On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 17:10:07 -0400
>>>>>> "aditya" == aditya siram <aditya.si...@gmail.com> wrote:

aditya> Unfortunately literate programming doesn't really have the tool
aditya> support yet. I use emacs for Haskell development and loading
aditya> Haskell code in to the REPL will be an issue if you're editing
aditya> a noweb file. Currently this is the only thing keeping me from
aditya> starting a large (> 2000 LOC) literate project

Nobody mentioned Leo
(http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html) editor which works
as stand-alon editor or one can use it with Emacs/Vim...

I plan to use it for my project...



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