I have a file in my repo (HSX11/Xauthority.hs) and I want to rename it changing just case of one letter:

bash$ darcs mv HSX11/Xauthority.hs HSX11/XAuthority.hs

darcs failed: A file or dir named HSX11/XAuthority.hs already exists in working directory.

bash$ ls HSX11/X[aA]*.hs

bash$ darcs --version
1.0.3 (release)

DARCS was compiled by GHC 6.2.2.

bash$ uname -a
Linux dmghome 2.2.16 #9 Mon Sep 16 22:43:25 EDT 2002 i686 unknown

Is it DARCS that ignores the case of letters in filenames, or the Haskell runtime?

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT

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