
The following code:
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a Tree Tree

double :: Tree Int -> Tree Int
double Leaf
    = Node 1 Leaf Leaf
double (Node myKey leftTree rightTree)
    = Node myKey (double leftTree) (double rightTree)
caused an error message:
ghc-6.4: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.4):
        Unify.unifyTauTyLists: mismatched type lists!

Please report it as a compiler bug to glasgow-haskell-bugs@haskell.org,
or http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghc/.

The desired code (without polymorphic types) can be achieved without error using:
data Tree = Leaf | Node Int Tree Tree

double :: Tree -> Tree
double Leaf
    = Node 1 Leaf Leaf
double (Node myKey leftTree rightTree)
    = Node myKey (double leftTree) (double rightTree)

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