[Haskell] (Succ Haskell') `and` $ dependent types

2007-07-14 Thread Vivian McPhail


As the authors point out [1], coal-face time needs to be expended before
real world adoption of Dependently-Typed functional programming.  But let's
get the ball rolling.  They say that haskell programmers are normally averse
to dependent types.  Is this true?  It seems to me that one of the appeals
of Haskell is the ability to program in a "prove perfect, write once"
(elegant) style.  Is not dependent typing a good move towards this goal?.
It addresses a problem [2] with which we, in our everyday common
inter-hominem usage, can deal -- with which (ideal) Haskell should deal.

While the major Haskell implementations would require a substantial
overhaul, the change at the syntactic level appears to be minimal.  There
also needs to be advance with respect to programmer development (automatic
edit-time inference of (some) types). What are peoples' thoughts on adding
dependent types to haskell as a non-incremental evolutionary step?  Does the
haskell community want to stick with conservative additions to Haskell and a
static base, or does the haskell community want to stay in step with the
best theoretical developments?


[1] http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~loeh/LambdaPi.html
[2] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/21314
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] sweet bananas, lenses, and other miscellaneous brackets

2005-09-25 Thread Vivian McPhail

Just as we can define infix operators as syntactic sugar, 
could we not also have a similar mechanism for programmable fancy 
There could be a keyword for the bracket declaration and a 
function definition, in this way ana- and catamorphisms, Template Haskell-like 
syntax, and set notation could become a regular feature of the language. I 
am more interested in the general idea than the syntax of this specific 
bracket (( _ )) :: a -> Ana a
bracket (| _ |) :: a -> Cata a
bracket [ _ | _ |] :: Char -> b 
-> Splice -- or whatever  
bracket {[ _ , .. ]} :: [a] -> SList a
((( _ ))) :: a -> Ana a
(( x )) = Ana x
((| _ |)) :: a -> Cata a
(| x |) = Cata x
([ _ | _ |]) :: Char -> b -> Splice
[ c | t |] = case c of
-> doC t
-> doD t -- or whatever
-- the idea of this bracket is to create a user-defined 
list-type structure
--    {[ "the" , "lambda" , "calculus" 
-- would have the value
--(SCons "the" (SCons "lambda" (SCons 
"calculus" SEmpty)))
({[ _ , .. ]} :: [a] -> SList a
{[ [] ]} = sempty
{[ x:xs ]} = scons x {[ xs ]}
Any thoughts?
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] manipulating untyped lambda-calculus in Haskell

2005-04-30 Thread Vivian McPhail

I am writing a NL parser in Haskell, relying on combinatorial 
grammar for the syntactic derivation.
Each word has an associated syntax and semantics, the semantic 
term is a lambda _expression_ loaded at run-time using hs-plugins.
I  : np   : 
 :: Sem m a
love : s\np :  :: Sem m a
Predicates in english can have up to 5 arguments, and some of 
these arguments are functions, so the type of Sem m a is an enumeration of the 
types that we can build up from (STT m a) and (->).
I started by enumerating this by hand:
data Monad m => Sem m a = ZSem (SST m 
a)   | USem (SST m a -> SST m a)   | 
BSem (SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a)   | TSem (SST m a 
-> SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a)   | QSem (SST m a 
-> SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a)   | 
FSem (SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a -> 
SST)   --   | U1Sem ((SST m a -> SST m 
a) -> SST m a)   | B1Sem ((SST m a -> SST m a) -> 
SST m a -> SST m a)   | T1Sem ((SST m a -> SST m a) 
-> SST m a -> SST m a -> SST m a) \end{code}
then what I need is a function to apply these:
applySem :: Monad m => Sem m a -> Sem m a -> Sem m 
aapplySem (USem a) (ZSem b) = ZSem $ a bapplySem (BSem a) (ZSem b) = 
USem $ a bapplySem (TSem a) (ZSem b) = BSem $ a bapplySem (QSem a) (ZSem 
b) = TSem $ a bapplySem (U1Sem a) (USem b) = ZSem # a b applySem (B1Sem 
a) (USem b) = USem $ a bapplySem (T1Sem a) (USem b) = BSem $ a bapplySem 
(T2Sem a) (ZSem b) = B1Sem $ a bapplySem (B12Sem a) (USem b) = U1Sem $ a 
bapplySem _ 
_    = error "application of Semantic 
My typing system ensures that only the correct functions will 
be applied to each other (the typing system manipulates lambda terms with an 
additional type (Stc Name (Sem m a)).  A complete parse will reduce the 
lambda terms to closed terms containing only App and Stc, no Var or Lam.  I 
can then use applySem to reduce the term to a single (Sem m a) type, which I can 
then run.
What I have done thus far is enumerate by hand, but for full 
coverage for 5 argument predicates I need to list 5^5 data constructors and 
entries in the applySem function.  For theoretically complete coverage I 
would need to enumerate all possible types constructed from (STT m a) and 
It seems that I must be missing something?  Is there a 
more elegant way of doing this?
One can make the observation that the applySem function 
always applies a function of type (b -> a) to a function of type b to 
yield a function of type a.
I suppose I could write a code generator (in 
haskell) that enumerates all possible derivations of (STT m a) and (->) 
but there would still be 5^5 data constructors.
Vivian McPhail 

