work to build useful software, a lot of our activities are
at the leading edge of research, keeping us far ahead of competitors.

The vacancy has not yet been advertised more formally through the
usual HR channels. Aetion is most definitely an equal-opportunity
employer. It would be fine to direct questions and resumes directly to
me; I can pass them on to the right people where necessary.

-- Mark
Haskell mailing list

Re: Why are strings linked lists?

2003-11-29 Thread Mark Carroll
On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Interesting that you mention this.  I've also been thinking about this
> lately in the context of the discussion on collections and the left-fold
> combinator both here and on LtU.  When people say "I want String to be
> [Char]", what I'm actually hearing is "I want String to be a collection
> of Char".  I may be mishearing.

It did strike me that it would be interesting if you could make various
things instances of a List sort of class and then take, reverse, etc.
would work on them. How this relates to your comment, I'm not sure.
Things like map, of course, could work on unordered bags of things too,
but I suppose that's what Functors are for.

-- Mark
Haskell mailing list

Re: Question About lists

2002-12-30 Thread Mark Carroll
On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, Cesar Augusto Acosta Minoli wrote:

> Hello! I'm Working with Lists in Haskell, I´m a Beginner in Functional
> Programming and I would like to know if there is a way to write a more
> efficient function that return the length of a list, I wrote this one:
> long    ::  [a]->Int
> long p =  longitud p 0
>    where
>    longitud []   s=s
>    longitud (x:xs) s=longitud xs (s+1)
> but I think that it have a lineal grow O(n).

Yes, it's O(n), but you can't do any better for calculating the length of
a list. Your second parameter seems to be an accumulator which is the sort
of thing you'd make explicit in an imperative approach but can often be
eliminated in functional code - e.g.,

long [] = 0
long (x:xs) = 1 + long xs

A decent optimizing compiler will probably turn that code into something
that uses an accumulator. This code probably isn't any more efficient than
yours, it's just shorter.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: SUGGESTION: haskell-announce mailing list

2002-05-11 Thread Mark Carroll

On Sat, 11 May 2002, Jorge Adriano wrote:
> I like the actual haskell/haskell-cafe situation.

At least it seemed reasonable to me that many more people would be
interested in discussing proposed changes to the Haskell 98 spec. than
there are in wading through various newbie questions. I think the current
haskell/haskell-cafe distinction allows this quite well, separating
"important discussion" from other discussion.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: reading from file

2002-01-22 Thread Mark Carroll

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, S.D.Mechveliani wrote:

> Who would tell me, please, what is the simplest way to read a
> string from a file?
> Namely, what has one to set in place of `...' in the program
> main = putStr (...)
> to obtain instead of `...' a string contained in the file
> "foo.txt" ?

main = readFile "foo.txt" >>= putStr

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: not naming modules Main

2001-11-16 Thread Mark Carroll

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001, Iavor S. Diatchki wrote:
> having said all that, there seems to be a bug in ghc (or perhaps
> an implementation restriction), which requires that "main" is defined
> in the module "Main".  the only other haskell implementation i have

Actually, what would be nice in ghci is to be able to :load modules that
don't have "main" defined. Followups should probably go to one of the GHC
lists though, I guess.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: suggestion

2001-10-22 Thread Mark Carroll

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Andre W B Furtado wrote:

> What do you all think about activating the mechanism that automatically
> includes the name of the list before the subject of a mailing list email?

I like the idea.

> For example:
> "[hugs-users] Installation problems" or "[haskell] newbie question". I think
> this would be a nice way to make massages more organized and help people who
> sign multiple lists. I heard somewhere that this is possible, isn't it
> Simon?

Yes, this list is run through mailman - one of the general list
configuration options should be the prefix for the subject line of list

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

RE: read-ing scientific notation

2001-10-12 Thread Mark Carroll

On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> | GHC is oddly particular about decimal points in "read"-ing in 
> | of Doubles in scientific notation. It seems that read 
> | "3.0e-06" is acceptable but read "3e-06" is not (both read 
> | "3" and read "3.0" work fine as Doubles). It's the same in 
> It's an unforced change and therefore to be regarded with
> deep suspicion. I'd be interested in people's views about this.

