Anatoli Tubman wrote:

T> How can I *efficiently* print (i.e. find the decimal, or in
T> general N-ary, representation of) large Integers, like factorial of 10000?

Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  replied

A> Use hbc?  It uses the gmp routine to convert an Integer to a String.
A> Converting 10000! to a String takes much less time than computing it.

The cost of computing N-ary digit(s) of some  f(n)  
may change in many times, depending on what special method is applied
for the given  f. 
Consider, for example, 8-ary digits for  2^n.  They cost almost nothing.
Probably, the initial question concerns mathematics rather than 
programming, or a programming tool choice.

Sergey Mechveliani

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