AusHac2010 will be held from the 16th to the 18th of July at UNSW, where we'll 
be working on various haskell projects such as:
The LLVM backend for GHC (I'm going to see if we can somehow get in contact 
with David T during the hackathon so we can discuss what can be done)
A Generic graph class
The Accelerate and Repa libraries for fast array computations
Hubris, the Ruby-Haskell bridge (Mark's done some really awesome work here, but 
I'm sure could use some help)
Leksah, the Haskell IDE written in Haskell
MPI bindings, to either bring the previous package alive from its bitrotten 
state, or create a new one from scratch
A Notification library for things like Growl and libnotify
A Library re-builder, extending haskell-updater for use with cabal-install, 
Arch, etc.
If you can come for any of the days we'll be hacking, we'd love to see you! But 
you'll need to sign up first (so you can get access to the UNSW wireless 
network). If you're not sure if you can make it, sign up anyway, you're not 
obliged to come, but mark yourself as only possibly being able to come. The 
signup page can be found at:
Sign up!: []
See the AusHac2010 wiki page [] 
for more details on what we'll be doing, and various other details.
We've already got 20-30 people coming hopefully, but the more we have the 
If you've already signed up using the previous form, you we still need you to 
fill out this new 2.0 version of the sign up form
If you have questions, please feel free to email me or Ivan (our addresses are 
the reply-to addresses for this email... I hope), or talk to us (Axman6, ivanm) 
on #haskell.

Alex Mason
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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