I was actually recently caught out by this - I'd assumed that 3e-06 would
work (as it does in Modula-3, etc.), and it didn't. Personally, my
preference would be for it to mean just the same as 3.0e-06 - it's
annoying having to go through my physical constants now adding the
rather-redundant ".0"'s everywhere. (-: But, with the sort of parsing I'm
doing, "terms" are largely separated by whitespace anyway; maybe if they
weren't I'd want things different.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Namespaces (was Re: GUI Library Task Force)

2001-10-10 Thread Mark Carroll

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Hal Daume III wrote:
> least) is that the Java compiler knows how to interpret the "."s and
> will use them to navigate directory structure.

Yes, that's certainly an interesting idea. I'd like to fall short of
mandating anything about location of source files in any language spec,
though: although I can see that people probably find Java's imposed
semantics useful, personally I find them irritating and wouldn't want to
shackle everyone to them.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: RFC: GUI Library Task Force

2001-09-24 Thread Mark Carroll

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> At 2001-09-24 05:44, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> >* The library focuses on graphical *user interfaces* (ie,
> >  buttons, menus, scrollbars, selection lists, etc) as
> >  opposed to drawing and animation routines.
> Java has APIs for both, I believe.

It does indeed, at least enough for my purposes.

> >* We will not design a "purely functional GUI":
> Same.

Pity; the idea does sound intriguing. (-: (I know nothing about them
though, hence the smiley.)

> >The Plan
> >
> >* Handling of state altered by both the application and by
> >  GUI widgets:
> I'm not sure what the issue is here.

I guess the point is that the application needs to be able to drive GUI
events itself, and it also has to be able to respond to actions by the

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: RFC: GUI Library Task Force

2001-09-24 Thread Mark Carroll

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Ch. A. Herrmann wrote:
> Many applications where GUIs are used require a canvas/scribble field
> with the following basic functionality:

Absolutely. The only reason I've found Java usable is that I can make my
own Canvases and LayoutManagers and 'implement' many GUI components myself
- its standard offering is adequate for the sorts of thing you'd use
VisualBasic for, but not for wierder stuff. (-:

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Application letters at the Haskell workshop: suggestion

2001-09-15 Thread Mark Carroll

Mike - I hope you don't mind passing this to the list - but it's a great,
simple explanation of a big problem with my approach.

On 14 Sep 2001, Mike Gunter wrote:

> The problem is not a loss of referential transparency but the
> requirement that evaluation order must be specified.  E.g.
> what should
> raise "left" + raise "right"
> return? 

Ah! Yes, I see what you mean - this explains what Andy Moran was thinking,
probably. (-: Moreover, if we have a pseudo-Haskell code snippet like,

 f (a 1) (b 2)
 error-1 -> 1
 error-2 -> 2
 a _ = raise error-1
 b _ = raise error-2

... then is the return value of this 1 or 2? AFAICS a simple way to get
out of this is to only have one exception type that carries no information
instead of different ones so we can't distinguish one exception from
another, but that's obviously not great.

One other thing you could do, which might mean a bit more evaluating than
you otherwise would have done, is to evaluate enough to find out what the
different possible "first exception"s are, gather them all up, and the
handler that operates is the first applicable one if you list the
higher-level 'catch' statements before the lower ones (so there's a total
order on the handlers for exceptions arising from any particular
expression within an evaluation). So, in this case, we detect that error-1
and error-2 were both thrown, but we return '1' because the error-1
handler was listed before the error-2 handler, just as we do with pattern
matching IYSWIM.

So, maybe we do have a way to resolve this that doesn't reveal evaluation
order, with the penalty that we have to evaluate enough to discover which
possible exceptions get thrown so that we really do use the 'first'
applicable handler.

I'm also subscribe to haskell-cafe if people think this discussion should
migrate to there.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Carroll

On 14 Sep 2001, Jeffrey Palmer wrote:
(snip) [ good stuff ]
> Thoughts?

A shortage of volunteers? I get the impression that there's a reasonable
consensus on what needs to be done; it's just that too few of us have the
time and expertise to execute it.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Carroll

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Bill Halchin wrote:

>    Probably this question has been brought before. Besides the Preludes,
> why doesn't
> Haskell have libraries like Java, Squeak (Smalltalk). I found this:

I'm puzzled - it does! - see for some of

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Application letters at the Haskell workshop: suggestion

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Carroll

I may as well send my reply to the list too, then! (-:

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mark Carroll wrote:
> > Oh, certainly, but couldn't the compiler do all the rewriting for you,
> > though, so existing code would still work and new code would still look
> > nice?
> I'm not sure how this would interact with type inference; what's the
> difference between a function that I mean to be rewritten and one that I
> don't?  Perhaps what you're wanting is that every type implicitly has an
> exception constructor tacked on.  This is in effect what one gets with the
> exception extension.

