[Haskell-cafe] Pulling a monad out of a functor

2007-03-05 Thread Bryan Burgers
Haskellers, Recently, I have come across a couple of situations in which I need to pull a monad out of a functor so to speak. The first time it was needed, I didn't think much of it, but the second time started me thinking whether there is already an existing construct for this. The type

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pulling a monad out of a functor

2007-03-05 Thread Bryan Burgers
http://haskell.org/ghc/dist/current/docs/libraries/base/Data-Traversable.html pull is sequence, fmapM is mapM (also see the sequenceA, traverse functions for the more general case of applicative functors vs. monads) Stefan Ah yes, thank you! Saying It seems to me that if this were a class,