It is that time of year again; the Google Summer of Code is upon us!

*Sign Up Information*

If you are a student and want to sign up to make $4,500 for hacking on the
code you love over the summer or are willing to help out as a mentor, now is
the time to act. Please sign up by adding your name to the list at:

I have extracted an initial list of interested mentors from Malcolm's
earlier inquiry to the cafe and have submitted our initial application to
Google. A strong list of potential mentors and students will help bolster
our case.

Our main wiki entry for the Summer of Code 2010 is now online:

If you are interested in applying as a student, here are some guidelines:

The official deadline for student applications with Google is April 7th, but
if you are interested please add your name to the People2010 page above, as
soon as possible.

*Interested in helping out, but not sure how?
There are a number of ideas that we've been collecting for projects
available through the trac

and which have been collecting over time in a reddit:

While the reddit is a great place to discuss proposals,  we had to choose
one mechanism to supply Google with our ideas officially, so please submit
proposals <> to the
trac if you can think of something you like to work on, or which would be an
appropriately beneficial project for a summer worth of work.

*Helping Out Darcs * is going to continue to act as an umbrella organization covering
darcs <> for the Summer of Code once more. If you are
interested in helping them out, they also have a page full of project ideas
as well:

Again, please submit
tickets to the trac if you can think of something you'd like to work

*More Information*

Here are a bunch of relevant links that may be able to answer your

Google's Summer of Code Homepage <>
Google's Summer of Code 2010
Google's Summer of Code 2010
Google's Summer of Code Wiki Knowledge

Of course, you can always feel free to email me <> or
inquire on #haskell-soc or with the darcs folks over on
#darcs for more information. If you don't have an IRC client, you can get
there from:

Thank you all very much and we look forward to another successful Summer of

-Edward Kmett
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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