Yes, I suppose you're correct, although I'd add that I'd expect that the
compiler could often do lots of optimisation so that it only needs to
check for the exceptional condition when checking the result of a function
from which exceptions can arise, and in that case it can go right up to
the handler, so in practice I bet that you could implement this without
every single calculation being tainted by such overhead even though
there's no semantic difference.

> > (Although, the main point of my Succeeded/Exception example is just
> > to show that for much exception stuff monads needn't be necessitated.) 
> I'm not sure what you mean here.  For hand-written exception code, monads make
> the code easier to read in most cases.  But I don't think you mean that; it
> sounds like you mean "exceptions can be expressed already, so there's no need
> for new stuff".  I don't buy that in general (since otherwise, why not just
> use the raw lambda calculus, or Turing machines), or in this specific case,
> since the encoding is a lot of work, and needs to be done for almost
> everything you might use (including things one usually doesn't have access to,
> like the Prelude and library code).  But maybe you don't mean that.  

I sort of do mean that, with the compiler doing the work you mention.
There would be "new stuff" in how the "throws/catch" stuff the programmer
would write would interact with how the compiler would implement the
synchronous exceptions, but it would look reasonable to the programmer and
not require them to catch such exceptions from within monads.

> Well, if you can deal with only catching in the IO monad, then what you want
> is avilable now, with the extension (GHC only at the moment I think). 
> Otherwise, you're stuck encoding it.  Now, you may well be able to structure
> your code better if you employed an exception monad (not the IO monad, just an
> ordainary monad), or perhaps a continuation monad.  (Aside: it seems as though
> you're lumping general monads, usable anywhere without affecting the rest of
> the program, together with the IO monad, which is the top-level
> put-impure-things-here monad.  It's important to see that there's a
> difference.  I apologise if you do; if you don't, feel free to ask probing
> questions.)

(-: Really, I just want to be able to use exceptions that behave more or
less as I've suggested without having to catch them from within monads. It
would indeed be especially irritating to have to catch them all within the
IO monad, as I would now if I wasn't doing the ugly manual encoding that I
currently have to that I figure could easily be done behind the scenes
with some much nicer syntactic sugar on top.

I may not understand monads enough, though. I think of them being
inextricably linked with actions, probably sequenced ones, and I'm wanting
to use exceptions in purely declarative code where actions shouldn't be
relevant concept. Perhaps I should be writing this code in a monadic
style, though, and thinking in terms of actions.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Application letters at the Haskell workshop: suggestion

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Carroll

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Mark Carroll wrote:
> simplistic (but adequate for my immediate needs, which are currently
> being served with lots of ifs and Maybes!).

Oh - and I should add, lots of two-tuple return values which are basically
of the form (Maybe a, error details). ):

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Application letters at the Haskell workshop: suggestion

2001-09-14 Thread Mark Carroll

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Further clarification: the extension allows you to _raise_ exceptions in pure
> functions, but you may only catch them in the IO monad.
> This asymmetry is very important for Haskell, since otherwise evaluation order
> would be observable.  This would break many important equalities and render
> almost any optimizations unsafe (i.e., GHC would be crippled).  ML allows one
> to catch exceptions in pure functions with impunity, and can do so because
> evaluation order is fixed.  The story is similar for imperative languages.

For the sort of exception where the function you're calling either returns
successfully or throws an exception, I'm not sure why things can't be done
entirely referentially transparently. One would do it in just the same way
that something might return a 'Succeeded a' or 'Exception String' or
something as aspects of an algebraic data type. The function, whenever it
does something that might cause an exception, if it gets a 'Succeeded a'
returned it goes ahead and returns something based on the a, or else it
returns the Exception String, except if there's a 'catch' which specifies
some other value to return if there was an exception. Basically, such
simple exceptions can have a 'try', 'catch' construct simply being
syntactic sugar around existing Haskell using algebraic types, pattern
matching and 'if' statements, so I don't see why monads need to be brought
in. Evaluation is done exactly as usual - when you decide to do something
predicated on whether or not there was an exception thrown, we evaluate
enough to find out if an error condition happened.

