I'm happy to announce PastePipe (v1.3)!

PastePipe reads from stdin and publishes whatever it reads to the
hpaste instance of your choice (defaulting to hpaste.org).  This makes
it trivial to.....

   * post a file to hpaste.org:   `cat <file> | pastepipe'
   * turn a terminal into a pastebin window: 'pastepipe'  (ctrl-d to
close & send)
   * upload error output as a paste: 'faultyProgram | pastepipe -t
"faultyProgram error output" -l bash'
   * paste to a local hpaste instance: 'pastepipe --uri
   * add a title, select different languages, specify a user name,
etc... see pastepipe --help for details.

PastePipe will output the resulting url for your new paste to stdout,
so you can script it, or just copy / paste that as you need.


It is available on Hackage (so you can 'cabal install PastePipe'):

The project for pastepipe is hosted at Google Code, with the source in
   Homepage (issue tracker, etc):  http://code.google.com/p/pastepipe/

Mercurial repo:
    hg clone https://pastepipe.googlecode.com/hg/ pastepipe

Please let me know of any bugs / feature requests / etc. (or just post
them to the issue tracker.)

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