Hiya everyone. I'd like to announce the release of a little CLI program I 
whipped up. It's called mueval 

Mueval grew out of my discontent with Lambdabot: it's really neat to be able to 
run expressions like this:

07:53 < ivanm> > filter (\ x -> isLetter x || x == '\t') "asdf$#$     dfs"
07:55 < lambdabot>  "asdfdfs"

But lambdabot is crufty and very difficult to install or run. IMO, we need a 
replacement or rewrite, but one of the things that make this difficult is that 
lambdabot uses hs-plugins to get that sort of evaluation functionality, and 
hs-plugins is half the problem. We want some sort of standalone executable 
which provides that functionality. Now, 'ghc -e' is obviously unsuited because 
there is no sandboxing, so what I've done is basically marry the GHC API (as 
rendered less sharp-edged by Hint) with a bunch of resource limits and 
sandboxing (as largely stolen from lambdabot).

The end result is an adorable little program, which you can use like this:

 bash-3.2$ mueval --expression '1*100+1'
 Expression type: (Num t) => t
 result: "101"

 bash-3.2$ mueval --expression "filter (\`notElem\` ['A'..'Z']) \"abcXsdzWEE\""
 Expression type: [Char]
 result: "\"abcsdz\""

Note that mueval will avoid all the attacks I've been able to test on it:

 bash-3.2$ mueval --expression 'let x = x in x'
 Expression type: t
 result: "mueval: Time limit exceeded

 bash-3.2$ mueval --expression "let foo = readFile \"/etc/passwd\" >>= print in 
 Expression type: IO ()
 result: "<IO ()>"

 bash-3.2$ mueval --module System.IO.Unsafe --expression "let foo = 
unsafePerformIO readFile \"/etc/passwd\" in foo"
 mueval: Unknown or untrusted module supplied! Aborting.

Anyway, it's my hope that this will be useful as an example or useful in itself 
for people endeavouring to fix the lambdabot situation or just in safely 
running code period.

You can download mueval at the usual place: 
<http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/mueval>. (There 
will probably be a darcs repository at some point.)

Mueval isn't feature-complete yet. The last thing I want to add is an ability 
to change the current user to 'mubot', which presumably the user will have set 
up to have access to next to nothing much like is already often done with 
daemons, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this - the only 
suitable function I've found is 'setUID', and that requires one to be root...

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