However, there is a lot I don't know about Haskell! I assume you're
talking about some more exciting sort of exception, like things with
multiple threads or something, and I'm thinking of something more
simplistic (but adequate for my immediate needs, which are currently
being served with lots of ifs and Maybes!).

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-13 Thread Mark Carroll

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> wxWindows is quite C++ centric and AFAIK nobody has made a
> serious effort at a C++ FFI yet.  One of the big advantages

Of course, wxPython also exists - I assume that the emphasis on object
orientation is the problem?

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-13 Thread Mark Carroll

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
> As such, I would like to see a focus on making Haskell great for web
> application and web service development.  Some of the the pieces required
> are application level, some are libraries, and some are language features.
> Here is my quick take:
> I know this is a lot of work, but it was what you get from Python, Perl,
> and Java.  If Haskell wants to compete in this arena, it needs to provide
> this level of service.  Also, I think a lot of these exist in pieces, so
> the real work is in compiling it all into a good usable package.  I am not

For what little it's worth, I'm encouraged just to see people talking like
this lately: such things would make a lot of difference in making me much
more comfortable about using Haskell for non-trivial commercial

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-12 Thread Mark Carroll

It seems like a common thread is a shortage of willing programming effort
so that things may be maintained and improved. Would it be worth thinking
about how to promote Haskell in communities where people might be willing
and able to contribute to the work?

(Much thanks to the people who are already part of it.)

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

STRAW POLL: comp.lang.haskell (fwd)

2001-07-19 Thread Mark Carroll

People should be aware of this article that was recently posted to
the newsgroup comp.lang.functional.

--- start of forwarded message ---
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeffrey M. Vinocur)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.functional,news.groups
Subject: STRAW POLL: comp.lang.haskell
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:31:05 + (UTC)
Message-ID: <9j6ufp$fil$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm volunteering to take a straw poll to see whether we should
try proposing comp.lang.haskell as a new newsgroup, possibly
gatewayed to a mailing list.  Currently Haskell-related traffic
is in comp.lang.functional, and some people feel that it is a
sufficiently-large portion of the traffic there to warrant a
separate group.

Opinions should be sent to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

What we're really trying to determine is how many people would
respond to an eventual Call For Votes in news.groups.  There
would first be a discussion period to hash out the details of
things like mailing list gatewaying.  (There is some discussion
going on in comp.lang.haskell at the moment, feel free to join
in there.)

Reasonable choices for opinions are "Yes", "No", "Yes, provided
it's gatewayed to a mailing list", "Yes, provided it's not
gatewayed to a mailing list", "Will abstain from voting but don't
want it gatewayed to the mailing list", etc.

Note that a perfectly rational justification for wanting a
separate group is because you read comp.lang.functional and want
the Haskell traffic elsewhere; you need not be interested in
reading a Haskell-only group.

I'll post a summary of results, mmm, early next week, perhaps.
So please reply promptly.

Jeffrey M. Vinocur
--- end of forwarded message ---

Haskell mailing list

Re: Notation question

2001-05-28 Thread Mark Carroll

On Mon, 28 May 2001, Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza wrote:

> Just a very naive question, because I'm really curious. I've seen in 
> previous messages here discussions about type systems using this kind of 
> notation:
> >  G |- f :: all x::S . T   G |- s :: S
> >--
> >  G |- f s :: [s/x]T
> I'd never seen it before, and a few searches I've launched over the net 
> have turned up just a couple more examples of this notation, but without a 
> single reference to how it works or what it means, or even what it's 
> called, for that matter.
>I'd appreciate any pointers.

I'm far from the right person to have a go, but while we're waiting for
someone who knows what they're talking about:

I bet that |- is 'entails'. My impression of it is rather like 'implies',
but clearly that's not quite right or we wouldn't need a different term
for it.

The . might be 'such that'.

The thing below the - might be a consequence of the two things above

The [s/x]T means, probably, "T with s substituted for any occurrence of
x". (Did I get that the right way around?)

I hope that's a start.

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Existential Type Declarations in Hugs

2001-05-03 Thread Mark Carroll

On Thu, 3 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> BTW, what is this "Skolem constant" that's referred to in the error message 
> that I received?

A combination of and may answer that for you. (-:

(It was too long ago now for me to remember much, and I'm not sure where
my notes are, so I daren't attempt an explanation myself!)

-- Mark

Haskell mailing list