"Rohan Drape" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> (and are biased to using many single threaded
> connections, hence wait design etc.)

that was a little terse, to clarify: 

wait in hosc discards any non-matching messages in the queue until it
receives the waited for message.  

error handling at sc3 is subtle.  

most commands can fail in some way, and if they do they send back a
/fail message.  if synchronous commands succeed they send nothing.
asynchronous commands will send back either a /done message at some
unknown time in the future, or a /fail message.

it is also possible to request various notification messages, which
can arrive at arbitrary times.

and bundles and cascaded errors make this more complicated still.

there are obviously many approaches to working with this.

sclang uses global shared state, which doesn't translate well to
haskell or to a many-lightweight-processes environment.

so, when using haskell i:

1. view /fail messages as fatal user error and don't attempt to
monitor them, instead relying on the scsynth stderr text to work out
what went wrong.

2. send all async commands using the hsc3 async function which is just
(send fd ... >> wait fd "/done").

wait ought to time out so that getting a /fail in place of a /done
does not hang the interpreter but there is a problem with the socket
library so the relevant code in hosc is commented out, see:


3. use separate threads for any notification monitoring (and only
monitor for /tr messages).

4. use a single short lived udp connection per 'interaction' with the

the most notable problem with this approach is node & buffer id

i think the correct way to address this is to write [s|g]_new &
b_alloc variants at scsynth that allocate a known unused identifier
and reply with an /id message.

it seems that it ought to be possible to make this fast enough, but
i'm not expert enough to know how, and it's not likely to interest the
sc3 people as they have the global-state-at-client solution all coded

however, this'd allow for independent processes to safely use the

at present one needs to have a separate process that allocates ids and
hope that all other processes go through that mechanism, which is a
pain & in any case unreliable in the general case.

(given the nature of the server the only process that actually
*definitely* knows what id's are in use when a _new/_alloc message
arrives is the server itself...)

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