Hi Roman,

   Template Haskell should be the preferred way to
cope with these "boilerplate" code problems.

Template Haskell: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Template_Haskell

Note: I'm a beginner myself so please wait for a more informed response.


2009/9/28 Roman Naumann <roman_naum...@fastmail.fm>:
> The following function converts the data read from an sql database to a
> player data structure.
> toPlayer    :: [SqlValue] -> Player
> toPlayer sx = Player {
>                 plID       = fromSql (sx!!0),
>                 plAccount  = fromSql (sx!!1),
>                 plForename = fromSql (sx!!2),
>                 plSurename = fromSql (sx!!3),
>                 plPos_x    = fromSql (sx!!4),
>                 plPos_y    = fromSql (sx!!5)
>              }
> It appears to me, that I have to write this boilerplate code every time I
> introduce a new data structure that has to be read from the sql database.
> Can you think of a way to automate this?
> Thanks for your replies,
> Roman Naumann
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