
I am interested in participating in this year's Google Summer of Code.
One of my proposals is going to be to write and extend existing
Haskell wrappers and API's for web services.

Some of the popular web services that I use are Google Maps, Flickr,
digg, reddit, Facebook and twitter, Quick google searches reveal that
great haskell tools already exist for twitter, while there is an
ongoing project for a Facebook API by Jeremy Shaw. I couldn't find any
haskell projects for the other tools.

I find this project interesting primarily because I use these tools
and would like to have haskell interfaces to them. Along with tools
like Happstack, these interfaces would extend the power of haskell for
developing Web 2.0 apps and mashups.

I would like to enquire about the community's opinions and interests
in such a project. I would also appreciate any suggestions either
pertaining to any other web services.

I have created a ticket at

Hrushikesh Tilak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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