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                LAST CALL FOR PAPERS      

       Workshop on Principles of Abstract Machines 

               in conjunction with the 
   Joint International Symposia SAS'98 and PLILP/ALP'98 
                    Pisa, Italy 
              14-18. September 1998 

This CFP is also available online:

Recently the topic of abstract machines has got a new boost 
by the success of the Java Virtual Machine. For many years 
abstract machines have been designed for different sorts of 
languages including imperative, object-oriented, eager 
functional, lazy functional, constraint and logic languages, 
as well as hybrid languages. The goal of this workshop is to 
bring together researchers and developers working on different 
language paradigms. We are especially looking for papers which 
investigate principles underlying several abstract machines,
analyse the relation of language semantics and abstract 
machines or discuss implementation alternatives. 

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: 

    * relation to programming language semantics 
    * relation to program analyses (or non-standard semantics) 
    * comparison of implementation techniques 
    * just-in-time compilation 
    * garbage collection 
    * internet programming (e.g. security, fault-tolerance) 
    * analyses of abstract machine programs 
    * compiling other languages to JVM 
    * hybrid languages 
    * concurrency 

Important Dates

    Submission Deadline: Friday June 19 
           Notification: Friday July 24 
          Final version: Friday August 14 


The submission deadline is June 19. Papers will be 
reviewed by the program committee. Papers must describe
original, previously unpublished work, and must not be 
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. They 
must be written in English, must not exceed 10 pages 
(Springer LNCS format, excluding references and figures), 
and must contain a cover page containing the following: 
a 200-word abstract, keywords, postal and electronic
mailing addresses, and phone and fax numbers of one of 
the authors. Submission is electronic (up to exceptions) 
via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Stephan Diehl (Saarbruecken, Germany) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Peter Sestoft (Copenhagen, Denmark)   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Program Committee

    Michael Franz (Irvine, California) 
    Michael Hanus (Aachen, Germany) 
    Pieter Hartel (Southampton, UK) 
    Peter van Roy (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

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