Well, I answered my own question. Unlike UNIX, specifying a library
without the leading "lib" causes the library to not be found. Not sure
if that's a GHC linking problem or what. Changing the library
requirement to "libpq" in the .cabal file did the trick tho.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Justin Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 12, 2007 3:41 PM
Subject: Trouble using HDBC-postgres on Windows - can't find libpq.dll
To: Haskell Cafe <haskell-cafe@haskell.org>

I've compiled HDBC 1.0.1 and HDBC-postgresql-1.0.1 under Windows with
a little tweaking. However, when I try to run the tests I get this

  >runghc -package HDBC-postgresql  runtests.hs
  ghc.exe: can't load .so/.DLL for: pq (addDLL: unknown error)

libpq.dll is in my path, and I added the correct paths to the .cabal
file when I built it. Does anyone have an idea what might be the


p.s. I have postgres 8.2 installed if that matters.
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