J.P. Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on the dataflow list:

 >  I have been in the IT business for about 40 years, and have been
 >   maintaining PL/I programs intensively for the last year or so.  In 1994
 >   I wrote a book called "Flow Based Programming" which was quite well
 >   received.  It describes a technique for developing big applications as
 >   networks of asynchronous processes communicating via streams of
 >   formatted data chunks.  In fact this technique has been in continuous
 >   use for the last 30 years at various places I have worked (surprise!),
 >   and I feel it has proven its usefulness.  It also leads very naturally
 >   to the concept of mini-languages, where a given process can be written
 >   in a language appropriate to the application area.  However, designing
 >   such a language is non-obvious!  As a result of my work, I feel pretty
 >   sure that both variables and constants are undesirable - variables
 >   because they are very sensitive to the timing of events, and constants
 >   because they usually aren't!
 >   Now, even if we replace variables by entity attributes, in most
 >   languages I am familiar with the coding schemes are usually mathematical
 >   - i.e. most variables are either binary, packed decimal, BCD, etc.  What
 >   I am looking for is a language where most values have dimension, which
 >   constrains the operations that can be performed on them.  E.g.
 >   - currency can be added, but not multiplied
 >   - currency can be multiplied or divided by non-dimensioned quantities,
 >   but not added to them
 >   - distances can be added; if multiplied, you get area; multiply again,
 >   and you get volume!
 >   - dates can be subtracted, but not added; number of days can be added or
 >   substracted to/from a date
 >   - etc.
 >   Further, dimensioned quantities are measured in units, so it would be
 >   nice to be able to add miles to kilometers - I don't care what unit is
 >   used for the result, so long as it is identified.  Currency conversions
 >   are more problematic, as a) the rate changes frequently, and b) there is
 >   often a charge, so some amount of cash has to be sent somewhere else!
 >   If your answer is OOP, it must be symmetrical (the permitted operations
 >   must depend on the types of all variables - in which case, how do you
 >   manage all the combinations?) - the popular OOP languages are
 >   asymmetrical, which is not acceptable.

Multi-parameter type classes in Haskell.



GHC User Manual --- Section about Multi-parameter type classes:




 >   Also, the language must be
 >   natural to non-programmers - business types ought to be able to express
 >   business rules without having to learn some abstruse notation...

Well, Haskell looks more like a kind of mathematical notation than
the kind of programming language (C, COBOL, Java) most non-programmers
are used to consider as non-natural, so it might fit your ideas ;-)

More seriously:

There has been quite some research about using Haskell as background
for domain-specific languages, so the the approach to follow would
require some real Haskell programming to set up the necessary classes
and combinators, and then business-type sticking-together
of these building blocks.

See the home page of Paul Hudak for DSL work:


A recent thread on the Haskell mailing list discussed units:

Search for ``Units'' in:


This message also goes to the Haskell list.

Best regards,


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