I'm forwarding this to haskell-cafe to catch any current or new
Boston-area Haskellers who haven't yet joined the BostonHaskell Google
group: http://groups.google.com/group/bostonhaskell

If you're interested in Boston-area Haskell activity, please join the
Google group so you won't miss out on relevant discussions and


 - Ravi Nanavati

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ravi Nanavati <rav...@alum.mit.edu>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 6:26 PM
Subject: [BostonHaskell] September meeting polls
To: bostonhask...@googlegroups.com

In the interests of getting the September BostonHaskell meeting
organized sooner rather than later (and because Doodle polling has
been successful so far), I'd like to take a different approach to
arranging the meeting. I've created three polls to get the
BostonHaskell community's opinion on the three decision points
required before I can organize the meeting:

1. When: https://doodle.com/upd74stbe4d95zpb
2. Where: https://doodle.com/fpicbvb927nbb72v
3. What (to talk about): https://doodle.com/7b8kkcb9queiv89k

If you're interested in attending the September BostonHaskell meeting,
please answer any of the polls you have opinions about. The first two
polls are approval polls (where you can indicate which alternatives
you approve of), while the third poll (about choosing which talks) is
a binary choice.

Thank you in advance for participating. I'd also love to hear any
comments people have on this new approach to organizing meetings.

Thank you,

 - Ravi Nanavati

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