IFM 2007

    Sixth International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods
                  2nd - 6th July 2007, Oxford, UK


                  First Call for Technical Papers

The design and analysis of computing systems presents a significant
challenge: systems need to be understood at many different levels of
abstraction, and examined from many different perspectives.  Formal
methods---languages, tools, and techniques with a sound, mathematical
basis---can be used to develop a thorough understanding, and to
support rigorous examination.

However, further research into effective integration is required if
these methods are to have a significant impact outside academia.  The
IFM series of conferences seeks to promote that research, to bring
together the researchers carrying it out, and to disseminate the
results of that research among the wider academic and industrial
community.  Original, technical contributions are invited in all
aspects of formal methods integration, including:

 * the application of one or more formal methods as an integral part
  of a process of analysis or design

 * the development or extension of one method, based upon the
  inclusion of ideas or concepts from others

 * the addition of formality to informal or semi-formal modelling
  languages, tools, or techniques

 * the combination of different formal methods, in terms of semantic
  integration or practical application

The programme of accepted contributions will be supported by a series
of workshops and tutorials, including a doctoral symposium.

Important dates:

The deadline for full paper submission is January 29th, 2007.  Authors
will be notified on or before March 19th, 2007.  Details of the
electronic submission process will be made available at the conference

Conference location:

IFM 2007 will be held at St Anne's College, Oxford: one of the larger
colleges of the University, with excellent facilities for conferences
and workshops.  Additional facilities will be available in the new
Computing Laboratory building, less than 5 minutes' walk from the
College grounds.  Oxford is easily reached from most UK cities, and is
70 minutes from the country's largest airport.

Programme committee:

Didier Bert, Institute IMAG, Grenoble, France
Eerke Boiten, University of Kent, UK
Jonathan Bowen, Museophile Ltd, UK
Michael Butler, University of Southampton, UK
Paul Curzon, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Jim Davies, University of Oxford, UK
John Derrick, University of Sheffield, UK
Steve Dunne, University of Teesside, UK
Andy Galloway, University of York, UK
Chris George, United Nations University, Macau
Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
Wolfgang Grieskamp, Microsoft Research, Redmond, US
Henri Habrias, University of Nantes, France
Maritta Heisel, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Soon-Kyeong Kim, University of Queensland, Australia
Michel Lemoine, ONERA, Toulouse, France
Shaoying Liu, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Dominique Mery, LORIA, France
Stephan Merz, LORIA, France
Richard Paige, University of York, UK
Luigia Petre, Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland
Jaco van de Pol, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, The Netherlands
Judi Romijn, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thomas Santen, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Steve Schneider, University of Surrey, UK
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research, Redmond, US
Kaisa Sere, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Jane Sinclair, University of Warwick, UK
Graeme Smith, University of Queensland, Australia
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore
Bill Stoddart, University of Teesside, UK
Kenji Taguchi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK
Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn, Germany
Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland, Australia
Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK

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