[One-liner version: please submit workshop/tutorial proposals for GPCE 2008.]

The conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering
(GPCE) had some functional programming input over the last few years.
It is a good idea to continue this trend. For instance, Haskell-hosted
ideas of meta programming and more general (FP-based) ideas of staged
programming are at the heart of GPCE. Likewise, aggressive
optimization and advanced modularization concepts are in the
intersection of the Haskell crowd and the GPCE scope. This year's GPCE
conference again co-locates with OOPSLA. We are looking for strong
proposals for workshops and tutorials that complement the GPCE
technical programme, and thereby also contribute to the combined
GPCE/OOPSLA programme. It will be great to get a submission or two
from the Haskell community. Please have a look at the call for
proposals, at the list of topics, and at the history of the GPCE
conference series.  For instance, it would be appropriate to see a
workshop or a tutorial on type functions, general type-level
programming, hygienic templates or macros, advanced partial
evaluation, FP refactorings, component programming in FP, ...,
something like that.

I specifically encourage you to reach out for the crowd at GPCE/OOPSLA
so that we extend our impact.


[Deadline: 20th March]

Ralf Laemmel
Satellite Chair GPCE 2008

PS: The paper deadline for GPCE is in May.
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