
Thanks all.  I learnt quite a few things:

1. There was already an equivalent builtin function.
2. That the best function argument order is the least surprising one.
3. That I can choose my preferred function order by changing the name of the function.
4. That the most efficient way of doing something in Haskell can be so short.
5. Operators really are awesome.


On 10/22/06, John Ky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have this function here:

> endsWith :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
> endsWith suffix list
>   | lengthDifference < 0 = False
>   | otherwise = (drop lengthDifference list) == suffix
>   where lengthDifference = (length list) - (length suffix)

Would this be the preferred function argument order?  Or is the reverse (ie. endsWith list suffix) better?

I like being able to say "abc" `endsWith` "c", but I also like to be able to say map (endsWith 't') ["cat", dog"] but I can't have both.

By the way, is there a better way to write this function to be clearer and more efficient?



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