PS Is there something I can do with the Typeable class of 
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Running haskell from within Haskell

2005-01-18 Thread Vivian McPhail

Dear All,
I have a parser which has entries for each word, such 
ate  = s \ np / np  : ^x y.did(eat y 
so each word has a type (s \ np / np) and a semantics (the 
lambda term ^x y.did(eat y x)).
Currently I parse the semantics into lambda terms and use my 
own lambda-interpreter to do evaluation.
"I ate a python programmer" would be 
evaluated as:
did(eat I (a python programmer))
What I would like to be able to do is actually 
use haskell functions in the semantic slot for each word.  This 
requires parsing a fragment of a file into haskell and then making it 
available as code within my program.
Is this possible?
for example:
kicked = s \ np / np : \x y -> 
case x of
(the bucket) = did(die y)
_= did(kick y x);
Thanks in advance.
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Simple question about IO in hugs and ghc

2004-09-26 Thread Vivian McPhail

When I run my main function I get an error:
The prompt does not wait for user input and thus my parser 
fails with an empty head.
Is there a switch to not echo to the console?  Is this 
the problem?  It happens in both Hugs and GHC
main :: IO ()main = do 
   putStr "sentence? 
"   input <- 
getLine   case input 
of            "quit" -> 
putStr "bye.\n"            
_  -> do 
            let res = get_result $ 
proof $ do_proof $ getInput input    
        in if res == 
        then putStr ("-> 
        else putStr ("-> " ++ (show $ unJust 
res) ++ "\n")       

Sample output:
$ mmccg.exe
Fail:  Prelude.head: empty list

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] State Transformers and Control.Monad.ST.Lazy

2004-06-20 Thread Vivian McPhail

>From the very helpful posts of John Hughes and others concerning 
"Monadic Loops",  I've been advised to re-implement my neural net 
simulator using lazy state threads to avoid crashes to which recursive 
(and tail-recursive) monads lead.

I had been using monad transformers to lift IO operations:

data NeuralNet = NN { ... }

data NNO a = NNO (NeuralNet -> (a,NeuralNet))

data NNT m a = NNT (NeuralNet -> m (a,NeuralNet)) 

following the example of a state transformer in "Functional Programming 
with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism".

I am trying to reimplement with 

data ST s a

from Control.Monad.ST.Lazy and "Lazy Functional State Threads"

however there is something I think I do not understand, that is the "s" in 
the ST dataype.  The compiler tells me it needs to be instantiated, but I am 
presuming that a type such as

type NNST = ST NeuralNet a

is useless because there is no way (from this module) to access that 
state using the "update" method of the MonadState class.

1. Am I correct in thinking that I need to use a monad transformer lifting 
from the ST monad to incorporate my NeuralNet datatype

2. Can I merely instantiate ST as ST () a?

Thanks in advance.

Vivian McPhail
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Monadic Loops

2004-06-17 Thread Vivian McPhail

I've implemented a Neural Net simulator which needs to repeat a training loop 
many times. For this I used a while function: while test body = do
  (cond,res) <- body
  if (test cond) then do rs <- while test body
  return (res:rs)
  else return [res]
However, when I run the program, the interpreter falls over after a few 
thousand iterations, running out of space. I think that this is because the 
Monadic implementation of the while loop actually nests functions of type (a 
-> M b) and there is a maximum ?stack size. 

Is there a better way to implement (possibly infinite) loops in Haskell? 

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Monadic Loops

2004-06-17 Thread Vivian McPhail

I've implemented a Neural Net simulator which needs to repeat a training loop 
many times. For this I used a while function: while test body = do
  (cond,res) <- body
  if (test cond) then do rs <- while test body
  return (res:rs)
  else return [res]
However, when I run the program, the interpreter falls over after a few 
thousand iterations, running out of space. I think that this is because the 
Monadic implementation of the while loop actually nests functions of type (a 
-> M b) and there is a maximum ?stack size. 

Is there a better way to implement (possibly infinite) loops in Haskell? 

Haskell mailing list