This is a first release of the Parsec 3, the Google Summer of Code of
Paolo Martini.

The main changes are:
    * The Parser monad has been generalized into a ParserT monad        

    * The parsers have been generalized to work over a stream of any 
      type, in particular, with byte strings.

    * There is Haddock documentation for almost all functions in the 
      Text.Parsec tree.

    * The Parser monad now has Applicative/Alternative instances

    * A "compatibility" Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec tree for the old 
      Parsec.  It's not perfect, but it should work with most Parsec 2

This package should be installable from with cabal install or with the
standard cabal invocations.

Cabal release:

The darcs repository is at:

Note that this package is a new version of the parsec package and so
will hide the old parsec- package.

I would like to thank Antoine Latter for a variety of significant
patches including updating the compatibility modules and a large effort
testing them.

[P.S. I will probably be lacking an Internet connection over the next
few days.]

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